Monday, November 5, 2012

Letter # 486 October 2, 1944

New Guinea
Monday eve
Oct 2, 1944
Hello Babe darling;
I got another package today.  Date on it was Aug. 26.  That's good time for that one.  I haven't kept track but it seems to me there should be another one or so before that one.  This one had a round tin Christmas box with candy, three P.A's, one flat fifty of Chesterfields, a roll of film, a thermometer, a box of peanuts and some more funnies.  Bar of soap and those soap papers.  They're something new to me, never even heard of them.  They might be handy though.  Everything was in good shape but the candy.  It had all melted and run together.  It was plenty good though when I got it separated from the paper.  Ate it with a spoon.  Only trouble it didn't last long enough.  Oh yes, there were some more tea bags too so I can bloody well have my cup o' tea before I retire.  Honey, you are doing a grand job of sending me things.  So many little things I'd never even think of and yet they help out a lot.  You're a very sweet girl and I love you a lot.  Smart too.
I did my duty today and voted.  So that is out of the way and you won't need to give me any more pep talks on the subject.  I never have been one to talk politics and don't think I ever will.   It's similar to arguing religion.  No end and no proof of anything.
I also sent you a check for $110.00.  It'll probably get to you by the end of the month. Now, don't forget, honey.  I'd like you to buy yourself a Christmas present at least, if nothing more.  At the rate I can save money over here, I'll have more on the way before the first of the year.  We'll spend it some day when we can have some fun out of it.  That means we'll be together.  I can't seem to get nearly as much kick from things when you aren't with me.  So help me, honey it's the truth.  I'm a lost man without my special woman.
I got another note from Steve today.  He talks as though he would be soon on the move north and doubts very much if he'll get in this area again.  Oh well, we'll meet again somewhere, maybe the next time at home,
 I hope.
He says his drunk wasn't on jungle juice.  One taste cured him the same as it did me.  He says he still has 20 qts. he brought over with him so I'd say he was well supplied.  Would last me a long time.  That's for sure.  Since we've been married a couple of quarts seemed to last us nearly a year.  Don't need alcoholic spirits when I have you.  You can make me feel so good.  Even float a little.
He was wondering about Claude, if he was still the same as always, and etc.  I guess he kinda wanted to see him in the army.  That would be wishing a lot on any one.
Leo tells me tonight that he received a cable today, informing him that he is the father of an eight pound son.  
His wife and son are both doing nicely and he's pretty tickled about it.  Guess I would be too, only I'm still glad we haven't and aren't going to have any until I'm home by you. We better hadn't anyhow or I'll be forced to believe you cheated on me.  Don't think for a minute that I'm worried about that.  I'm not and never would be under any circumstances.  I know my Babe.  Love her too.  When we have our first offspring
 I want to be right there and not 10,000 miles away.  It took the cable four days to get here.
I was certain I wouldn't get any letters today and I didn't.  Can't get them in fives and get them everyday.  I've plenty of them to answer so I'm not hurtin.  I'm not as good at writing a nice long letter without one to answer as you are.  Still can't talk like you can.  'Course, you're smarter than I am too, and that makes a difference.
Now for the letters:  Honey, you would make a swell publicity agent for someone from the sounds of things.  You seem to be doing a swell job of spreading my letters around to acquaintances and friends.  That's swell, honey.  I can't write to all of them and yet, I don't want to be forgotten.  Who knows?  I might want to go into politics or something like that and need all the old friends I had in and around Medina.
You're developing so many of your latent talents that I'm beginning to believe you'd be a better bacon getter  than I could ever be.  You're some girl. honey.  I'm loving you and very proud of you.
So you have another mouse to trap for now. Being in the basement, I'll bet he came in with the coal or while the coal was being put in.  I don't think you ever said if they troubled you upstairs anymore.  Do they?  Anyhow, I know you can take care of catching them so why am I speculating on it?  I'm glad to hear we have a crop of acorns and the squirrels are already coming for them.  They're such cute little buggers.  Too bad we can't have a crop of acorns every year.  Maybe we can figure out a way of feeding them and attracting them on the lean years.  If we have better luck than we had with the birds.  That's another thing, along with the plans for cribs, bunks, and names, for you to file away for reference.  Plans for bird and squirrel feeders.  You probably see a lot of such things in your everyday work now.  My librarian.  I like that.  Better than my teacher, I think.  My wife, is still the only real title.  I love you, sweetheart.
Sept 19.  I haven't heard from Jim either.  I wrote last.  It must have been over six weeks.  He has probably moved or been busy or something.
It surely does seem that you or I or both of us do have a  lot of really swell friends around home.  It takes something like this to really sort them out.  I'm going to have a lot of favors to return one of these days.
Gosh, two new first line tires and one other.  I guess that should put the old car on her wheels for some time as far as footwear is concerned.  I'm glad to hear that Art thinks the old girl will run you through the winter.  I   had rather doubted it. She is behaving like all our friends.  Coming through in swell shape. Everybody and everything seems to want to do things for you  I know why too.  It's cause you're so sweet and nice to do things for.
Uh Huh, I guess I was nearly correct in my summing up of your picture.  I thought you had purposely gone to a lot of trouble to be all fixed up like I like you.   No lack of the old personality in that picture.  I could sure maul you good if you'd only get within reach. I've seen that look before and it usually netted you a mauling and more and you wanted it too.  I do like that picture an awful lot.  I love you more than that.  Mom mentioned the one you gave her and liked it a lot.  You're beautiful.  Did you know it?
I have the other package so you can tell me about it now. I like it too.  No kidding, honey.  I do.  Our motor officer complimented me on such a nice identification bracelet today.  See, I'm wearing it and others like it too.
I guess I'll call this a letter whether it is or not, and get me some shut eye.  I'm a sleepy head these days.  Can you believe it?  Maybe you'll have to wake me up to get any action from me.  Night, sweetheart, I'm loving you so much and missing you like hell.
I forgot to say your thermometer registered 110 in the sun and 102 in the shade. Rather cool day too.  Bye, lovely and luscious.
Your hubby.

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