Sunday, August 19, 2012

Letter # 476 September 22, 1944

New Guinea
Friday eve
Sept 22, 1944
My Gorgeous armful;
You are an armful too.  A big one.  I know.  I got something when I get hold of you.  Very precious something too.  I love you.  Wish I had an armful of you right now.  Bet you'd get squoze as you've never been squoze before.  I'm hungry for a hunk of you.  Gosh, it's nearly six months now and that's way too damn long to be away from you.  Something about you.  I always want to be near you.  The nearer the better.  Think it's because you're so nice and sweet and beautiful and satisfying?  That's got a lot to do with it.  I love you.
No more letters today so I'll go on where I left off last night.  I was talking about the native dance.  I had just come in the day before from the hike and then walked about ten miles to see the dance.  Guess the hike must not have hurt me too much.  I'm tough.  Call me Jungle Jim now.  I guess I must have a queer makeup 'cause I really enjoyed the whole thing and most of the fellows hated it all.
As I was walking up to the dance I passed several young couples coming away from it.  I was struck by the happy look of them and more so by the fact that they were holding hands as they walked along.  I later learned for sure what I suspected at the time.  They were young fellows who had bought their first wife at the dance.  That look couldn't have meant much of anything else.  For them the dance had lost its interest.  Wonder what they had in mind?  I can't even venture a guess.  Ordinarily there is absolutely no show of affection or tenderness between man and wife.  In fact, it usually seems much the other way.  She is practically a slave.
You mention that their marriage vows are not held sacred at dance times.  In the first place there are no vows.  She goes to the highest bidder and is apt to be one of three or more wives.  Not a very good set up for fidelity.  After all, she is a female and maybe she likes someone else better than her husband.  Ain't it?
Every race of humans has its harlots and these people are no exception. At one of the missions they have a bad girl institution.  They have been trying to curb adultery among the natives and when a girl is caught cheating she is confined to this place for six months or so and not allowed to associate with any men.  These girls work the mission gardens and flowers and etc.  There were quite a few of them serving time too.  I can also see why.  They were, even to my eyes, the best looking bunch of "Marys" I've seen among them all.  They couldn't miss being popular.  All young and in their prime.  No men allowed, honey.  So don't worry.
In some tribes, when the husband dies or is killed the women are also killed.  That practice has been discouraged by the white men and where it has had effect, they find the widows usually become the village harlot.  Guess they are only human.
Another interesting bit of information I picked up is that they know and practice a sort of birth control after conception.  The  Aussies have tried for years to get the secret without success.  An unmarried girl or a wife that isn't to be that way and is, goes away from the village for a few days and comes back ready to start all over again.  Curious huh?
I guess I better get at these letters again or I'll never get them answered.
The Charlie I mentioned:  The bugler isn't in the picture.  He is in another company.  No I'm not any better at music than I ever was.  I was told the piece was "Lady in Red".  Hell, honey, I can hardly tell the difference between retreat and chow call.  Look at my watch to be sure.
Gosh, honey, I guess we will have to get busy on this Mom & Pop stuff.  Even the kids like Bob Kindig are getting way ahead of us.  When we get the chance we'll do our part or, if not, it won't be for lack of trying will it?
Your mention of Dick Elder reminds me.  He made the whole trip like a man and we had a picture taken together at the end of the trail.  Two Medina boys are staying in the same unit anyhow.
Still teasing me about your surprise, you devil.  I couldn't forget it if I wanted to, which I don't.  I like your surprises.  If they are all as nice as the surprise I have already gotten they are worth being teased about.  Then there are some other surprises you've given me in the past months that didn't come by mail.  [ Wish they could, damn it].  I'm talking about the kind you turned loose for the first time last year in Kentucky and then again, both times I was home.  That kind of surprises are my favorites but these others are swell as long as we can't do any better.  I'm going to expect some surprises when I get home again too.  Can you furnish 'em?  You're a surprising girl.  I think you can.  I'm so proud of you and love you so much.  You're my darling wife.  Gee I'm glad I gotcha Mummy.
Yes, honey, the worn out material in our sawmill was the big reason we gave it up.  We had gotten enough material to build the camp anyhow and now we have other things to do.
I had another letter from Steve and it's a good thing I didn't get a chance to try to find him.  He left the same day he wrote the letter.  Said he had 54 letters waiting for him when he got there.  That's quite a few.  Also he had gotten over his first drunk and was ok, only missing his wife plenty.  I know all about that.  I hope he wasn't drinking jungle juice.  If he was I bet he's cured now.
Jean's friend's brother isn't in this area and I don't know where that A.P.O. is.  New one on me.
While you're talking about boxes, it reminds me that I haven't sent any request for a couple weeks.  The same old stuff still goes.  I can use tobacco and soap and lots and lots of that candy and cookies you sent.  It sure tasted like more any time.  The tea and canned stuff went very good too.  I've used the last of the tea only last night.  I drink a cup of it while I sit here writing.  You do get swell ideas on what to send.  You're swell.  I love you.
I do like the idea of bunks for our upstairs only I'm not sure how they would work out.  I'll have to do a little drawing.  They would only be used in the small room 'cause we were figuring on the big one for us and I sure as hell don't want any bunks there.  I want you right in the same bed where you can wake me up once in a while as you've promised to do.  Bunks in the small room might work out and would be the thing for a son if we have one.  We'll think about it.
Getting pretty big for your pants aren't you?  Only working a couple weeks and doing it all by yourself.  Smart girl.  I'm so glad you like it so much.
I'm sorry about Harold getting the picture of me.  Steve was going to send them to you but I guess he can't be blamed for slipping.  Just married and then being shipped over right away.  Guess you'll just have to visit Helen once in a while if you want to see it.  There should be others also.  Maybe you'll get them yet.
Honey, I was crocodile hunting one day on our trip.  Got one too.  What do you think of that?  That's stretching things quite a bit.  I wasn't hunting.  I was swimming and it was entirely accidental and he was only a baby one.  I saw him floating along in the current and thought he was dead.  I picked him up and the poor little devil wasn't dead but darn near drowned.  Laid him on rock in the hot sun and gave him a bit of artificial respiration and in a few minutes he began to come to.  When he had sufficiently recovered he tried to make up in fierceness what he lacked in size.  He was only about a foot long and had hardly any teeth yet.  He did his best though.  Squirming, hissing, and trying to snap at us.  Gave him to a native.  Suppose he ate him.  See, you were beginning to get excited over nothing weren't you?
I'm told there are some, though, as big as 35 ft in length and so powerful they can easily drown a horse.  Gosh, I would like to have a crack at some of them.  I'm glad you're giving me permission 'cause I'm afraid I would anyhow.
The question about why Sgt Jarvis and now private Jarvis.  These ratings aren't any more permanent than any civilian job.  A man can be fired there.  Here, he's broken.
What do you mean, I always had some project that didn't include you?  If you remember I was always telling you, you should get out more and get some exercise, wasn't I ?  You just didn't take to it very much.  I had lots of work to do outside and Sunday was the best chance to do it.  I reckon it will be the same in the future, but it always includes you if you want it to.  We're partners in everything you know.  I like to have you around if you don't bother me so much I can't work.  Hard to keep my mind on work if you're too close.  You're a luscious, exciting devil to me and I love you so much.
I'll always be satisfied to get up first only I'll still want Mummy to get my breakfast. O.K.?
Now, I'm up to your Sept 3 letter so I'm catching up a bit.  Maybe I can finish up over the weekend.  I'm only hitting the high spots and not commenting on them as Id like to but, gosh, to do that on on two week's letters and still keep up on the current ones, is more than I could manage.  I think I'm answering all your questions.
Well sweetheart, here it is the end of another letter and another day.  Every one is just so much closer to the day when we won't have to talk and love by long distance letter.  It can't be too quick for me.  I may not be much of a talker but by talking and acting I think I can do better than by letter.  I'm loving you sweetheart.
Your hubby.

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