Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Letter # 472 September 19, 1944

New Guinea
Sept. 19, 1944
Tuesday, eve
My beautiful and neglected wife;
Hello. Honey. Your wandering man is back again and all in one piece too.  Not a bit the worse for wear.  The worst part of the whole thing was not hearing from you for so long.  I was hurtin in that respect and I don't mean maybe.  I was well rewarded though when I got back today.  A whole stack of letters waiting for me here.  In fact there were seventeen of them from my sweetheart and several others from other people.  There were also two packages from my lovely, both with lots of good stuff to eat.  Then there was another letter air mail package with a very beautiful ladies' picture in it.  Never knew that I believed in love at first sight, but I do now.  I just can't help it honey, but I'm so much in love with that girl that I'll never be satisfied until I can be with her and ask her to take over the duties of being my wife. [again].  Will you do it?  I'll promise to be good to you and love you all the time. - well, almost all the time anyhow.  Gosh, honey, you are a nice looking lady.  I love you so much.  I gather this picture was one of the surprises you have been teasing me about.  I didn't have the fainest idea what it was and didn't expect to get it so soon.  It was well worth all the teasing and waiting and curiosity it caused me.  Honestly, honey, you look good enough to eat.  You'd think I was going to, too if I could have you as close as your picture is.  I'm loving the picture as hard as I can and hoping you can get some good from it.  Can you?  Did you know that you even went up the trail with me?  You did.  My cigarette case is transparent and I put one of your recent snaps in it so I saw a lot of you every day.  Loved you too.
Honey, I suspect you're a devil, of course a very sweet one though.  I've been under the impression all along that you weren't wearing your hair up any more and here in this picture it's up again.  Did you do it just special for me like you did last summer when you came to Kentucky?  Bet you did.  You're sweet.  I loves you so much. Am I also right in thinking you have your special black dress on too?  There isn't quite enough of you showing to be sure but I suspect it.  Damn lucky photographer!  You look so sweet and happy, just like you were looking at me and, as you say, sending me all your love.  Now I'll have to arrange my pictures.  This one comes first now. [Even before the bare model girl].  How's that?  I do love it, honey.  Thanks a million.  You can pull that kind of surprise and teasing on me again any time.  It's worth it and I'm not kidding.  
I realize I was rather dumb not to guess what the surprise was.  Laugh, darn you.  It was the same procedure, exactly as you pulled last year before you sent the inside pictures of the house and, on top of that, you told me you were going with Marg to have Ronnie's picture taken.  Right?  
I don't care.  I'm glad I didn't guess what it was.  I opened the little bag and saw that bill of sale folder from Gibbs and I wondered "what the hell?"  Then inside I found the best picture of the best little wife in the world.  Grand surprise.  I love you, honey.  Can't hardly quit looking long enough to write a decent letter.  It's so real it seems you must be going to wink at me or say something.  Gosh, you look swell sweetheart.  I love you.  
I hope you haven't been hurtin or worrying too much while you haven't been hearing from me.  I know how empty and dull the days without letters are and I'm sorry as hell I saw fit to do you that way.  Hope you forgive me.  It really was worth a lot to me and I should have hated to miss it very much.  I've learned a lot about the island, the natives, the jungle, the "Aussies", and Australia.  Other things, too that I won't be able to write about, but can tell you soon, I hope.  I will write about all I can as I get around to it.  I've so many letters to answer and so much loving to catch up on it may be a few days until I get to it.  I still remember that I left my other trip in Los Angeles.  Don't worry.  I have a fair memory and will someday get around to it when I run out of more important things to talk about.  
Honey, you should have seen me when I came in today.  You wouldn't have liked me very much I bet.  I hadn't seen myself all the time I was gone but I sure felt like I had more hair on my face than on my head.  I guess that isn't saying very much, but it sure is true as can be.  I almost jumped when I looked in a mirror for the first time.  Must be a man 'cause I really had a beard.  Could have passed for a Mennonite any day.  Those whiskers were at least half an inch long and thick as hell.  Not a bit curly though.  Straight and bristly.  Hell of a job shaving them off.  Every half dozen would completely plug the razor.  I got playful and left a mustache and goatee and I think I looked pretty good.  Different anyhow.  You should see me with just a mustache.  Gable, himself.  
Now don't let it worry you.  You can be sure I'll never want to raise any hair on my face.  I never was so annoyed with anything in my life.  Itches and tickles like a bunch of ants walking over my face all the time.  I disposed of them as soon as I got in.  First time my face felt really clean in the past two weeks.  No sir!  No beard for me.  You either, if I remember correctly.  No matter how much I wanted one, I'd never have it as long as it kept you away from me.  I want you close and closer all the time.  I love you.
Now, for the boxes.  One, July 28 and one, Aug 10.  Both in good shape, and , believe it or not, everything was more than fit to eat.  The maple candy in the one had suffered most.  The ones in the coffee can were all melted and run together.  Ate 'em with a fork.  Sure didn't hurt the taste a bit.  The ones you wrapped in paper were dry and and a bit sugary but still taste plenty good.  I'm just telling you this 'cause I imagine you want to know.  I'm not complaining you can be sure.  Far from it.  You can do it again anytime.  The other box of cookies was swell.  Honest, honey, I'm not kidding.  They are as fresh and tasty as though made yesterday and not even broken up.  They're swell.  I'm sure going for them and so are the boys.
You can send more cookies and candy anytime.  That's almost an order instead of a request.  Gosh, sweetheart.  I guess I'll have to stop and hit the hay.  It's late.  I'll keep 'em coming again now.  Night, sweetheart.  You're so darn sweet and I love you so much.  
Your lover.

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