Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Letter # 468 August 31, 1944

New Guinea
Aug. 31, 1944
Hi Luscious;
I've got some news tonight to tell you about first of all.  I should go on and write the whole letter now and put the news at the end, just to tease you.  Deserve it don't you?  However, I'm going to be big and pass up the chance.  This news probably wouldn't be worth the price to you.
I got four letters tonight.  Two from you, Aug 18 &19, and one from Mom and Hazel. The other was from Steve.  That's the news part.  He's been here for a couple of weeks and only about 15 miles from me and we didn't know it.  He had lost my address in his luggage someplace and only found it this week. The letter was written on the 29th and I got it today.  When he wrote it he said he was going to be here only a couple days and if he could get any transportation he'd try to find me.  The two days are up but I'm trying to get away tomorrow and see if I can find him.  I hope so.  I'd really like to see him again.  He's seen you a lot more recently than I.  Maybe I'll get the same feeling you had when he saw you.  Remember?  Couldn't even talk.  My, my, such a girl.  I love you even if I do tease you.
If we don't meet this time the chances are very good that we will sometime soon.  He expects to be back and forth between here and his base quite often. We get a few letters back and forth and we can come close to locating each other.  If the opportunity presents, I may hitch a ride on a transport plane and look him up. All I need is two or three days leave.  Planes are always on the go and when there is room you're welcome.  It' only a couple hours by plane but a fellow can't be sure of a return the same day.  Now don't say anything, honey.  You once said I could fly home if I wanted to.  I fully intend to take a ride in one of those big fellows
someday anyhow.
He very plainly told me that I was right about married life.  Says there's nothing like it and wishes he had made the step long ago only then he wouldn't have had the same gal.  Sounds like the real thing doesn't it?  Like us, huh?  He couldn't have as nice a wife as I have I'm sure.  You're perfect.
She was on the pier to see him off.  Says he'd have done most anything to keep from leaving her.  Can you imagine all that in a letter from Steve?  I think his hard shell may be broken now too. It only takes the right woman to soften us hard shells up like putty.  We don't regret it a bit though.  I love it.
In the letter from Mom there is a little part I think you'll be interested in.  She was talking about Bob bringing his wife to be home with him and she says, verbatim, " I hope he is as well satisfied with marriage and has as nice a wife as you." Everyone thinks I'm lucky to have you.  I know I'm lucky.  I love you.
Her name is Jacqueline Stuck.  Blond and 19 years old.  Just your age when I started to go chasing you.  I don't care much for blonds though.  Strawberry blonds are my pick.  Of course I like brunettes too.  Especially one special brunette.  She's my ideal.  About 5 feet eight tall, chubby, built like a brick shit house, green eyes that turn black when she is aroused, sweet, full, red kissable lips, very pretty, no, beautiful is more descriptive, and on top of all that, she is sweet, loving, can be passionate, intelligent, faithful and the best little wife a man ever had.  Her name is Babe.  Know her?  I love her so much I hurt all over.
I think I always talked so much about red heads because they look so warm.  My brunette has become plenty warm for me [except for her feet] Hell, honey, you can have blocks of ice for feet for all I care.  I'd even love them.
It was pay day again today.  The last of Aug!  Gosh the time is really going by.  My lucky month coming up. I sure wish I was home to share that nicest part of the year with you.
Today we set our clocks back one hour. I suppose because of the coming summer.  Everything is ass backward here.  That only makes us 14 hours ahead of you.
I guess I forgot to say, I also got a V-mail from Marg.  Wood barracks, steam heat, running water, cool weather, and etc.  Doesn't sound much like N. Guinea does it?  She seems happy about it all.
Now for your letters again.  You wonder how I could surprise you. Well, honey, maybe you do know me and my capabilities, but the way I feel now after being away for five months, I think I'd be apt to be more passionate than you've ever seen me yet.  Wouldn't that be a surprise?  Seven is a pretty good score.  Want to bet I can beat it?
I guess you really must have liked the little card I drew for you.  You are so sweet and appreciate every thing so much.  How could I help loving you?  That's what makes me spend time trying to do things like that.  Did you like the anniversary one as much?  I didn't but it was the best I could think of.  You can tell Meryl McFadden she doesn't know what Willie would do if they were separated.  Makes a man do strange things.  Look at me.  Writing a letter every day and even trying to make cards to send you.  Does that seem like the old me?
You bet I got a kick out of the pictures.  What's the difference what caused all the enthusiasm?  What you got or the legs.  It's all you isn't it?  You know I love everything about you and there is lots to love.  I wouldn't say it was mean to send a guy in my position that kind of picture.  It is true that it rather arouses slumbering desires and memories but they're such sweet ones.  I enjoyed the stab of homesickness they caused.  Anyhow I had a lot of training in taking that kind of pain and more or less holding myself in check in the days before you were Mrs. Effinger.  Remember the condition I'd be in by the time I went home?  I always came back, didn't I?  You can send all that kind of pictures you want.  I'll love 'em all.
You are not really sorry that the picture caused me a "hard" night and you know it. I'm not sorry.  I'm glad I've got a thrilling wife.
Your threat to wake me up is all tucked away in my mind.  Not clear in the back either. I'll remember and be waiting.  We'll see.  When that happens I'd say you've reached your growth.
Night, sweetheart.  The last August letter to you I hope.  Next year I want to be saying "night" with you right close to me.  Closer the better.  Won't even make you stay on your side of the bed.  I love you.
Your hubby.

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