Monday, February 27, 2012

Letter # 450 August 13, 1944

New Guinea
Aug 13, 1944
My sweetheart;
I've been on C.Q. again today. Had lots of time to catch up on a bit of writing.  Now that my "duty" letters are caught up, I'll write a privilege letter.  It is a privilege to have you to write to.  I loves you.  Did you know it?  I'm trying to tell you all the time.  If I could only do a little showing along with it, I'm sure it would be more convincing.  More fun anyhow. 
No letters again today.  They're building up to give me a pile of them one of these days.  Last night I was checking up, and I find, with the possible exception of one in July when you were on your trip, I've got every one up to Aug.1st.  I don't imagine you wrote one that day.  That's darn good I'd say.  I've heard that lots of mail is lost.  It doesn't seem to be in our case.  They hadn't better loose them.  I want 'em all.  I've been saving all of them since May 22nd and you should see the pile.  Make a good big book already.  Sweetest one ever written, too.  Think I better keep them and have them published? 
Must be setting another record for days without rain.  Almost a week again.  The figures on this area show the rainfall to be nearly the same as it is in Ohio.  It sure dries up fast and black dust is flying in no time after a rain.  The dew or whatever it is called, is so heavy at night that vegetation always has plenty of moisture.  Only dries on the surface.  Air is always damp and sticky.  Plenty warm today too.  As hot as any day we've had.  Maybe this is winter, when summer comes, it will be hot.  Listen to me.  If I was back home and it was as hot as it has been here, all the time, I'd be bitching plenty.  Guess it is possible to get used to the south.  I'll never like it very well though.  Give me some snow and cold weather to wake me up and put the spring back in my heel.  Get lazy and slow moving in the tropics. 
While I think of it I got a copy of the names and addresses of the boys the way they are in the big picture and am sending it to you in another envelope.  Now you can see who belongs to what name and where they are from. 
I've still got one letter, July 31st to answer.  I'm going to do it 'cause I'm due for more tomorrow.
They didn't waste much time getting Mickey into France did they?  The job he is trained for should keep him out of the worst of it, but I imagine that any of that area is rather hot.  Bombers can come over at any time.  I'm in five months longer than he and still in the clear.  Such is war, I guess. 
I hadn't though about Ed & Betty's Bobby not having a yard to run in.  I bet a kid would have a great time playing around our place.  As someone told us once, "It's a swell place to raise kids."  We'll see about that one of these days.  I sure would hate to be a kid raised in the city. 
Too bad it has to be so dry back home.  Hope Pop can find a way to beat the water shortage for his sheep.  Talking about our cistern holding up in good shape.  Did the water get to smelling again this year? 
You can bet I wouldn't miss taking a shower with you if I was there.  Remember what I like to do?  Only trouble I'd do that and get ideas and you'd always run away.  Never could get you in the notion. I was always hoping and willing though.  It's not a new idea of something to try to me.  I'm willing though any time you are.  Gosh, wish I could get 'em all soapy and flop 'em around right now.  Best old things to play with ever invented. 
Honey, don't make your promises too strong.  I can well imagine how you feel about being with girls all the time and getting sick of it.  Only I don't want you to try to talk yourself out of your female parties all together.  You always had such a good time at them.  It was my fault you wanted to go 'cause I didn't like to go out enough with you.  I'm just an old home man after I've been away all day, working.  I don't mind a bit when you go for an evening.  You were always there, later on, to say "night" to.  I won't kick either if you really do mean it.  I'll repeat.  I'm going to want to see lots and lots of you all the time.  As to who is going to wear who to a frazzle.  We'll wait and see.  I don't care if your emotions, feelings, and desires, are growing all the time.  So are mine.  I think I had a small head start on you so maybe the score will be rather even.  I hope so.  Nothing better than a tie score in that kind of game.  Get me.  Both completely satisfied all the time.  You're sure making me awful anxious to get back with all these things you're saying.  We're going to really live aren't we, honey? 
As I've told you before, you don't need to keep any letters of mine as reference that I once said.  I was going to keep you come hell or high water.  I mean it and no doubt about it.  If I hadn't meant it, I sure passed up the golden opportunity to get rid of you while I was in the army.  I could have been having so many affairs with other girls you'd leave me.  No, sweetheart, I know when I've got the best there is and I'll never give you a chance to get away from me.  You're stuck and you better like it. 
I don't have to imagine you're here by me to make it hard for myself.  Does that by itself.  Oh well, maybe it won't be long.  No matter how short, it'll still be hard. 
Night darling.  I'm loving and thinking of you all the time.  I loves you, dear. 
Your doughboy.

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