Monday, February 27, 2012

Letter # 451 August 14, 1944

New Guinea
Monday eve
Aug, 14, 1944
Hello, Sweet & Gorgeous;
Another day and another letter from you.  Aug.1. Nice letter and another leg picture.  Two pair of them too.  Darn nice looking legs.  One pair looks a lot better to me than the other pair but I'd settle now for either.  As far as you are concerned in this picture, aside from the legs, it's rather poor.  I can't quite say you look very beautiful in this one.  It's still a rather pulse stirring picture, but honey, when you pose for that kind of picture, for gosh sakes, don't look so dead.  Louise has a bit more of the idea. You know, turn on the personality as well as show the legs.  You were really doing it in the first one you sent.  If you had the same look on your face in this one it would be a honey.  You surely weren't doing yourself justice this time.  There, do you feel bad now?   I like the picture anyhow.  It's you and you do have very swell legs.  I love you. 
I've got all your pictures mounted under cellophane on my table where they are in plain sight.  I like to be able to look at you often.  I also have my model girl, the one that reminds me so much of you, stuck up on the table also.  When my imagination doesn't suffice, I take a squint at her.  She really could pass for your double in all ways that matter.  Not as chubby as you, but as you know I like 'em chubby better than otherwise.  Gives you more curves and places to pinch and pet.  This model is standing and facing one quarter away.  Take a look in the mirror sometime after a bath and you'll see what I'm looking at.  Wish I had the real thing instead of only an image. 
Who took the picture of Louise and you?  Did she send one to Mickey?  I imagine it would have a "raising " effect on him also. 
Thanks for the suggestions of names to call you.  I like one better than the rest.  Somewhat along the same line as one I used to call you and you didn't like it too much.  "Bubbles".  Remember?  I never thought to add the bobbing to it.  That is a nice physical description, but it isn't what I was really after.  You aren't only physically attractive you know.  I guess"perfect wife" is as near as I can come until I have a brainstorm and invent a new one.  Unless I write a book about you, I can't seem to find anything else that entirely describes you.  You're going to have to quit being so perfect in all ways.  If you were like most, describing the physical side would be sufficient.  Good to look at and that is all.  Not you, though.  Darn good to look at and love and beside that, intelligent, sweet, faithful, and capable.  You're my "perfect wife".  I love you.  If you can be satisfied with that for now, you can be sure I'll do my level best to show you all I can when I get home.
Gosh, honey.  Can it be Babe saying she is going into physical training  for a while before I come home so you'll be in top shape?  Doesn't sound like my old Babe.  I don't think it's very necessary either.  You did plenty all right without training.  If you get too good you'll be too good.  Get me? 
Don't forget any of the "surprises" you mention. I like surprises that are as thrilling as those.  You have been a constant source of surprises to me the past year.  These letters you write don't sound very much like the Babe that used to say, "All right if you must" and be rather impatient to get back to your books.  I loved you an awful lot then.  Think what my love should be now.  Will be too if I'm man enough.  You say you ache all over for me and the time when I'll be home again.  You can double that.  It goes for me too.  Sometimes I almost give up when I think how long it could be before I can get home by you again.  We sure are missing a hell of a lot of good time.  Going to be a big job catching up.  It's one job I'll never mind working overtime on.  I'll love it all the time.  I love you all the time.  Night, sweetheart.
Your lover

Letter # 450 August 13, 1944

New Guinea
Aug 13, 1944
My sweetheart;
I've been on C.Q. again today. Had lots of time to catch up on a bit of writing.  Now that my "duty" letters are caught up, I'll write a privilege letter.  It is a privilege to have you to write to.  I loves you.  Did you know it?  I'm trying to tell you all the time.  If I could only do a little showing along with it, I'm sure it would be more convincing.  More fun anyhow. 
No letters again today.  They're building up to give me a pile of them one of these days.  Last night I was checking up, and I find, with the possible exception of one in July when you were on your trip, I've got every one up to Aug.1st.  I don't imagine you wrote one that day.  That's darn good I'd say.  I've heard that lots of mail is lost.  It doesn't seem to be in our case.  They hadn't better loose them.  I want 'em all.  I've been saving all of them since May 22nd and you should see the pile.  Make a good big book already.  Sweetest one ever written, too.  Think I better keep them and have them published? 
Must be setting another record for days without rain.  Almost a week again.  The figures on this area show the rainfall to be nearly the same as it is in Ohio.  It sure dries up fast and black dust is flying in no time after a rain.  The dew or whatever it is called, is so heavy at night that vegetation always has plenty of moisture.  Only dries on the surface.  Air is always damp and sticky.  Plenty warm today too.  As hot as any day we've had.  Maybe this is winter, when summer comes, it will be hot.  Listen to me.  If I was back home and it was as hot as it has been here, all the time, I'd be bitching plenty.  Guess it is possible to get used to the south.  I'll never like it very well though.  Give me some snow and cold weather to wake me up and put the spring back in my heel.  Get lazy and slow moving in the tropics. 
While I think of it I got a copy of the names and addresses of the boys the way they are in the big picture and am sending it to you in another envelope.  Now you can see who belongs to what name and where they are from. 
I've still got one letter, July 31st to answer.  I'm going to do it 'cause I'm due for more tomorrow.
They didn't waste much time getting Mickey into France did they?  The job he is trained for should keep him out of the worst of it, but I imagine that any of that area is rather hot.  Bombers can come over at any time.  I'm in five months longer than he and still in the clear.  Such is war, I guess. 
I hadn't though about Ed & Betty's Bobby not having a yard to run in.  I bet a kid would have a great time playing around our place.  As someone told us once, "It's a swell place to raise kids."  We'll see about that one of these days.  I sure would hate to be a kid raised in the city. 
Too bad it has to be so dry back home.  Hope Pop can find a way to beat the water shortage for his sheep.  Talking about our cistern holding up in good shape.  Did the water get to smelling again this year? 
You can bet I wouldn't miss taking a shower with you if I was there.  Remember what I like to do?  Only trouble I'd do that and get ideas and you'd always run away.  Never could get you in the notion. I was always hoping and willing though.  It's not a new idea of something to try to me.  I'm willing though any time you are.  Gosh, wish I could get 'em all soapy and flop 'em around right now.  Best old things to play with ever invented. 
Honey, don't make your promises too strong.  I can well imagine how you feel about being with girls all the time and getting sick of it.  Only I don't want you to try to talk yourself out of your female parties all together.  You always had such a good time at them.  It was my fault you wanted to go 'cause I didn't like to go out enough with you.  I'm just an old home man after I've been away all day, working.  I don't mind a bit when you go for an evening.  You were always there, later on, to say "night" to.  I won't kick either if you really do mean it.  I'll repeat.  I'm going to want to see lots and lots of you all the time.  As to who is going to wear who to a frazzle.  We'll wait and see.  I don't care if your emotions, feelings, and desires, are growing all the time.  So are mine.  I think I had a small head start on you so maybe the score will be rather even.  I hope so.  Nothing better than a tie score in that kind of game.  Get me.  Both completely satisfied all the time.  You're sure making me awful anxious to get back with all these things you're saying.  We're going to really live aren't we, honey? 
As I've told you before, you don't need to keep any letters of mine as reference that I once said.  I was going to keep you come hell or high water.  I mean it and no doubt about it.  If I hadn't meant it, I sure passed up the golden opportunity to get rid of you while I was in the army.  I could have been having so many affairs with other girls you'd leave me.  No, sweetheart, I know when I've got the best there is and I'll never give you a chance to get away from me.  You're stuck and you better like it. 
I don't have to imagine you're here by me to make it hard for myself.  Does that by itself.  Oh well, maybe it won't be long.  No matter how short, it'll still be hard. 
Night darling.  I'm loving and thinking of you all the time.  I loves you, dear. 
Your doughboy.

Letter # 449 August 12, 1944

New Guinea
Sat. eve.
Aug 12, 1944
My darling wife;
Sunday coming up again.  The weeks are flying right along.  Hard to believe it will soon be fall at home.  That was always my time of year.  Remember how we'd go hunting nuts or take the rifle and shoot walnuts off the trees?  Good times weren't they, honey?
Gosh what I wouldn't give to be able to do that this fall.  I'm missing my Mummy and all the splendid times we had together.  If the news is really as good as it sounds, it might not be too awful long.  I'm skeptical, however.  I'll believe it when I see the good old U.S. coast again.  I'm hoping and praying so hard, that if prayers are ever answered, it won't be long.  I'm loving you.  Did you know it? 
Our ball team took another loss today.  Very good game and a heart breaker to loose.  6 - 5 in ten innings.  Really a thriller to watch.  The game was tied nearly all the time. 
I'm living alone for the next week.  All the rest of the boys are on a detail away from camp.  If I get too lonesome, would it be all right to buy me a black woman?  She wouldn't cost very much.  Well, if you wouldn't like it very much, I won't.  Don't think I'd like it either.  They sure don't appeal to me in the least.  Guess from the pictures I sent you can see why.  I can get a lot more fun looking at your picture and dreaming than I could from them. 
No letters today, for the first time in a week.  I still have 3 left to answer.  I'm going to get caught up for a change.  I sure haven't been writing much news lately, only answering your letters.  Like you, I hate to get so far behind.  It takes long enough at best to get an answer without me holding it up at this end.  Here goes.  July 29.
Sweetheart, that bank roll sure sounds good.  Who said a woman can't have money?  Anyhow, I've got a woman that can.  More money than we ever had when I was home.  Of course I know you are an unusual woman.  The exception that proves the rule or something like that.  Even if you never add any more, it sounds more than adequate to finance our vacation and honeymoon and have plenty left to take care of "expecting" expenses, or if that doesn't pan out, something else we want.  The vacation should be a very inexpensive affair.  Live mostly on love and no expenses much, other than that.  Not even any "packages" to buy.  Ain't that something?  This enforced waiting is "hurtin".  I'm very anxious to start in.  I love you and miss you too. 
So Tony has also landed in England.  Between the two of us we have traveled a good part of the way around the world since last April.
Honey, you are a devil.  First you tell me not to worry about not being able to send you anything and then you ask me if I can't make you a bracelet of English coins.  You are a devil but not for asking.  It's because I'm working on a couple projects of the sort and wasn't going to say anything until I sent them.  Production is rather slow what with all my other activities. 
The Australians are always selling such trinkets for outrageous prices and I can do much better work myself.  They sell such a bracelet for from three to five pounds.  The value of the necessary coins is only about a dollar.  I'm too scotch to pay prices like that.  Anyhow, you'll have them coming, when, I don't know.  You're a sweet devil in spite of everything.  I'm thinking of you all the time. 
The picture of Mom Kelser and the dogs was very good.  Natural as can be.  Next to your pictures, I like it best. 
The Vandercook book that you are reading will probably tell a lot more about the island than I will ever know.  All of us here know very little about what things are.  Our information comes slowly from a few contacts with fellows that know.  It must have been summer when he landed on the island.  I'm sure it hasn't been as hot as 115 degrees as he says and I'm much nearer the equator than he when he first landed. 
You sweet thing.  Already planning to be there to meet me when I dock.  "I'll be wearing a red dress so you can spot me."  That would be swell and you can bet I'd run off the gangplank too.  Somebody would probably be killed in the rush.  It's a beautiful dream anyhow.  I don't quite see how it could be worked.  No way of telling you when I'd arrive.  Of this you can be sure.  If I can't, almost immediately take off for home, you'll get a summons to rush to where ever it may be.  That's for sure so maybe you'll get a chance at your trip yet.  Would you like that? 
Sure, you're a young lady even though you are 27 now.  I can't see that you look a day older or a bit different than when I first started to court you.  Let's see, you were only 19 then, Right?  That takes care of the young part.  Remember the times I've mentioned that fellows said you were a good looking lady?  They don't know you like I do either.  I agree wholeheartedly.  A perfect lady when you want to be.  I like you best though when you're being a sweet devil.  Much more alive and warmer, or more than warm.  You're nicest when you are being just you.  I love you so much. 
July 30.
Honey, I don't know if the critter I saw on the boat was a porpoise, dolphin or what.  All I know it was a fish of some kind and from a sketchy acquaintance with sea critters I just supposed it was a porpoise.  What the hell is the difference between them? 
From stories I hear the article was right about the crocodiles.  Haven't seen any in this area.  Probably killed off as most of the other game fish and etc. has been.  They say there are big crocodiles around the mouth of the rivers and smaller ones back in the interior.  The flies surely survived the destruction which other forms of life suffered.  Thick as hell and big too.  Good thing the tents are all open.  If a dozen of them got caught inside they'd carry it away.  Some of your questions are restricted. 
On the subject of flowers, trees and shells you've got me snowed under.  I don't know one from the other yet.  I've seen very few flowers.  May be the wrong time of year.  Sorry I can't do a better job answering your questions.  Keep 'em coming.  I'll answer all I can.
Signing off now, sweetheart.  Bye now and sweet dreams.  I'll be loving you.
Your man

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Letter # 448 August 11, 1944

New Guinea
Friday eve.
Aug. 11, 1944
My Darling wife;
Another day and another letter from my one and only.  July 31. They have been coming in better order the last few days.  Gosh, I like to get my sweetheart's letters. 
Nothing much to write about tonight so I'm going to try to get caught up on your letters.  July 27.  This was the night you were doing some cooking for me, up at Tibs.  Sounds darn good to me.  I wish you were cooking for me in our own home, both of us there, of course.  That'll be grand when it happens again.  From the sound of all you are going to do to me[ if you can put out as well as talk] I'll probably be in bed while you get breakfast.  I'll need all the extra rest I can get.  Remember, honey, I'm getting to be an old man.  I'll sure go down trying.  I can promise that.  I love you darling. 
By the way, how are Tib and Kelly and Terry?  What about Harry and his 1A classification?  In one of your letters you mentioned Bill Hartman being in Michigan.  Must be the draft skipped him for a time. 
You certainly are getting good when you sit down and write me two letters a day.  Long, 4, 5 or 6 page ones too.  Don't wear yourself out honey.  One a day, letters I mean, is plenty.  I'm not telling you not to write so much, I'm just saying that I don't expect that many.  I love 'em. 
I'm expectantly waiting for all those loves you are sending.  I bet you're a burden on the army mail system.  Letters by the pound and boxes by the ton.   Some swell girl, is all I can say. 
Here is another request for smoking tobacco, laundry soap, writing paper, pictures of my wife, and anything to eat. 
I'm sorry you don't get the same copy of Yank we get down here.  It has a lot about what is what in N. Guinea and the islands.  It also gives news of all the fronts, even the home front.  Keep your home front in good shape honey, cause one of these days they'll take an awful beating.  I could go for a lot of snoozling and I know I could hold out in that respect, at least. 
I can see there is some doubt in your mind about me keeping my promise to continue telling as well as showing.  I guess you have a right to be skeptical.  I never was much at talking.  I took it for granted too much that you knew how I felt.  I really am going to try to tell you.  It will probably take some prompting from you to keep me on the ball.  You can do that can't you?  I do mean all the things I say about you.  I'll furnish proof when I see you again.  I'm in love!
Gosh honey, you'd never make a good Sargent if that bawling out is the best you can do.  It was about the requests.  After this much army life, I don't even hear such a mild calling down.  A school teacher should be able to do better than that.  I know you're just too sweet and you love me.  Right? 
We are eating pretty good.  As was always the case with me, breakfast is the best meal.  Usually french toast or pancakes with eggs fried, about once a week.  The other meals don't appeal very much.  All canned or dehydrated stuff.  We do have quite a bit of canned or dried fruits.  Almost no green stuff.  All I've seen so far is some sort of chopped up greens that look a lot like bamboo shoots.  Don't like it anyhow.  I'll sure appreciate a plateful of fresh vegetables and lettuce, even a sandwich like you are always making. 
Honey, if you will only open an eye and look at me or act like you know I'm there in the morning, the funnies can go plumb to hell and I'm not kidding.  I wouldn't call you what you call yourself, but I can't say you are very congenial first thing in the morning.  I love you anyhow.  You're my wife. 
You asked for more information about Mac.  He's also from Statten Island and worked in a shipyard before the draft got him.  Ordinary high school education.  You know some of his habits.  Tiger man and etc.  He drinks some but not to excess.  For a good time.  Rather a good worker.  The only wrong thing is disposition.  Some times he's ok, but most of the time, argumentative and overbearing.  Has his own opinions and tries to make everyone see things his way.  Rather hot headed too.  Irish, you know.  I'd think that girl of his was letting herself in for a rather hen pecked existence.  He sometimes gets on my nerves and I don't have to live with him.  Don't think he'd be as nice to live with as I am.  Bragging now. 
I'm glad you had an opportunity to help Marg a bit.  We sure owe them a lot.  I'm glad she's coming out in such good shape.  Give them my greetings. 
Honey, you scare me.  Reading books like that one of Bill Batchelder's.  If you are learning so much from it you need to keep notes.  I thought you had learned about all there was to know.  At least the way you took care of me when I was home, indicated you knew plenty.  Almost more than I could handle then.  What will you be like now?  I'm impatiently curious to find out.  Whoops.  The news from the home front is really sounding good.  You don't know how much I'm loving and missing you.  One of these days I'll build myself a dugout canoe and take off for home. 
Unless you're kidding me about my letters, I'm much relieved.  To me, it seems I go pretty stale on this writing business and keep repeating myself over and over again.  I try not to but trying doesn't do much good in this case, I'm afraid.  Maybe we like to get the letters so much we just don't care what the words are.  Think that is it?  We can't be as good letter writers as we each think the other is.  In my estimation yours are perfect. 
Some of these days I'll have to take time out and try my luck on another picture for you.  You seem to like that one so much.  I'm curious to see how it photographed, myself.  You'll save it, I guess. 
Loving me isn't so much to be proud of but I don't think you need be ashamed of it either.  I'm only an average fellow after all. 
Bed time again honey.  Wish I could take you along so I could continue to talk with you and love you.  Probably forget all about talking.  Probably - hell.  I know I would.  For the present, lots of love and kisses.  The kind you like.  I love you, Chubbins.
Your hubby.

Letter # 447 August 10, 1944

New Guinea
Aug. 10, 1944
My Chubbins;
I'm neglecting you a bit tonight.  I went to the show instead of writing to you.  I may get a fair letter written yet, if I don't get sleepy.  Not used to late hours anymore you know.  The show was "Best Foot Forward"  with Lucille Ball.  Wasn't worth neglecting you for.  I haven't been going very much lately.  The big part of the shows are only the usual run and you know I never was a show fiend.  I've been being a good boy, staying in nights, never drinking more than a couple bottles of beer at a time, no love affairs, [ except one by correspondence] and being a model boy in general.  Turn me loose in the good old U.S.A. again and see how long I lead that type of life.  The first thing I'll do is look up my correspondence sweetheart and if she's as nice as her letters and does all she has promised she would, well, there'll be a hot time in the old town from then on.  May even find time to get "stinkin from drinkin".  Probably go to bed early but not to sleep.  Gosh, my good, recently acquired habits are all shot to hell in no time.  Sounds like fun though, doesn't it? I'm expecting you to wake me up once in a while for a twenty minute break too.  I won't forget that, honey.  I'm loving you and there is plenty kisses, nice ones, and everything, all stored up here with me, waiting.
Got another letter today. July 30.  I won't answer it now.  I'll get to it in rotation.  Lot's of 'em ahead of that one to answer.  One more look at my "leggy" wife's picture and I'll get at it.  Did I ever tell you, you are very sweet and lovable?  You are.  I'm not prejudiced either.
Honey, you're laying it on a bit thick.  Everyone so impressed by my descriptions and command of English and being almost a professional artist.  Some stuff, but it sounds good coming from you.  I'm glad you think I'm so good and hope I can always keep you fooled.  I hope you didn't show my spelling.
I don't mind a bit that you forgot to pass on the greeting and good wishes of other people.  It's nice to know they are thinking of me but I want to hear that you are missing and thinking of me.  You do a swell job of that.  You're very special.  I love you.
Yes, I remember the day I was sick last spring.  I wasn't too sick though, was I?  I can still hear you teasing me, "Oh but you're sick."  Didn't hold out very long as I remember.  You make a perfect nurse.  A man couldn't stay very sick with you around. 
I am sorry I was so dumb about the rings.  You waited and wanted them a long time.  Hope it was worth the wait.  I'm waiting and wanting now too.  You are a tease.  Asking if I have any loving to spare and at the same time sending a "come get me " picture.  I could explode very easily.  After all, it's four months today since I've been with you.  That's a hell of a long time to be without your special brand of care.  I hate to think it may be only the beginning of our separation too.  Anyhow, bet it's the last.  You say you'll be a lush and I know I will, so we'll be seeing a lot of each other.  Can't be too much to suit me. 
You can tell 'em all for sure.  Here's one soldier that will be plenty satisfied to come back and resume normal living again.  I'd gladly trade any and all experiences and excitement I've had in the army for a few really exciting days and experiences with you.  You're more to me than anything else can ever be.  Does that convince you that you were right about me? 
Another day when you wrote two letters.  My gosh honey, you must love me.  I hardly deserve all that.  I like it though.  One of these days you can spend all this writing time showing and telling me.  I've got plenty of something coming, haven't I?  So have you. 
Once again, I must have anticipated your question and answered it before the query got here.  About where John was from.  Staten Island.  He says, "boid" "shoit" and etc.
Honey, I was only kidding about the "bad thought".  I'd go through a repeat performance of the Michigan episode any number of times for the privilege of just being with you.  You're nice even when you aren't good.  That night was well worth all the misery.  That was what finally broke down all your resistance.  Remember?  I do and could go on and prove it. 
Honey, I'm not trying to put "blinders" on you at all.  I promised last winter when I had the sore heel that I'd tell you the straight dope all the time.  So far I've done that and I will continue as much as I can with the freedom of speech I am allowed.  I am very well and safe as at home.  Not nearly as satisfied but how could I expect to be satisfied any place, without you? 
I don't know either, how you captured me.  I didn't intend to be caught when I started going places with you.  I only wanted a nice companion.  Now I've got one for life.  The most wonderful, sweet, beautiful, and loving wife a man could ever find.  I love you.
your lover

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Letter # 446 August 9, 1944

New Guinea
Wed eve.
Aug 9, 1944
Hello Beautiful;
I got another picture today to prove it too.  You say on the back of it that it proves you aren't.  Can't see it myself.  Better have your glasses changed honey.  I'm loving you and wanting to be there by you all the time. 
This mail business is funny.  Five more from you today.  One old one from June 20 and then July 20, 22, 23 & 28.  That makes them nearly complete up to July 30 and really gives me a stack to answer.  I'm practically swamped in sweet loving letters.  I also got one from Vi written in New York.  Oh yes, I almost forgot.  I also got a Gazette from May 9.  Only three months old.  Not bad???
Started another project today.  Really back at the carpenter trade.  Building a mess kitchen from some of the output of the Newberger - Brown Lumber Company Ltd.
Our ball team played another game this afternoon and took their first beating 7 - 4.  I've been dropped as a first string man.  Just can't quite cut it anymore.  Even if I don't like to admit it, I'm not as fast on my feet as I used to be anymore.  Don't worry.  I said, on my feet.  I really don't care a lot.  It takes too much of my time away from swimming and etc.  I still like to play for fun, but not regularly where the teams are out to win.
I must get at these letters or I'll never get them answered.  June 20.  I have already answered most of it.  I was interested in the item about Walt Smithberger.  According to regulations, he was out of uniform with the stripes sewn on.  They can be worn on an arm band.  Remember how I wore my first ones? 
July 20.  I'm glad to hear Steve's new address.  I know where it is.  It's only about three hundred miles away.  He went where he thought I was going.  It's also on N. Guinea.  I might see him most any time.  Kinda tough, leaving a new bride so soon.  I bet now he won't think the army so much fun.  Anyhow, I find it harder to leave my bride after nearly four years than it was when I first left.  I'm loving you more and more all the time.  Never stops either.
Honest honey, I do like the picture of you and I don't care what you say.  I think you're beautiful and sweet.  The dress which you say is one you bought, expecting to wear it on your trip west, does look nice and comfortable, but I can't say it does much for you.  Of course there may be no one around worth showing it off to.  Is that it?  What happened with all your truck drivers? 
This picture today is also a swell one of the yard.  Looks like our fence row is going to need another clipping when I get home.  The yard does look so nice though.  As good as I've ever seen it look.  Damn! It makes me homesick. 
All that ice cream and stuff sure makes my mouth water.  Our refrigerator [we had one for a couple weeks] was taken away from us today.  I'm told because of improper use by the brass hats.  So now we won't even have cold water to drink at meals.  Oh well.  I don't miss it too much.  It was almost the same at Polk last summer. 
You can't help doing a  bit of bragging on my behalf, can you?  Even about so small a thing as what I'm doing.  The report Dick sent to his Dad about his work has a basis of truth, but that is all.  The medics, of course, take care of the water supply and I did see him working there one day.  He looks good and seems to be holding his pre-war shape a lot better than I.  He doesn't have the work or physical training though. 
July 22.  Sweetheart, you don't need to write on Saturday but I won't forbid it.  Not by a long shot.  You so often write two a day, I'd think you'd need a break at least once a week.  You really keep the mail coming.  Does me a lot of good too. 
I haven't yet heard from Marg.  I guessed she must have left Knox.  She apparently is headed for a more civilized part of the world. 
So the ducks at Mom's aren't propagating as well as might be expected.  They are cute little devils even though dirty as hell. 
Any doubts you have about comparing favorably with the model picture I have here should be dispelled if you remember all the things I've said about you.  I mean everything I ever said.  If you said you could send me a similar picture of you, you can bet the pinups would be in the waste basket.  You hadn't better send one, however, cause that is my private priviledge and some one might see. I'm selfish that way.  You're all mine and I want you all to myself.  I love you. 
I must have misstated myself.  I paid $3.20 for 52 air mail envelopes and stamps.  The V-mail stationery is free. 
I can't agree, honey.  You get credit for any change in me.  It might be indirectly and something you might not be conscious of doing, but you did it.  Where other people or things are concerned, I've changed only as much as any one changes with the years.  You're the only one to get inside the hard shell and be more than welcome to stay.  You've done a lot of things to me I never expected.  I'm happy about the whole thing.  I'm a lucky, lucky guy and I've got a pocketful of dreams.  We'll have those dreams some day.  I'll start any time and the sooner the better.  I'm only waiting, not very patiently, for the opportunity. 
I have all the reading material I can take care of.  The Colliers is coming fairly regularly and the Yanks are available and the Reader's Digest is starting to get here, so I have plenty.  In fact, more than I ever get around to.  Marg sent me the Digest for Christmas last year. 
You are right.  My bones aren't very well padded any more.  About the same as last summer when you came to Knox.  I'll be willing to let you feed me up again.  I don't want to go as far as 215 again but I'll not call a halt under 200.  Does that give you enough to work on? 
Bed time again - 9:30 - Funny isn't it?  Anyhow it's another day gone and that much nearer to the day I get those papers making me a free man again.  I guess I won't exactly be free.  I don't want to be.  The bondage I'll be under is so sweet and entirely satisfactory I'd be a lost man without it.  I want my wife to always be taking care of me.  I love you sweetheart. 
Your hubby.