Sunday, January 8, 2012

Letter # 439 August 2, 1944

New Guinea
Aug 2, 1944
My Beautiful;
Hi Luscious: Gosh I wish I was saying that as I came in the door, coming home from work or someplace.  Wouldn't that be swell?  Get a big kiss and hug and then one of your "bad for the figure" but satisfying to the taste meals and then have all the rest of the evening to just be by you.  I'm not going any farther along that line. Be liable to waken half dormant feelings.  Better to stay a bit numb until the prospects are much better than at present.  I sure do miss you more than I could ever express in words or, for that matter, in actions.  You have proof in these letters that there isn't a day goes by I don't think of you.  I think of you a lot oftener than that.  Almost all the time.  I loves my wife so very, very much. 
We had another ball game this afternoon.  For once I had brains enough to stay out of it.  Not for long, though.  Another day or so and my leg will be good as new.  Won this game also.  Two more games, if we win them, and we'll be battalion champs. 
All this ball playing, swimming, and etc must sound like one hell of a way to win a war.  It is too.  If anyone had ever said it would be like this, I wouldn't have been at all in favor of coming.  Really expected to finally accomplish something.  What I've done so far I could have done as well at home. 
No letter again today.  I still have three to answer and I'm going to do it now.  I think I'll have some new ones tomorrow.  Also send another picture or two.  Aren't they something? 
I didn't expect you to write while you were on your trip to New York.  Nice of you to take time to do it.  I'm always glad to see a letter with Mrs. Norman Effinger on the return address. 
That was your first real train trip wasn't it?  I bet you'd have had a trying trip if you had been able to come to Calif or even to Polk.  There is no comparison between the northern and southern trains.  I'm glad you weren't crowded.  I knew everyone would be nice to you.  You're so swell no one can help being nice to you. 
Bob is seeing the big city too.  He's getting a lot of good training that should be worth a lot to him in his line of work.  So he's lonesome for her after only three days.  Well I don't doubt it.  Remember I never took a vacation away from you after you made it clear I was accepted.  If I didn't see you every night, I was hurtin.  I was hurtin when I did see you but in an entirely different way.  I still don't know how I stood it so long, without going animal.  You must be a good lion tamer. 
Glad you did read the letter to Bob.  I really intended you should.  There may have been a little in it you never knew.  Anyhow it's exactly the way I feel about it.  No sugar, only facts.  I hope he has half as nice a girl as mine.  Couldn't be as nice I'm sure.  He'd be lucky to find one half as good.  I don't know a thing of his taste in women but he is taking care of himself pretty well in other ways.
I told John [Clarius] about the letter and picture you had gotten from Bonnie and then mentioned that you had been in New York and even on Staten Island.  That's his home you know.  He just jumped all over and felt bad you didn't know his folks address.  Said they'd have been tickled to have the wife of one of their son's buddies stay with them.  He says,"Boy, they'd have really shown her the town."  Seems you have made some "mail order" friends.  I know you were well taken care of and had a wonderful time but he can't get over it. 
Here is another little request, honey.  I have one plastic cigarette case but if I loose or break it I'll be hurtin to carry cigarettes.  It is the size of a pack of cigarettes and has a slide fit top. [like the top on a tin box]  I could use a couple of them.  They only cost 25-50 cents.  Also, if you ever have any room left, [this isn't important].  I could use a couple each of 5 1/2 inch slim taper files and 6 or 8 in round files.  Harold will know what.  Don't be letting Marines or anyone else tell you I need things.  I really have asked for all I need. 
I keep cautioning you 'cause I'm afraid you'll let your generosity and desire to get me something run away with you.  You're too sweet.  I love 'em like that.  I love you. 
The bank account sounds perfectly swell.  If I could stand it I'd be smart to stay away.  More money now than we ever had and you've done it too.  I'm proud of you.  I won't stay away however.  The money can never pay for all we are going through and missing. 
That one chicken dinner was the one and only.  Provisions left from the boat.  Since then our meat is Spam and Bully Beef.  It's food but not eating. 
Honey, I'm not nearly all you say I am but in one thing you are absolutely right.  You don't ever need to have the slightest doubt about me violating your trust.  I won't, so help me.  I know it's unusual for couples separated to be like that but I'd sooner go without than do any substituting.  Couldn't find any satisfaction, for thinking of you anyhow.  You were the first and will always be the only.  I do a lot of talking about redheads, and etc.  It's only talk and looking.  Have to kid you a little now and then.  I do love you so very, very much, even I can't believe it possible.  Gee, I'm glad I got'cha.
Your hubby.

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