Monday, March 21, 2011

Letter # 226 March 9, 1944

March. 9, 1944
Thurs. eve.
My one & only wife;
Glad of it too! I love you. Gosh, honey, I've got it bad. Can't even start a letter without telling you I love you in the first line. Damn it, I do love you and you say you like to be told, so I'm telling you. I'll tell you so much you'll get tired of hearing it. At least that is one subject I can always write about. You're so nice and I love you so much I never run out of something to say, even if it is always about the same words. I can't get you out of my mind.
I got three letters from you today. The weekend one and Louise's letter this noon and your Monday one this evening.
Being a very dutiful husband and so much in love with you that I do most anything you suggest I should do. I took a hike over to the hospital and looked Lloyd Phinney up. I found him easily enough. I walked up to his bed and spoke. He looked at me a while and then said he wasn't sure who I was. Knew he had seen me but it took him so by surprise I guess he couldn't think. I'd have been unsure of his identity also, if I hadn't known who I was looking for and what bed he was in. I never did see him more than times and then only in passing.
By this time I guess his folks know the story, but I'll tell it anyhow and let you pass it on. He apparently has a rather bad case of rheumatic fever, not really sick, but sore and stiff as hell in all his joints. The doctors say he will be in bed for possibly another 6 weeks and it might be longer. He looks good and healthy and aside from pain whenever he moves a joint, he feels well. He can use his hands and arms and can even walk to the toilet if he is careful and takes his time. He said he was laid up an entire winter with the same thing, so it's nothing new and no cause for unnecessary alarm to his folks. It will take time to cure. Not much that medicine or doctors can do. They can be assured that he is being well taken care of. Nice ward and good doctor. Ward boys on duty all the time and they do all they can to help. If there had only been a pretty nurse there, preferably a red head, I'd have been tempted to climb into one of the empty beds and take a long rest myself.
We had quite a visit. I guess I was there for at least an hour and a half. He is also a T/4 mechanic so we had something in common to talk about. He is in an antiaircraft outfit. They are scheduled to be in La. for about 3 months. Whenever he is able to leave the hospital, he will undoubtedly get a 21 day sick leave to fully recover before being put back on duty. He talks a lot about this gal of his. Must be serious. I don't think I ever saw her.
He seemed so glad to see me that he invited me to come back again. I promised to do it if I can. That would be hell to have that much time in bed ahead of one. If I can help I'll do what I can. I thought first of writing a note to his folks and then decided not to. They probably know all this by now because he has been writing.
Sounds to me like you had quite a day of it in Akron. Sounds like fun for you. I can't imagine you not buying a pair of shoes. They are kind of a weakness with you. Better buy 'em while you have the cash, honey. If you are in need of a shoe stamp say so. I can get one here and then you can have it.
You're silly. Thinking I might not take a furlough anytime they give me a chance. I'll take one so fast no matter when they offer it. Even if I knew darn well it was during the "red" of the month. I'd take it and come home as fast as I could get there. It's always possible that another chance might not be coming.
You're right. I was rather anxious to get started a year ago and get it over with. I thought then that I might at least be doing some good. Since then I've changed my mind. I still wouldn't do any different, but you can bet I wouldn't be anxious to go. So far it has only been a waste of a year of our life together.
I guess I didn't advertise my feelings very much in the past. I'll try to do better in the future. I think you knew me pretty well anyhow. Better than I knew myself, maybe. You're a smart girl. I like 'em that way. I love you.
As you once told me. I'm all yours to do with as you please. If I'm anyplace, even La. where you can come and see me this summer, I'm ready to welcome you with hungry arms, and more. If it gets too much for you, you can always go back home again. I'm too selfish to try and keep you away any longer. I want to see you as bad as you want to see me.
I guess I better sign off. You won't get a letter for tomorrow 'cause I'll be out in the woods. I haven't answered your letters at all yet. They'll have to wait until Sat I guess.
Night, sweetheart. I love you so much I could squeeze you to a pulp if you were close enough to squeeze. I'm sending all the love I can in these letters. I've got so much I have to get rid of some of it somehow. I loves my one and only wife.
Night gorgeous.
Your one & only sgt.

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