Monday, December 27, 2010

Letter # 158 December 21, 1943

Dec 21, 1943.
Tues. Eve.
Hi Sweetheart;
As you can see, I didn't go to the field today. Mac and Hanson went this time. Baker and I stayed in with Brownie. We are finally getting around to taking the engines out of some of these tanks and really giving them a going over. If we ever get it done to all of them and then keep doing it as soon as they get 100 hrs. of running time, we will maybe be able to get on the ball, instead of behind it and won't have to work so many nights & Sundays.
I just got one of them put back in today, after giving it a thorough going over. The first one I had done entirely by myself and now I have another out on the floor. It takes a big two days to go over them so I'll be busy until the company comes back. Believe it or not, the engine I put in today actually ran like a new one. I didn't know it until yesterday but I'm the only one in the company that knows how to valve and ignition time these engines. I learned it at this school I was going to when I "fucked" up. I was surprised that Brownie didn't know, but he, like myself, had been trained on other things. Kinda new to all of us but we're getting on to the whims of these babies. I believe I'm learning more and faster than I did at Knox. I'll fire 'em. I'll learn all I can about these engines and then transfer to the air corpse as an experienced radial engine mechanic. Only kidding honey. I'm probably as well off here as any place. Beside I'm mad at the air corpse.
Didn't get a letter from you today but I did get one from Steve. Just his usual letter. Didn't say a word about his engagement. I'll have to write him a letter about that. He's the guy that didn't want to get married. Like I used to be until the right gal came along. Now I can't imagine what I was thinking about, to say such a thing. I only hope he gets as good a wife as I did. She surely didn't look like it to me but, who knows? My opinion is she couldn't be as swell as my wife is. I've got the best one in the world and I don't mean maybe. I love you honey. You're my Varga pin up girl.
Boy I think I could write another nice-naughty letter about you, but after what happened the last time, I'll let it go a while yet.
I'll save the letter and send it along with my next bundle of Yanks and etc. I've three or four more of them here under my mattress, waiting to be sent to you. I still have never seen anything of the song book you want. See, I'm thinking about you once in a while.
Honey, you just can't imagine how strange it is to be thinking about Christmas and, at the same time, laying here on my bunk, clad only in a pair of shorts and with the windows open. It's nearly like a May day. Seems to be shaping up for rain this evening. The weather sure has been ideal. Only a few nasty days. Just about what I'd call ideal today. Not hot and not cool, probably about 75 degrees or maybe a bit less.
It's nice and quiet here tonight. Only 6 of us here in this barracks. When we came up from the motor park tonight Brownie asked if I'd have a snort before supper. I surely didn't refuse so we went to his room and he hauled out a quart. $7.00 per quart at that. We had a couple big snorts apiece and went to supper feeling like you used to on a beer or two. Sure did hit me quick. Hit Brownie too. We both sat there and sweat while we ate supper and shot the breeze. Guess I'm getting to be a softie. Maybe I'll be able to feel like you on a couple beers, if I keep on.
I know darn well I could feel you, beers or not. I love you honey. Maybe you'll have to come down here to keep me straight. Getting drunk and not writing to you. I'm really going to the dogs aren't I, Sweetheart? Don't take me seriously honey. I'm still loving you more each day and I'll stay away from the women.
I was rather disappointed in my trip to Leesville. I had heard so much about it. I really don't know what I expected, but it's much like a cheap resort or temporary boom town. A few good stores, clothing, groceries, and etc, and the rest are novelty places and joints of one kind or another.
We had a few beers in Scotty's bar and it reminded me a lot of Pelton's joint only on a much bigger scale. The rest looked about the same. I'm not very experienced but I'm sure, if Ernie had been along, he would have said all the gals working in the joints would be rather easy to do business with. A couple of them were built for service too.
The whole town is rather dirty and gives a general air of carelessness. Just a frontier town where the army keeps order. If it wasn't for M.P.'s I bet she'd be a wild one. The housing situation seems to be getting worse all the time. Lots & lots of wives, old and new, down here now.
Here is a list of people I have gotten cards from so far: Mrs. Berry, the Carl Stolls, the Hugerts, the Jr. Nichols, the Hartmans, brother Bob, sister Marg, the Ed Kelsers, the Dulaneys, the Koppes and R. Kirks. I'll save them and send them along some day.
I'm still saving your package and note. I haven't looked yet. Won't be long now and I can. Night sweetheart. I'm loving you so much. You're such a swell wife. Don't know what I'd do without you. Bye honey. Here's a big hug and kiss and everything like I wrote in one letter.
Your lover.

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