Saturday, October 2, 2010

Letter # 100 September 27, 1943

Sept 27, 1943
My other real baby Chubbins;
Hello sweetheart. You know I got a big box in the mail today from Mrs.N.Effinger. Across the front, written in big blue letters was the word "cake". It's swell honey, just like it came out of the oven. I got it right after chow, but never-the-less, Gus and I dug into it. This evening we're going to buy a quart of milk and have a party. We're going to be very selfish and keep it to ourselves. We can, now that we have a room to ourselves. It's damn good. You old devil, sending me a surprise. Wouldn't even say a word about it.
From your letters, I don't see how you had time enough to bake it. It's sweet of you honey, to go to all the trouble you do for me. You just force me to love you more and more. I'll try to get even someday but you're going to have an awful lead to overcome. I bet that's why you cooked yourself a supper on Thurs. evening. You were baking me a cake and just got your supper as a sideline. You're a devil but a very sweet one. I love you too.
Gus says that if I wasn't so big he'd take it away from me and eat it all himself.
I'm sorry I cut your letter short last night, but I couldn't help it. I had very good intentions. I had just gotten a good start and the gang dropped in on us. Angie, Schindler, Grafton and a couple others. We sat and talked until after 10 and by the time I wrote as much as I did it was time for bed. I had stayed up until midnight Sat. shooting pool, and was up at 7 Sun morning, so I had to get some sleep. Imagine me needing sleep after having 7 hrs the night before. I've slipped, honey. I'm just an old sleepy head anymore.
I even damn near forgot to tell you I had a promotion. I went over to the orderly room Sat. eve about 10 to see if I had a telegram from Marg and the C.Q. asked me if I knew I was a T/5. The damn order had been there over a week and they just hadn't told me. So now that whole Sunday I spent sewing my P.F.C. stripes on was wasted. I was a T/5 then but didn't know it. Kinda makes me mad. All that hard work for nothing. Besides the P.F.C. stripes cost me a buck and I won't get any use out of them. The new ones will set me back. They cost 40 cents a pair and I need 11 pair of them.
When Ernie heard about me getting another stripe he said, "The damn cheapskates. It should at least have been a T/4." Well that's enough bitching about that. Maybe I'll bring them home for you to sew on.
Renna had a letter today from one of his pals at Polk and they say the 80th AR is no more. Has been broken up into 3 tank battalions and one of them has got its shipping orders. So we are rather like a man without a country. Don't know where we belong or what is going to happen. Ernie and I are hoping they don't separate us, but I expect that is too much to hope for. Even if we are, one bald and one grey headed, we think we would make a good team.
I'm hoping like hell that it doesn't affect my furlough, and at this late date, I rather doubt that it will, especially since they sent my rating up here. This may all be a lot of B.S. anyhow. I won't believe it entirely until I see it.
Now for a few comments on your last two letters. Thurs. & Fri.
Let me know as soon as you know definitely if you are coming down for me. Do you remember how to get over here to the barracks? If you don't I can send you some directions, just in case you get here before I'm turned loose.
They are talking of changing the hours next week because it is still dark at 6 and we will be in the field.
If they do change, the hours will be 8-11:30 & 1-4:30 which could make it quite a bit later on Sat. before I would be free.
If you really want me to call you we better agree on a night. I would think Thurs. would be best, just in case I can't get through, I will still have try again. I would probably try to call between 7-8 our time. You set the day and time.
As for your question about what I've got, you should know, but it won't be long until I'll show you all I got. Just think, honey, only 12 more days. WOW!!! Two weeks from now we will again be man and wife. I'm just fairly jumping up and down, I'm so thrilled. Like you were the last time, so excited I'll loose what little fat I have left.
I don't quite agree with the other nice things you called me, but you sure hit the nail when you said, passionate. I'm wild honey.
Sounds like quite a bunch of widows of some sort or other at your football games. You can tell Katie she can sit by me but I won't guarantee to be very attentive. After all I haven't seen my wife for 5 weeks, be 6 by then, and that's a hell of a long time.
I'm getting the Gazette part of the time, usually a week late, but the news is still good. No use to change the address until I see where I land.
I'm sorry to hear about Clyde's boy. He's sure had his share of tough luck this year.
Glad Mickey is getting along so well. Sounds a lot like the basic I had, same length and all. The first week or so was much as he says, not too tough, but then they started to pour it on. Being in the Medics he should miss a lot of it.
I don't know just what you expected me to say of your comments on the pictures. I got a kick out of them and I have told the boys most of what you and the other "old married women" said anyhow. I told them enough that they are rather undecided about whether to go home or come home with me. I told them to come ahead, it was open house. I also told them to take more of what you girls said as just talk, but they are still a little intrigued, and say we may have callers someday.
As for your comments on Ernie and Schindler, they didn't worry me much. You have been liking truck drivers and all kinds of men since I've been gone and still seem to love me a little. Remember Kentucky. I know I'm no prize package, but after a demonstration like that, you couldn't bother me much by what you said of them. I think I got you fooled so much that I have a good hold on you.
It wasn't a case of deciding how to spell "baby's" name, it was just another case of poor spelling. You've seen enough of that in my letters, you shouldn't be surprised. The name is "Torch". I just seem to want to use a 'u' in lots of places where it shouldn't be.
Today we worked all day taking off carburetors, starters, and generators, cleaning and repairing them, and putting them back on. She sure is an ornery bitch to work on. No room anyplace to get at anything. I think I'll have to see if the medics can't put about two more joints in each arm and leg or even a snap catch or something so I can leave part of me outside.
If my "real" honey was as hard to work on, I'm afraid I wouldn't be so anxious for that furlough to start. You were rather hard to get close to for a while, but you soon warmed up. I don't think Torchy ever will, so I won't shed many tears when I leave her behind.
Thanks a million for the cake sweetheart. You're just the sweetest thing ever was. I love you ever and ever so much and it won't be long until I can show you how much. Night Chubbins darling.
your loving soldier.

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