Dec 27, 1943
Monday eve.
My darling wife;
The mailman finally broke down and brought me some letters today. Your two Wed. ones and one Thurs. I also got a letter from Vi and a card from Aunt Annie & Rose.
While I am thinking of it, I am out of air mail stamps and as the P.O. is closed, I haven't been able to get any more. I will as soon as I can, again, but for now, regular mail will have to do I guess.
I didn't go to the field after all. Brownie sent Baker instead. We had a lot of work here in the garage and he wanted me to stay in.
We went down to work again this evening but couldn't do much. The equipment we needed wasn't available so we quit by 2000. Gives me time to write you a letter.
We are still having rain and more rain. Sure is a muddy, sloppy, son of a bitch.
I went to the show last evening, "The More, The Merrier" with Jean Arthur and_____. Can't remember the men. After all, why should I? She's a nice looking wench. Honey, if you haven't seen it don't miss it. It's crazy but there are a couple of love scenes in it that nearly got the best of me. Can remember times when I felt and acted nearly the same. I said nearly. Don't think I was quite that slow on the uptake. Wish I could have had you to take home afterward. Kinda stirred me up and I'll bet you'd have had to calm me down. As it was, I just went to bed and slept it off.
How did you like the little story yesterday? Is that more the kind you can stand? Don't want to get you too worked up. You might be tempted to encourage some of those truck drivers just a little bit. If they have any red blood it wouldn't take more than a very little bit of encouragement from you to get results. If you don't believe it. Try a little encouragement on me next time. See what happens then. I love you, honey.
Don't worry about causing me too much trouble with the telegram. It really wasn't trouble. I just couldn't make up my mind which I was going to say. I knew at once what I should say, but I had a hell of a time convincing myself I was going to say it. I called myself foolish because I left my head get the better of my other feelings. I figured you knew what you were letting yourself in for by taking a trip as long as that at this time, and you have never had any experience, traveling by yourself. Which would make it a lot worse. If you loved me that much and wanted to see me so badly, you were willing to do all that. I certainly was foolish, [my heart or something is talking now] to advise you not to come. That is also why I said, if I needed proof that you loved me, that was it.
I know it would have been a terrible trip for you. You're a very sweet and generous wife. I love you, honey. You'd do almost anything to make me happy. Wouldn't you? I sure must have you fooled plenty. I'm not worth that much.
You asked about the difference in time between here and home. There isn't any difference since Ohio is back on slow time. We are still on fast time and that makes it exactly the same. It's 2040 here right now and the same where you are.
Sure sounds like Mickey is getting to the kind of places I wanted to be. I bet it is nice out there. I haven't answered their card yet either. Must do that.
One big reason I didn't call you instead of wire was because I was afraid that you would talk me into saying you should come. It wouldn't have taken much persuasion. Glad Pop was rather on my side of the fence. I still think I was right and that helps to make me certain. We usually seem to agree.
Don't you be too certain about me having a harder time of it than you. I don't believe it. Remember, I always used to be an independent cuss, and even though that is all changed now, thanks to you, I'm still a little more independent than you. You were always used to being taken care of, even spoiled a little, and here you are thrown entirely on your own with a home and everything to take care of. Quite a change I'd say. You're doing a swell job and I'm proud of you, Sweetheart.
Ed and Betty sent two flat fifties of Camels and some handkerchiefs. I sure have a locker full of clothes now. Break my back if I ever have to put it all in a barracks bag and tote it any distance. Hope that was just a part of basic training.
I guess I'll have to say this so there is no room for doubt either. I don't want a bracelet. You're a devil, but I sure love you. Always wanting to do or get something for me. Save your money so you can give me something I want a bit more. Guess what? You! All of you, all the time.
Vi also mentioned the party, New Years. Have a good time honey and drink a few for me. Maybe I'll be drinking a few for myself at the same time. Get good and "high" sweetheart. I'll be thinking of you and loving you.
What do you mean, it doesn't seem right to do things like that without me? It is strange and something is missing but surely it's right.
Here's to you honey. You're the best little wife a man ever had and I hope you have a happy New Year.
I love you darling. I'll always be loving you and wanting to be by you.
Night Tootsie Wuggles.
Your lover
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Letter # 163 December 26, 1943
Dec 26, 1943
My Sweetheart;
Hope you don't have a hangover or something from too big a day yesterday. I haven't. I'm feeling swell. Had 11 hrs. sleep last night. Imagine that. I was ready to get up at 0500 already, but wasn't anything to do so I just rolled over and slept some more. We didn't have any lights until 0800 this morning so there just wasn't any use getting up until daylight. I caught up on about all my chores and writing now. Wrote 10 letters yesterday and finally got the rest of my stripes sewed on. On the ball again for a few days. Guess I go to the field tomorrow and come back Tues. sometime.
My heel is all healed up and O.K. again. I'm starting this letter while I'm waiting for mail call. That's why it's jumping around so much.
I cut an article from the paper about the ice storm and am sending it along. Thought it might be interesting. The comparison between the same day a year ago certainly is.
I was seriously toying with the idea of trying to call you yesterday and then this storm pulled the wires down. Some of the boys did try but had no luck. I kinda thought it might be fun to at least talk to you. I'll just wait until some other time when I might have some news to tell you. I loves you honey.
Here is something I picked up I thought you might enjoy.
What they said after____.
Italian Girl - Now, will you hate me?
Spanish Girl - For this I will love you always!
Russian Girl - My body belongs to you. My soul will be free always.
German Girl - After we rest a while, we will go to the beer garden. Yah?
Swedish Girl - I tank I go home now.
French Girl - For this I get a new dress. Oui?
Colored Girl - Boy! I sho hope this changes your luck.
Jewish Girl - Goniff, next time I think I'll have the silver foxes first.
Chinese Girl - I hope I've given you some new slants.
English Girl - It was rawther pleasant. We must try it again sometime.
American Girl -Jesus Christ! I must have been drunk. What did you say your name was?
Maybe you've seen this before. Which do you think would be your reaction? After looking them over rather carefully I think you're true to your nationality. Only you seem to like to go to the beer garden first. You like to love and then eat. I don't care what I do before or after just so I get the loving and plenty of it.
Well, sweetheart, we've had dinner and mail call and still "No letters today." See I can use song titles also. I'm rather at a loss to know what to write about. No news I haven't already told you about, so from here on you can expect almost anything. Hard to tell what sort of inspiration I'll get or maybe I won't get any and will just quit here. I'm going to take a crap. Maybe that will help.
I'm thinking of a beautiful day last fall, of a nice little white home back in the woods. The leaves are falling and the ones still on the big oaks are beautiful with reds and yellows and greens. The house is quiet except for a curl of smoke from the chimney. A beat up old Dodge sedan comes down the road, turns in and stops close to the garage door. A tall soldier, a corporal in the Armored Forces, jumps out and stands a moment looking expectantly at the closed front door. Nothing happens so with a few quick eager strides he is at the door trying the latch.
It's locked so he looks through the glass. He really didn't expect to see anything but an empty room. Thinks his wife is still sleeping. Instead, a very welcome sight meets his eyes. His wife, clad in a bathrobe and a pair of men's pajamas, his own, show below the robe. Feet clad in a pair of crochet rag slippers, hair uncombed and rumpled, just as she got out of bed only a short time before, is laying on the floor in front of a cozy fire having her breakfast coffee.
She heard the rattle of the latch and looks up quickly. Surprise quickly changes to loving welcome and she swiftly opens the door and is gathered in by a pair of hungry arms. Her arms, hungry also, return the hug and even tremble a little. Somehow one of them takes time to close the door and then the embrace is passionately resumed. Kisses are firmly planted on her upturned, clinging lips and strong arms pull her closer and closer against his chest until the separating clothes are no longer a protection and her soft breasts can be felt.
The pressure of the embrace must have been great , but neither seem to mind in the least. Hearts are beating close together again and nerves are too thrilled to be conscious of anything but love for each other. Nothing else would have even been noticed.
Finally as a kiss is broken and resumed, he felt a tear moisten his lips and finds there are lots of them rolling from eyes so star studded, it's a miracle where they came from. She says, "Of course I'm crying, I'm so happy." He was so a tingle he couldn't cry, but was just as happy.
The coffee, long since cold and forgotten was suddenly remembered and the embrace was broken while she got fresh coffee and finished her breakfast. She didn't seem to have much appetite though and he could hardly take his eyes from her long enough to go get his bag and coat from the car. She was good to look at, even though covered by very unrevealing garments. They couldn't hide all her attractions.
She is a very nice looking gal. Dark, uncombed hair framing a white face, completely devoid of makeup, but the fire or "something" had put high spots of color in each cheek and the big, long lashed eyes were really shinning. Nice, red, slightly crushed lips parted in a happy, enticing smile showed pretty, even, white teeth.
Beautiful picture. Best he had looked upon in weeks and he had been in the south where the women are noted for their beauty. There are a lot of pretty ones but they can't ever match this one. You can say he is prejudiced or anything you want to, but it still is true as far as he is concerned.
Of course, he didn't stop looking there. He is somewhat of a wolf and never misses a curve. Even though she is very well hidden by loose p.j.'s and bathrobe, even they can't hide the exciting fullness of breasts and chubby tummy. Clothes can't hide the suggestion of long, nice looking legs. She's a big gal but boy! is she built. Any man would be only too glad to be in this soldier's shoes. He's going to have a swell time. If he doesn't, it's his own fault.
She finishes her breakfast while they talk and love each other, by words and eyes. He sits in his old, favorite , easy chair and she sits on his lap, still kissing and loving. Emotions are too stirred up and passion must be satisfied. They go to the bedroom and very little time is lost undressing and getting in bed together.
If he had needed any more urging, he surely got it as she threw off the few clothes and stood there naked. All the parts of her soft, exciting body more than fulfilled their suggestion when covered. Almost made a wild man of this soldier. Had a hard time to keep from being too rough and enthusiastic.
For details of what happened for the next hour read a letter you got a couple weeks ago. That was only the beginning of a very loving, happy, two weeks, until he had to tear himself away and report back to a very bare and different life, in an army camp in La.
That is a rather long and poor story so maybe you don't recognize it. Do you? I think you should. You're the gal that was being loved and I was doing the loving. Maybe it was the other way around part of the time, but it was us anyhow. Remember? I'll never forget it. Even though it was honeymoon number 3 and we had been married more than three years, it was the sweetest, most tender, happiest two weeks I ever spent. I really love that gal much more than I can ever tell her.
I'm waiting more or less patiently for honeymoon number 4. Whenever and wherever it becomes a reality, I know it's going to be a dandy. I can hardly wait.
This wasn't quite so strong or plain spoken. Maybe you can read it without blushing or letting it bother you too much. Don't know though, it bothered me, but I'm very easily bothered when I'm thinking of you.
I love you darling. I'm missing you too. Bye for today.
Your lover
My Sweetheart;
Hope you don't have a hangover or something from too big a day yesterday. I haven't. I'm feeling swell. Had 11 hrs. sleep last night. Imagine that. I was ready to get up at 0500 already, but wasn't anything to do so I just rolled over and slept some more. We didn't have any lights until 0800 this morning so there just wasn't any use getting up until daylight. I caught up on about all my chores and writing now. Wrote 10 letters yesterday and finally got the rest of my stripes sewed on. On the ball again for a few days. Guess I go to the field tomorrow and come back Tues. sometime.
My heel is all healed up and O.K. again. I'm starting this letter while I'm waiting for mail call. That's why it's jumping around so much.
I cut an article from the paper about the ice storm and am sending it along. Thought it might be interesting. The comparison between the same day a year ago certainly is.
I was seriously toying with the idea of trying to call you yesterday and then this storm pulled the wires down. Some of the boys did try but had no luck. I kinda thought it might be fun to at least talk to you. I'll just wait until some other time when I might have some news to tell you. I loves you honey.
Here is something I picked up I thought you might enjoy.
What they said after____.
Italian Girl - Now, will you hate me?
Spanish Girl - For this I will love you always!
Russian Girl - My body belongs to you. My soul will be free always.
German Girl - After we rest a while, we will go to the beer garden. Yah?
Swedish Girl - I tank I go home now.
French Girl - For this I get a new dress. Oui?
Colored Girl - Boy! I sho hope this changes your luck.
Jewish Girl - Goniff, next time I think I'll have the silver foxes first.
Chinese Girl - I hope I've given you some new slants.
English Girl - It was rawther pleasant. We must try it again sometime.
American Girl -Jesus Christ! I must have been drunk. What did you say your name was?
Maybe you've seen this before. Which do you think would be your reaction? After looking them over rather carefully I think you're true to your nationality. Only you seem to like to go to the beer garden first. You like to love and then eat. I don't care what I do before or after just so I get the loving and plenty of it.
Well, sweetheart, we've had dinner and mail call and still "No letters today." See I can use song titles also. I'm rather at a loss to know what to write about. No news I haven't already told you about, so from here on you can expect almost anything. Hard to tell what sort of inspiration I'll get or maybe I won't get any and will just quit here. I'm going to take a crap. Maybe that will help.
I'm thinking of a beautiful day last fall, of a nice little white home back in the woods. The leaves are falling and the ones still on the big oaks are beautiful with reds and yellows and greens. The house is quiet except for a curl of smoke from the chimney. A beat up old Dodge sedan comes down the road, turns in and stops close to the garage door. A tall soldier, a corporal in the Armored Forces, jumps out and stands a moment looking expectantly at the closed front door. Nothing happens so with a few quick eager strides he is at the door trying the latch.
It's locked so he looks through the glass. He really didn't expect to see anything but an empty room. Thinks his wife is still sleeping. Instead, a very welcome sight meets his eyes. His wife, clad in a bathrobe and a pair of men's pajamas, his own, show below the robe. Feet clad in a pair of crochet rag slippers, hair uncombed and rumpled, just as she got out of bed only a short time before, is laying on the floor in front of a cozy fire having her breakfast coffee.
She heard the rattle of the latch and looks up quickly. Surprise quickly changes to loving welcome and she swiftly opens the door and is gathered in by a pair of hungry arms. Her arms, hungry also, return the hug and even tremble a little. Somehow one of them takes time to close the door and then the embrace is passionately resumed. Kisses are firmly planted on her upturned, clinging lips and strong arms pull her closer and closer against his chest until the separating clothes are no longer a protection and her soft breasts can be felt.
The pressure of the embrace must have been great , but neither seem to mind in the least. Hearts are beating close together again and nerves are too thrilled to be conscious of anything but love for each other. Nothing else would have even been noticed.
Finally as a kiss is broken and resumed, he felt a tear moisten his lips and finds there are lots of them rolling from eyes so star studded, it's a miracle where they came from. She says, "Of course I'm crying, I'm so happy." He was so a tingle he couldn't cry, but was just as happy.
The coffee, long since cold and forgotten was suddenly remembered and the embrace was broken while she got fresh coffee and finished her breakfast. She didn't seem to have much appetite though and he could hardly take his eyes from her long enough to go get his bag and coat from the car. She was good to look at, even though covered by very unrevealing garments. They couldn't hide all her attractions.
She is a very nice looking gal. Dark, uncombed hair framing a white face, completely devoid of makeup, but the fire or "something" had put high spots of color in each cheek and the big, long lashed eyes were really shinning. Nice, red, slightly crushed lips parted in a happy, enticing smile showed pretty, even, white teeth.
Beautiful picture. Best he had looked upon in weeks and he had been in the south where the women are noted for their beauty. There are a lot of pretty ones but they can't ever match this one. You can say he is prejudiced or anything you want to, but it still is true as far as he is concerned.
Of course, he didn't stop looking there. He is somewhat of a wolf and never misses a curve. Even though she is very well hidden by loose p.j.'s and bathrobe, even they can't hide the exciting fullness of breasts and chubby tummy. Clothes can't hide the suggestion of long, nice looking legs. She's a big gal but boy! is she built. Any man would be only too glad to be in this soldier's shoes. He's going to have a swell time. If he doesn't, it's his own fault.
She finishes her breakfast while they talk and love each other, by words and eyes. He sits in his old, favorite , easy chair and she sits on his lap, still kissing and loving. Emotions are too stirred up and passion must be satisfied. They go to the bedroom and very little time is lost undressing and getting in bed together.
If he had needed any more urging, he surely got it as she threw off the few clothes and stood there naked. All the parts of her soft, exciting body more than fulfilled their suggestion when covered. Almost made a wild man of this soldier. Had a hard time to keep from being too rough and enthusiastic.
For details of what happened for the next hour read a letter you got a couple weeks ago. That was only the beginning of a very loving, happy, two weeks, until he had to tear himself away and report back to a very bare and different life, in an army camp in La.
That is a rather long and poor story so maybe you don't recognize it. Do you? I think you should. You're the gal that was being loved and I was doing the loving. Maybe it was the other way around part of the time, but it was us anyhow. Remember? I'll never forget it. Even though it was honeymoon number 3 and we had been married more than three years, it was the sweetest, most tender, happiest two weeks I ever spent. I really love that gal much more than I can ever tell her.
I'm waiting more or less patiently for honeymoon number 4. Whenever and wherever it becomes a reality, I know it's going to be a dandy. I can hardly wait.
This wasn't quite so strong or plain spoken. Maybe you can read it without blushing or letting it bother you too much. Don't know though, it bothered me, but I'm very easily bothered when I'm thinking of you.
I love you darling. I'm missing you too. Bye for today.
Your lover
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Letter # 162 December 25, 1943
Dec 25, 1943
Hello Santa Clause wife;
Well honey, I waited until after dinner to open the package, mostly because we had a couple nuisance raids, that is my name for some of the army shit. We were off but we still had to make our beds up like we do for inspections, and sweep and scrub the barracks and then we didn't know until about 1000 if anything was expected of us or not, so I didn't want to have a mess around from opening packages.
We had to dress in best bib & tucker for dinner and then they said dinner wouldn't be until 1 so we went to the P.X. to get an appetizer. Several bottles of beer. On the way back we met a couple fellows that had liquor and had several snorts. Boy we were having a good time!
Dinner was a swell meal, just about like Thanksgiving only we had a program along with it. Someone singing or speaking all through the meal. The officers and their wives ate with us. Only one soldier had his wife here. Nearly all the boys had a load of Christmas cheer, the officers also, so it was quite an uproarious affair. I won't say much about what we had because the Captain had menus printed and put at each plate. It also has a complete roster of the men in the company. It has me listed as a T/5 but you can just mentally put me up with the T/4's. I'll send it along when I send the Yanks & etc. We had a very good and pleasant Christmas dinner.
Now that is taken care of I can cover the presents. Honey, you're a sweet old devil. "I didn't get you much," you said, but I thought you did very well. It was a swell Christmas honey, honestly. Very nice to have a sweet wife like you thinking of me and giving me things. More presents than I've had, to open at one time, for years. Thanks so much honey. I'll make it up to you sometime. I betcha.
The shirts, belt and everything were swell. Just about what I'd have bought myself. The dog tag chain is almost exactly like the one the army gave me. Even the hooks are the same. Don't worry about me thinking the cigarette lighter a cheap gadget. I know it isn't. I've seen them advertised. I bet it's a handy thing to have on bivouac. The big shots can't see the light and give me hell for smoking. I can "fuck" 'em now. I don't know about how much time I'll have to use the games, but the pinup gals are good to look at. Still none of them as good as you though. That one in front of the mirror bears a slight resemblance. I've seen you undress in front of the mirror and if this gal wasn't a blond it wouldn't be a bad likeness. Kinda makes me homesick for the good old days. I'd give a lot to be looking at your reflection in the mirror, while I lay on the bed and wait for you. Remember? sweetheart.
Thanks a lot honey for all the surprises.
You surely did all you could possibly do to make my Christmas as merry as possible. You're so sweet and thoughtful darling. It just kinda chokes me up, thinking about you and loving you. I sure was a lucky boy when I got you for my wife. Hope I can do enough for you to deserve you. I'll try to be good to you Tootsie Wuggles.
The sweater Vi made for me is a bit of all right. Fits perfectly. Don't see that she has any reason to think it isn't so good. I think it's a good job. I know it's going to feel mighty good these cold nights we have sometimes. Tell Mom & Pop, thanks a lot for the billfold. I can use it. The old one is pretty well beat up. Don't expect to ever have it full of money, but I can fill it with identification, licence & etc. It['s a dandy. Candy was very good. I say was because it's all gone already. Even on top of a big dinner I had room for that and I wasn't alone.
You thought of almost everything didn't you darling? Polish for my brass, carrier for matches, reading matter, and even another bunch of funnies. No wonder it took a lot of time to pack. Even another card.
Honey, a Varga girl can't even come close to you. She hasn't anything but curves and looks. You've got all the curves and looks and brains to boot. No wonder I love you so much. I'd be a rather poor specimen if I didn't. I can't tell you exactly what I mean. I'll have to wait until I get a chance to show you. Bet I'll show you or die trying.
I got a book about the Armored Command today, similar to the one we were to get when we were in the 8th. Has some good pictures and explanations of these outfits. Send it along also. Don't know just when. I'll get it done probably soon.
I haven't gotten a letter from you for two days now so I can't answer them. I imagine, the round about way our mail comes now and the Christmas rush is responsible. Bet I get a whole lot of them tomorrow.
My heel seems to be coming along swell. Hardly sore any more. Guess I won't get a chance to see those nurses yet for a while.
Thanks again darling for a very swell Christmas. Only one thing could have made it any better and you even offered that, but I was foolish enough to refuse. I still think I was right, that's the sensible part of me does, but there are other parts of me that don't agree. Contrary to what you're thinking my heart heads the list. I love you so much, [so does "it" ]. Bye for today sweetheart. You're tops and I love you.
Your hubby.
Hello Santa Clause wife;
Well honey, I waited until after dinner to open the package, mostly because we had a couple nuisance raids, that is my name for some of the army shit. We were off but we still had to make our beds up like we do for inspections, and sweep and scrub the barracks and then we didn't know until about 1000 if anything was expected of us or not, so I didn't want to have a mess around from opening packages.
We had to dress in best bib & tucker for dinner and then they said dinner wouldn't be until 1 so we went to the P.X. to get an appetizer. Several bottles of beer. On the way back we met a couple fellows that had liquor and had several snorts. Boy we were having a good time!
Dinner was a swell meal, just about like Thanksgiving only we had a program along with it. Someone singing or speaking all through the meal. The officers and their wives ate with us. Only one soldier had his wife here. Nearly all the boys had a load of Christmas cheer, the officers also, so it was quite an uproarious affair. I won't say much about what we had because the Captain had menus printed and put at each plate. It also has a complete roster of the men in the company. It has me listed as a T/5 but you can just mentally put me up with the T/4's. I'll send it along when I send the Yanks & etc. We had a very good and pleasant Christmas dinner.
Now that is taken care of I can cover the presents. Honey, you're a sweet old devil. "I didn't get you much," you said, but I thought you did very well. It was a swell Christmas honey, honestly. Very nice to have a sweet wife like you thinking of me and giving me things. More presents than I've had, to open at one time, for years. Thanks so much honey. I'll make it up to you sometime. I betcha.
The shirts, belt and everything were swell. Just about what I'd have bought myself. The dog tag chain is almost exactly like the one the army gave me. Even the hooks are the same. Don't worry about me thinking the cigarette lighter a cheap gadget. I know it isn't. I've seen them advertised. I bet it's a handy thing to have on bivouac. The big shots can't see the light and give me hell for smoking. I can "fuck" 'em now. I don't know about how much time I'll have to use the games, but the pinup gals are good to look at. Still none of them as good as you though. That one in front of the mirror bears a slight resemblance. I've seen you undress in front of the mirror and if this gal wasn't a blond it wouldn't be a bad likeness. Kinda makes me homesick for the good old days. I'd give a lot to be looking at your reflection in the mirror, while I lay on the bed and wait for you. Remember? sweetheart.
Thanks a lot honey for all the surprises.
You surely did all you could possibly do to make my Christmas as merry as possible. You're so sweet and thoughtful darling. It just kinda chokes me up, thinking about you and loving you. I sure was a lucky boy when I got you for my wife. Hope I can do enough for you to deserve you. I'll try to be good to you Tootsie Wuggles.
The sweater Vi made for me is a bit of all right. Fits perfectly. Don't see that she has any reason to think it isn't so good. I think it's a good job. I know it's going to feel mighty good these cold nights we have sometimes. Tell Mom & Pop, thanks a lot for the billfold. I can use it. The old one is pretty well beat up. Don't expect to ever have it full of money, but I can fill it with identification, licence & etc. It['s a dandy. Candy was very good. I say was because it's all gone already. Even on top of a big dinner I had room for that and I wasn't alone.
You thought of almost everything didn't you darling? Polish for my brass, carrier for matches, reading matter, and even another bunch of funnies. No wonder it took a lot of time to pack. Even another card.
Honey, a Varga girl can't even come close to you. She hasn't anything but curves and looks. You've got all the curves and looks and brains to boot. No wonder I love you so much. I'd be a rather poor specimen if I didn't. I can't tell you exactly what I mean. I'll have to wait until I get a chance to show you. Bet I'll show you or die trying.
I got a book about the Armored Command today, similar to the one we were to get when we were in the 8th. Has some good pictures and explanations of these outfits. Send it along also. Don't know just when. I'll get it done probably soon.
I haven't gotten a letter from you for two days now so I can't answer them. I imagine, the round about way our mail comes now and the Christmas rush is responsible. Bet I get a whole lot of them tomorrow.
My heel seems to be coming along swell. Hardly sore any more. Guess I won't get a chance to see those nurses yet for a while.
Thanks again darling for a very swell Christmas. Only one thing could have made it any better and you even offered that, but I was foolish enough to refuse. I still think I was right, that's the sensible part of me does, but there are other parts of me that don't agree. Contrary to what you're thinking my heart heads the list. I love you so much, [so does "it" ]. Bye for today sweetheart. You're tops and I love you.
Your hubby.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Letter #161 December 24, 1943
Dec. 24 1943
Christmas Eve.
My Darling Wife;
Well, sweetheart, here it is, the eve of the big day. Hardly seems possible. Be the first, and I hope the last, we are ever apart.
We had a pleasant surprise today. Off duty at noon today and don't go back to work until Monday. Boy! Some vacation. Huh? Give me time to do a few of the chores I should have a wife doing for me and also catch up on some neglected letter writing.
They gave three day passes to about 25 men this morning. The rest of us can go out tomorrow and Sunday, but have to be back for dinner tomorrow and roll call Sunday. Can't let too many men go at once. Always supposed to be 2/3 of the men on call at least once a day. They will give another bunch passes over New Year. Don't think I'm much interested, but I might take a crazy notion and go on a tear. Might even talk to some nice gal if I can find one that will even look at me. Have to keep my hat on I bet.
Just think. Tomorrow I can open your package and see the presents you got for me. You're a swell old devil and I love you like hell.
I'm afraid I deceived you a little about not getting you anything for Christmas but at the time I told you that, I really didn't expect to be able to find anything that even looked like you. I just happened to see that toilet set in one of the P.X.'s and, though I didn't know anything about such stuff, I thought you might be able to use it. I remember giving you something along that line a couple times before we were married and you said you liked it, so I tried my luck again. If the stuff isn't your kind maybe you can trade it to someone. I was thinking of you anyhow. I looked all over Leesville last week and couldn't find a thing but trinkets in the jewelry line. None of your kind of stuff so I didn't get anything else. I'll save it until I see something you like and then I thought after I had you all prepared to get no present that it would be really fun to surprise you so I sent it to Mom to keep until Christmas. Hope you like it and aren't too angry with me for deceiving you.
Remember the card you sent? "I wantcha when I'm happy, I wantcha when I'm blue. Even when I'm mad atcha, I wantcha----yes, I do!" That is a cute card honey. It goes for both of us.
Guess we are going to have another spread for dinner tomorrow. All the trimmings with it too. I saw the turkeys in the kitchen today and the mess hall is all decorated in fine style, even to a Christmas tree. All wives are invited. Too bad we can't get together. I'd like you to have a meal army style, and also get a chance to show you off to the boys. Then they'd stop wondering why I don't go out like most of the others do. No use. I wouldn't find another like you and I won't take any second best as long as I have the best waiting for me. Sure, they could probably answer the purpose, but I want your special brand of loving or none. Gee! I gotcha sweetheart.
Well honey, it almost looks like we would have a white Christmas down here. It's been raining hard all day and just cold enough to freeze ice on the trees and wires. None on the ground. The pines are surely pretty, all covered with an inch of ice and sparkling as though decorated. They are so heavy with ice they are bent nearly double so the tops are within a few feet of the ground. I never expected to see weather like this way down here. Some days like summer and then the next like this. Funny country.
This railroad strike doesn't sound good. Glad you aren't traveling now. Might really get stranded.
Remember when I was at Knox, I told you about loaning some money and not getting it all back? Since the break up I hadn't found the fellow. Well he is on maneuvers with the 8th and they came in our barracks tonight for showers. Had a three day leave from down in Texas and he came back here to see his gal friend. Well I got my money. It was only $2.00 but I got it. Just an old hard boiled collector. That's me. End of the month and the boy was out for a good time and I hit him for the $2.00. Christmas eve too. I'm a hard one honey.
You can sure soften me up. Wrap me around your finger and make me like it. I don't care. I love you. I like to be wrapped around any part of you.
I went back to the medics this morning and they cut me open again and said if it didn't bother I wouldn't need to come back. It's still sore and touchy but is getting much better. Be good as new again in a couple days. All this rest over the weekend will help a lot. Can run around without a shoe and let it get well.
I'm going to have a real lazy couple days, write a few letters, do a little sewing, a little reading, and maybe some sleeping and a lot of daydreaming about my darling wife. If I'm in the proper mood I might even write you a nice-naughty letter or something like that there.
It's nice and quiet here tonight. A few of the boys are playing cards or writing and the radio is playing carols. Nice quiet Christmas eve. I'd a lot rather be home with my "Varga" girl wife. I can't be there in person, but I'm with you in my thoughts and that is something. Better than not having you to think of.
Night honey. I love you. You're my sweetheart.
Your hubby.
Christmas Eve.
My Darling Wife;
Well, sweetheart, here it is, the eve of the big day. Hardly seems possible. Be the first, and I hope the last, we are ever apart.
We had a pleasant surprise today. Off duty at noon today and don't go back to work until Monday. Boy! Some vacation. Huh? Give me time to do a few of the chores I should have a wife doing for me and also catch up on some neglected letter writing.
They gave three day passes to about 25 men this morning. The rest of us can go out tomorrow and Sunday, but have to be back for dinner tomorrow and roll call Sunday. Can't let too many men go at once. Always supposed to be 2/3 of the men on call at least once a day. They will give another bunch passes over New Year. Don't think I'm much interested, but I might take a crazy notion and go on a tear. Might even talk to some nice gal if I can find one that will even look at me. Have to keep my hat on I bet.
Just think. Tomorrow I can open your package and see the presents you got for me. You're a swell old devil and I love you like hell.
I'm afraid I deceived you a little about not getting you anything for Christmas but at the time I told you that, I really didn't expect to be able to find anything that even looked like you. I just happened to see that toilet set in one of the P.X.'s and, though I didn't know anything about such stuff, I thought you might be able to use it. I remember giving you something along that line a couple times before we were married and you said you liked it, so I tried my luck again. If the stuff isn't your kind maybe you can trade it to someone. I was thinking of you anyhow. I looked all over Leesville last week and couldn't find a thing but trinkets in the jewelry line. None of your kind of stuff so I didn't get anything else. I'll save it until I see something you like and then I thought after I had you all prepared to get no present that it would be really fun to surprise you so I sent it to Mom to keep until Christmas. Hope you like it and aren't too angry with me for deceiving you.
Remember the card you sent? "I wantcha when I'm happy, I wantcha when I'm blue. Even when I'm mad atcha, I wantcha----yes, I do!" That is a cute card honey. It goes for both of us.
Guess we are going to have another spread for dinner tomorrow. All the trimmings with it too. I saw the turkeys in the kitchen today and the mess hall is all decorated in fine style, even to a Christmas tree. All wives are invited. Too bad we can't get together. I'd like you to have a meal army style, and also get a chance to show you off to the boys. Then they'd stop wondering why I don't go out like most of the others do. No use. I wouldn't find another like you and I won't take any second best as long as I have the best waiting for me. Sure, they could probably answer the purpose, but I want your special brand of loving or none. Gee! I gotcha sweetheart.
Well honey, it almost looks like we would have a white Christmas down here. It's been raining hard all day and just cold enough to freeze ice on the trees and wires. None on the ground. The pines are surely pretty, all covered with an inch of ice and sparkling as though decorated. They are so heavy with ice they are bent nearly double so the tops are within a few feet of the ground. I never expected to see weather like this way down here. Some days like summer and then the next like this. Funny country.
This railroad strike doesn't sound good. Glad you aren't traveling now. Might really get stranded.
Remember when I was at Knox, I told you about loaning some money and not getting it all back? Since the break up I hadn't found the fellow. Well he is on maneuvers with the 8th and they came in our barracks tonight for showers. Had a three day leave from down in Texas and he came back here to see his gal friend. Well I got my money. It was only $2.00 but I got it. Just an old hard boiled collector. That's me. End of the month and the boy was out for a good time and I hit him for the $2.00. Christmas eve too. I'm a hard one honey.
You can sure soften me up. Wrap me around your finger and make me like it. I don't care. I love you. I like to be wrapped around any part of you.
I went back to the medics this morning and they cut me open again and said if it didn't bother I wouldn't need to come back. It's still sore and touchy but is getting much better. Be good as new again in a couple days. All this rest over the weekend will help a lot. Can run around without a shoe and let it get well.
I'm going to have a real lazy couple days, write a few letters, do a little sewing, a little reading, and maybe some sleeping and a lot of daydreaming about my darling wife. If I'm in the proper mood I might even write you a nice-naughty letter or something like that there.
It's nice and quiet here tonight. A few of the boys are playing cards or writing and the radio is playing carols. Nice quiet Christmas eve. I'd a lot rather be home with my "Varga" girl wife. I can't be there in person, but I'm with you in my thoughts and that is something. Better than not having you to think of.
Night honey. I love you. You're my sweetheart.
Your hubby.
Letter # 160 December 23, 1943
Dec. 23, 1943
My Darling;
I sure rated at mail call this evening and I don't mean maybe! 5 letters, 2 packages, and the Gazette. Whole mailbag all by myself. Three letters from you, only one turned out to be a very cute card. Every word on it is true and on top of that, I love you.
It was rather funny, I thought, until tonight, that you had taken my suggestion and hadn't written on Sat. I didn't get a letter Tues. and on Wed. I got your Sunday one. I was rather surprised to get your Sat. one today. Must have been held up someplace. Almost another lost letter.
The rest of the letters were cards from Mick & Louise, and the Blue Star mothers. Mick and Louise wrote a short letter on the back. Say they are having a grand time. Mick can get out nearly every night but has to be back by 12 at night except on weekends. She says he has lost all his bay window and needs his clothes taken in at least 6 inches. Hard life for us old fat men. I also see by the address that he is now a Pfc. Got his first step up. Good for him. She also mentioned the invitation.
One of the packages was from Art & Marg. Swell cookies! The other was from the Grange. Fruit cake and English walnuts. 'Spect you know all about this anyhow. I sure haven't been wanting for anything to fess on. I'll be spoiled. Good thing Christmas is almost here. One more day and I can peek at what my darling wife and the rest have sent me.
Honey you should have seen the packages and letters at mail call tonight. Took over an hour to call them all out. The boys were all like a bunch of kids. Getting the Christmas spirit. Santa is surely coming to this camp.
I went to the dispensary this morning and after a short examination, the doctor said it needed operating on. He froze the sore spot, took a knife and cut a hell of a slice in my heel. Didn't seem to be anything in it. He dressed it and told me to come back again tomorrow morning. It sure hasn't done any good so far. I believe it's even a little worse than yesterday. Makes me walk like an old man. Doesn't bother except when my shoe is on.
Good thing you didn't come down. You'd have had a crippled partner. We'd have been forced to stay in bed all the time. Wouldn't that have been hell? Don't know what we'd have done to pass the time. Of course, it's only my foot that is crippled. My half foot seems to be in good shape. Do you suppose we could get along on that? Bet it would keep us busy for a while at least. Say for 6 or 7 every day. We've never had a time when we could just lay in bed together for very long. Might be fun. Have to try that sometime. Just love and love and love and sleep a little and then love some more. Bet I wouldn't be the first to want to eat.
I do love you so much, honey. You're such a nice person to love. I still say that all the things I say about you are true. So there.
Now I'll answer your letters.
I may be prejudiced, but I think our cards are much better than the Abbott's. I had to look at the signature to be sure who it was. Neither of them were facing the camera. I'll send it back in a box or something. It's too big to fit my envelopes.
While I'm on the card subject. You can put your mind at rest about the ones to Steve & Funny. I sent them shortly after I got them.
Too bad you and I couldn't have been together, if you could have, easily been "made". I like to make you. It's fun.
You can thank your kids for thinking of sending me some cookies. They don't know how close we thought you were to being a mother. Do they honey? I didn't think you looked like a mother when I saw you in that dress. You looked like a very desirable and lovable wife. You were too Whoopee! Could I ever forget it?
I like to hear about your teaching as much as you want to hear what I'm doing, so don't be afraid to write about it. I'm interested in any and everything you do. Maybe I never told you, but I'm more interested in you and what you are doing than anything else I know of. Why shouldn't I be? You've got the biggest part of me in your keeping. All you don't have is my body. Wish you had that too. You always took good care of it except you left it get a little fat and out of shape. I'll let you keep it again though.
So you think you aren't as nice as the pictures I have of you in my mind? How do you know what the picture is? I haven't told you yet. You're just being modest, but all the time you think you're pretty nice too or you wouldn't be expecting the word picture to be nice. You're egotistical, honey. You can be though because the picture is very nice and I don't care what you say. You look better to me than any Varga girl ever did. Beside I can get some loving from you. I never dreamed of any Varga girl yet, but I sure have dreamed about you. Sometimes the dreams are so real until I wake up that they have become rather messy. So "shut up - please."
Time for bed, sweetheart.
Night honey. I love you.
your soldier.
My Darling;
I sure rated at mail call this evening and I don't mean maybe! 5 letters, 2 packages, and the Gazette. Whole mailbag all by myself. Three letters from you, only one turned out to be a very cute card. Every word on it is true and on top of that, I love you.
It was rather funny, I thought, until tonight, that you had taken my suggestion and hadn't written on Sat. I didn't get a letter Tues. and on Wed. I got your Sunday one. I was rather surprised to get your Sat. one today. Must have been held up someplace. Almost another lost letter.
The rest of the letters were cards from Mick & Louise, and the Blue Star mothers. Mick and Louise wrote a short letter on the back. Say they are having a grand time. Mick can get out nearly every night but has to be back by 12 at night except on weekends. She says he has lost all his bay window and needs his clothes taken in at least 6 inches. Hard life for us old fat men. I also see by the address that he is now a Pfc. Got his first step up. Good for him. She also mentioned the invitation.
One of the packages was from Art & Marg. Swell cookies! The other was from the Grange. Fruit cake and English walnuts. 'Spect you know all about this anyhow. I sure haven't been wanting for anything to fess on. I'll be spoiled. Good thing Christmas is almost here. One more day and I can peek at what my darling wife and the rest have sent me.
Honey you should have seen the packages and letters at mail call tonight. Took over an hour to call them all out. The boys were all like a bunch of kids. Getting the Christmas spirit. Santa is surely coming to this camp.
I went to the dispensary this morning and after a short examination, the doctor said it needed operating on. He froze the sore spot, took a knife and cut a hell of a slice in my heel. Didn't seem to be anything in it. He dressed it and told me to come back again tomorrow morning. It sure hasn't done any good so far. I believe it's even a little worse than yesterday. Makes me walk like an old man. Doesn't bother except when my shoe is on.
Good thing you didn't come down. You'd have had a crippled partner. We'd have been forced to stay in bed all the time. Wouldn't that have been hell? Don't know what we'd have done to pass the time. Of course, it's only my foot that is crippled. My half foot seems to be in good shape. Do you suppose we could get along on that? Bet it would keep us busy for a while at least. Say for 6 or 7 every day. We've never had a time when we could just lay in bed together for very long. Might be fun. Have to try that sometime. Just love and love and love and sleep a little and then love some more. Bet I wouldn't be the first to want to eat.
I do love you so much, honey. You're such a nice person to love. I still say that all the things I say about you are true. So there.
Now I'll answer your letters.
I may be prejudiced, but I think our cards are much better than the Abbott's. I had to look at the signature to be sure who it was. Neither of them were facing the camera. I'll send it back in a box or something. It's too big to fit my envelopes.
While I'm on the card subject. You can put your mind at rest about the ones to Steve & Funny. I sent them shortly after I got them.
Too bad you and I couldn't have been together, if you could have, easily been "made". I like to make you. It's fun.
You can thank your kids for thinking of sending me some cookies. They don't know how close we thought you were to being a mother. Do they honey? I didn't think you looked like a mother when I saw you in that dress. You looked like a very desirable and lovable wife. You were too Whoopee! Could I ever forget it?
I like to hear about your teaching as much as you want to hear what I'm doing, so don't be afraid to write about it. I'm interested in any and everything you do. Maybe I never told you, but I'm more interested in you and what you are doing than anything else I know of. Why shouldn't I be? You've got the biggest part of me in your keeping. All you don't have is my body. Wish you had that too. You always took good care of it except you left it get a little fat and out of shape. I'll let you keep it again though.
So you think you aren't as nice as the pictures I have of you in my mind? How do you know what the picture is? I haven't told you yet. You're just being modest, but all the time you think you're pretty nice too or you wouldn't be expecting the word picture to be nice. You're egotistical, honey. You can be though because the picture is very nice and I don't care what you say. You look better to me than any Varga girl ever did. Beside I can get some loving from you. I never dreamed of any Varga girl yet, but I sure have dreamed about you. Sometimes the dreams are so real until I wake up that they have become rather messy. So "shut up - please."
Time for bed, sweetheart.
Night honey. I love you.
your soldier.
Letter # 159 December 22, 1943
Dec 22, 1943
Hello Sweetheart;
I got your Sunday letter today. Glad you got the telegram and weren't too disappointed. I was afraid you had rather set yourself to come and wouldn't like me advising against it. I surely didn't want to send that answer, but I don't think this is the most opportune time to get together. Some of the boys that had been on furlough came back today and they said that traveling was really tough. One fellow sat on his suitcase all the way from New York, and several others stood a lot of the time. They said civilians had a hell of a time getting on the trains. Military personnel has first chance, you know. Afraid you'd have had a hell of a time. I'm hoping for that better chance in the near future. I hope. I do want to see you so much. Never seem to get over being lost without you. I love you honey.
This is going to be another short letter, I'm afraid. I had to go get another haircut and make a call at the dispensary and it's getting late. I have some sort of infection in my right heel. It's been bothering for a couple weeks. I went to the medics last week and they dressed it for a boil and it seemed to dry up until today. It swelled up and got sore as hell so I went back. They soaked it and then decided to have me come back tomorrow and let the doctor work on it. Probably cut it open and clean it out. Nothing at all serious, just an irritation. Haven't the least idea how I got it. No blister or cut or anything, just seemed to happen.
Boy, that skating sounds interesting. You ought to go. Bet you need to get outside a little.
Sweetheart, whatever happened to you? Going to a wild west show and getting so excited you even yell right out. If I don't get home soon, I won't know my wife. She drinks beer and goes to Westerns and lots of other things she never did when I was home. Go to it honey. I like to know you are having fun.
Don't know what you mean about me being mad because you wanted to come see me. I sure wish you could. Be a nice trip for you, beside being good for both of us. I sure was far from mad. The idea of your coming hit me so hard, as Brownie says, "I didn't know whether to shit or go blind." It was very considerate and loving of you to even think of it.
You're swell honey. Night for tonight, darling. I'm loving you and loving you. Maybe I can even dream about you again soon.
Your lover.
Hello Sweetheart;
I got your Sunday letter today. Glad you got the telegram and weren't too disappointed. I was afraid you had rather set yourself to come and wouldn't like me advising against it. I surely didn't want to send that answer, but I don't think this is the most opportune time to get together. Some of the boys that had been on furlough came back today and they said that traveling was really tough. One fellow sat on his suitcase all the way from New York, and several others stood a lot of the time. They said civilians had a hell of a time getting on the trains. Military personnel has first chance, you know. Afraid you'd have had a hell of a time. I'm hoping for that better chance in the near future. I hope. I do want to see you so much. Never seem to get over being lost without you. I love you honey.
This is going to be another short letter, I'm afraid. I had to go get another haircut and make a call at the dispensary and it's getting late. I have some sort of infection in my right heel. It's been bothering for a couple weeks. I went to the medics last week and they dressed it for a boil and it seemed to dry up until today. It swelled up and got sore as hell so I went back. They soaked it and then decided to have me come back tomorrow and let the doctor work on it. Probably cut it open and clean it out. Nothing at all serious, just an irritation. Haven't the least idea how I got it. No blister or cut or anything, just seemed to happen.
Boy, that skating sounds interesting. You ought to go. Bet you need to get outside a little.
Sweetheart, whatever happened to you? Going to a wild west show and getting so excited you even yell right out. If I don't get home soon, I won't know my wife. She drinks beer and goes to Westerns and lots of other things she never did when I was home. Go to it honey. I like to know you are having fun.
Don't know what you mean about me being mad because you wanted to come see me. I sure wish you could. Be a nice trip for you, beside being good for both of us. I sure was far from mad. The idea of your coming hit me so hard, as Brownie says, "I didn't know whether to shit or go blind." It was very considerate and loving of you to even think of it.
You're swell honey. Night for tonight, darling. I'm loving you and loving you. Maybe I can even dream about you again soon.
Your lover.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Letter # 158 December 21, 1943
Dec 21, 1943.
Tues. Eve.
Hi Sweetheart;
As you can see, I didn't go to the field today. Mac and Hanson went this time. Baker and I stayed in with Brownie. We are finally getting around to taking the engines out of some of these tanks and really giving them a going over. If we ever get it done to all of them and then keep doing it as soon as they get 100 hrs. of running time, we will maybe be able to get on the ball, instead of behind it and won't have to work so many nights & Sundays.
I just got one of them put back in today, after giving it a thorough going over. The first one I had done entirely by myself and now I have another out on the floor. It takes a big two days to go over them so I'll be busy until the company comes back. Believe it or not, the engine I put in today actually ran like a new one. I didn't know it until yesterday but I'm the only one in the company that knows how to valve and ignition time these engines. I learned it at this school I was going to when I "fucked" up. I was surprised that Brownie didn't know, but he, like myself, had been trained on other things. Kinda new to all of us but we're getting on to the whims of these babies. I believe I'm learning more and faster than I did at Knox. I'll fire 'em. I'll learn all I can about these engines and then transfer to the air corpse as an experienced radial engine mechanic. Only kidding honey. I'm probably as well off here as any place. Beside I'm mad at the air corpse.
Didn't get a letter from you today but I did get one from Steve. Just his usual letter. Didn't say a word about his engagement. I'll have to write him a letter about that. He's the guy that didn't want to get married. Like I used to be until the right gal came along. Now I can't imagine what I was thinking about, to say such a thing. I only hope he gets as good a wife as I did. She surely didn't look like it to me but, who knows? My opinion is she couldn't be as swell as my wife is. I've got the best one in the world and I don't mean maybe. I love you honey. You're my Varga pin up girl.
Boy I think I could write another nice-naughty letter about you, but after what happened the last time, I'll let it go a while yet.
I'll save the letter and send it along with my next bundle of Yanks and etc. I've three or four more of them here under my mattress, waiting to be sent to you. I still have never seen anything of the song book you want. See, I'm thinking about you once in a while.
Honey, you just can't imagine how strange it is to be thinking about Christmas and, at the same time, laying here on my bunk, clad only in a pair of shorts and with the windows open. It's nearly like a May day. Seems to be shaping up for rain this evening. The weather sure has been ideal. Only a few nasty days. Just about what I'd call ideal today. Not hot and not cool, probably about 75 degrees or maybe a bit less.
It's nice and quiet here tonight. Only 6 of us here in this barracks. When we came up from the motor park tonight Brownie asked if I'd have a snort before supper. I surely didn't refuse so we went to his room and he hauled out a quart. $7.00 per quart at that. We had a couple big snorts apiece and went to supper feeling like you used to on a beer or two. Sure did hit me quick. Hit Brownie too. We both sat there and sweat while we ate supper and shot the breeze. Guess I'm getting to be a softie. Maybe I'll be able to feel like you on a couple beers, if I keep on.
I know darn well I could feel you, beers or not. I love you honey. Maybe you'll have to come down here to keep me straight. Getting drunk and not writing to you. I'm really going to the dogs aren't I, Sweetheart? Don't take me seriously honey. I'm still loving you more each day and I'll stay away from the women.
I was rather disappointed in my trip to Leesville. I had heard so much about it. I really don't know what I expected, but it's much like a cheap resort or temporary boom town. A few good stores, clothing, groceries, and etc, and the rest are novelty places and joints of one kind or another.
We had a few beers in Scotty's bar and it reminded me a lot of Pelton's joint only on a much bigger scale. The rest looked about the same. I'm not very experienced but I'm sure, if Ernie had been along, he would have said all the gals working in the joints would be rather easy to do business with. A couple of them were built for service too.
The whole town is rather dirty and gives a general air of carelessness. Just a frontier town where the army keeps order. If it wasn't for M.P.'s I bet she'd be a wild one. The housing situation seems to be getting worse all the time. Lots & lots of wives, old and new, down here now.
Here is a list of people I have gotten cards from so far: Mrs. Berry, the Carl Stolls, the Hugerts, the Jr. Nichols, the Hartmans, brother Bob, sister Marg, the Ed Kelsers, the Dulaneys, the Koppes and R. Kirks. I'll save them and send them along some day.
I'm still saving your package and note. I haven't looked yet. Won't be long now and I can. Night sweetheart. I'm loving you so much. You're such a swell wife. Don't know what I'd do without you. Bye honey. Here's a big hug and kiss and everything like I wrote in one letter.
Your lover.
Tues. Eve.
Hi Sweetheart;
As you can see, I didn't go to the field today. Mac and Hanson went this time. Baker and I stayed in with Brownie. We are finally getting around to taking the engines out of some of these tanks and really giving them a going over. If we ever get it done to all of them and then keep doing it as soon as they get 100 hrs. of running time, we will maybe be able to get on the ball, instead of behind it and won't have to work so many nights & Sundays.
I just got one of them put back in today, after giving it a thorough going over. The first one I had done entirely by myself and now I have another out on the floor. It takes a big two days to go over them so I'll be busy until the company comes back. Believe it or not, the engine I put in today actually ran like a new one. I didn't know it until yesterday but I'm the only one in the company that knows how to valve and ignition time these engines. I learned it at this school I was going to when I "fucked" up. I was surprised that Brownie didn't know, but he, like myself, had been trained on other things. Kinda new to all of us but we're getting on to the whims of these babies. I believe I'm learning more and faster than I did at Knox. I'll fire 'em. I'll learn all I can about these engines and then transfer to the air corpse as an experienced radial engine mechanic. Only kidding honey. I'm probably as well off here as any place. Beside I'm mad at the air corpse.
Didn't get a letter from you today but I did get one from Steve. Just his usual letter. Didn't say a word about his engagement. I'll have to write him a letter about that. He's the guy that didn't want to get married. Like I used to be until the right gal came along. Now I can't imagine what I was thinking about, to say such a thing. I only hope he gets as good a wife as I did. She surely didn't look like it to me but, who knows? My opinion is she couldn't be as swell as my wife is. I've got the best one in the world and I don't mean maybe. I love you honey. You're my Varga pin up girl.
Boy I think I could write another nice-naughty letter about you, but after what happened the last time, I'll let it go a while yet.
I'll save the letter and send it along with my next bundle of Yanks and etc. I've three or four more of them here under my mattress, waiting to be sent to you. I still have never seen anything of the song book you want. See, I'm thinking about you once in a while.
Honey, you just can't imagine how strange it is to be thinking about Christmas and, at the same time, laying here on my bunk, clad only in a pair of shorts and with the windows open. It's nearly like a May day. Seems to be shaping up for rain this evening. The weather sure has been ideal. Only a few nasty days. Just about what I'd call ideal today. Not hot and not cool, probably about 75 degrees or maybe a bit less.
It's nice and quiet here tonight. Only 6 of us here in this barracks. When we came up from the motor park tonight Brownie asked if I'd have a snort before supper. I surely didn't refuse so we went to his room and he hauled out a quart. $7.00 per quart at that. We had a couple big snorts apiece and went to supper feeling like you used to on a beer or two. Sure did hit me quick. Hit Brownie too. We both sat there and sweat while we ate supper and shot the breeze. Guess I'm getting to be a softie. Maybe I'll be able to feel like you on a couple beers, if I keep on.
I know darn well I could feel you, beers or not. I love you honey. Maybe you'll have to come down here to keep me straight. Getting drunk and not writing to you. I'm really going to the dogs aren't I, Sweetheart? Don't take me seriously honey. I'm still loving you more each day and I'll stay away from the women.
I was rather disappointed in my trip to Leesville. I had heard so much about it. I really don't know what I expected, but it's much like a cheap resort or temporary boom town. A few good stores, clothing, groceries, and etc, and the rest are novelty places and joints of one kind or another.
We had a few beers in Scotty's bar and it reminded me a lot of Pelton's joint only on a much bigger scale. The rest looked about the same. I'm not very experienced but I'm sure, if Ernie had been along, he would have said all the gals working in the joints would be rather easy to do business with. A couple of them were built for service too.
The whole town is rather dirty and gives a general air of carelessness. Just a frontier town where the army keeps order. If it wasn't for M.P.'s I bet she'd be a wild one. The housing situation seems to be getting worse all the time. Lots & lots of wives, old and new, down here now.
Here is a list of people I have gotten cards from so far: Mrs. Berry, the Carl Stolls, the Hugerts, the Jr. Nichols, the Hartmans, brother Bob, sister Marg, the Ed Kelsers, the Dulaneys, the Koppes and R. Kirks. I'll save them and send them along some day.
I'm still saving your package and note. I haven't looked yet. Won't be long now and I can. Night sweetheart. I'm loving you so much. You're such a swell wife. Don't know what I'd do without you. Bye honey. Here's a big hug and kiss and everything like I wrote in one letter.
Your lover.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Letter # 157 December 20, 1943
Dec 20, 1943
Tootsie Wuggles, Darling;
Honey, you should have seen me this evening. Been sewing on patches ever since supper. They did like I thought they would, put off getting the rest of them for us until they wanted us to have them on and then say, "All patches will be on all clothing." by such a time. You see they only got two for each of us before. Well today they say the patches are here and will be on by Wed. morning. Some shit.
The company goes out at noon tomorrow and will come back Thurs. evening. Don't know if I go or not. It isn't my turn. It's Mac's but it's always hard to tell. So you see that meant that the patches would be put on tonight. I got them, all but one, on before the lights went out and then I said, "Fuck 'em" and am now in the day room writing to my honey.
If I do go out you probably won't have a letter for a couple days again. I'm getting very lazy about my writing, aren't I darling? I'll try to keep enough of them coming so you know what's up most of the time anyhow.
So you are now a woman of leisure for two whole weeks. Think you can stand it? Bet you'll be homesick for school by the end of the first week. It sure is too bad I'm not in the tank school at Knox now. Bet I know where you would be then.
I got your Friday letter today and I still have your Thurs. one to answer so here goes.
I don't know what the story is on emptying the camp, if there is any story at all. The 8th is supposed to come back sometime in Jan. I guess. As for the 710th, Grafton's outfit, or ours, I don't know anything at all. Just wait and see I guess.
Apparently from your Friday letter, you rather expected to get the answer I sent. I'm glad you weren't too set on it. I am rather surprised to hear that Mom was in on it. I thought it was just an impulsive idea of your own. Honestly honey, I never even thought of checking the time of month until you mentioned it in this letter. Would have been just as glad to see you in any condition. It surely wouldn't be just an aggravation, as you say. It would be a little disappointing , but you know I used to see you and even slept with you once and never got anything either. I enjoyed it all and had good times then and I surely could now. You mean a lot more to me now than you did then. I sure do love you physically but I also love you other ways too.
I'm still working on the candy and cookies and having a good time with them. Ought to be good for a few more pounds.
I mentioned the book because I thought you might like to read it. You always liked that kind. I imagine it's a regular publication. Probably in the library.
If it comes to saying which one of our meetings was the best, I'm afraid I can't say. I'll never forget either of them. They were swell. If I had to pick one I'd pick the last, because then I could see you all the time and be with you every night. Didn't have to put on my pants and go back to camp.
I heard an interesting little piece of news today from a fellow in this outfit that knew Ernie and saw him just before the 8th left. Ernie went and got himself married while he was home on furlough, just after he got back from Knox. Guess the Louisville gal really had him. She was down here for a while. Don't know if she is still here or not.
I got the Gazette with Steve's announcement in it today. Bet it will cause some talk around the town now.
Well sweetheart, I'm still way behind with my work, chores, I mean. Got a pair of fatigues to wash yet tonight so I guess I better be getting at it. Merry Christmas, darling, I'm thinking of you and wishing I could be with you. Night honey. I love you.
your hubby.
Tootsie Wuggles, Darling;
Honey, you should have seen me this evening. Been sewing on patches ever since supper. They did like I thought they would, put off getting the rest of them for us until they wanted us to have them on and then say, "All patches will be on all clothing." by such a time. You see they only got two for each of us before. Well today they say the patches are here and will be on by Wed. morning. Some shit.
The company goes out at noon tomorrow and will come back Thurs. evening. Don't know if I go or not. It isn't my turn. It's Mac's but it's always hard to tell. So you see that meant that the patches would be put on tonight. I got them, all but one, on before the lights went out and then I said, "Fuck 'em" and am now in the day room writing to my honey.
If I do go out you probably won't have a letter for a couple days again. I'm getting very lazy about my writing, aren't I darling? I'll try to keep enough of them coming so you know what's up most of the time anyhow.
So you are now a woman of leisure for two whole weeks. Think you can stand it? Bet you'll be homesick for school by the end of the first week. It sure is too bad I'm not in the tank school at Knox now. Bet I know where you would be then.
I got your Friday letter today and I still have your Thurs. one to answer so here goes.
I don't know what the story is on emptying the camp, if there is any story at all. The 8th is supposed to come back sometime in Jan. I guess. As for the 710th, Grafton's outfit, or ours, I don't know anything at all. Just wait and see I guess.
Apparently from your Friday letter, you rather expected to get the answer I sent. I'm glad you weren't too set on it. I am rather surprised to hear that Mom was in on it. I thought it was just an impulsive idea of your own. Honestly honey, I never even thought of checking the time of month until you mentioned it in this letter. Would have been just as glad to see you in any condition. It surely wouldn't be just an aggravation, as you say. It would be a little disappointing , but you know I used to see you and even slept with you once and never got anything either. I enjoyed it all and had good times then and I surely could now. You mean a lot more to me now than you did then. I sure do love you physically but I also love you other ways too.
I'm still working on the candy and cookies and having a good time with them. Ought to be good for a few more pounds.
I mentioned the book because I thought you might like to read it. You always liked that kind. I imagine it's a regular publication. Probably in the library.
If it comes to saying which one of our meetings was the best, I'm afraid I can't say. I'll never forget either of them. They were swell. If I had to pick one I'd pick the last, because then I could see you all the time and be with you every night. Didn't have to put on my pants and go back to camp.
I heard an interesting little piece of news today from a fellow in this outfit that knew Ernie and saw him just before the 8th left. Ernie went and got himself married while he was home on furlough, just after he got back from Knox. Guess the Louisville gal really had him. She was down here for a while. Don't know if she is still here or not.
I got the Gazette with Steve's announcement in it today. Bet it will cause some talk around the town now.
Well sweetheart, I'm still way behind with my work, chores, I mean. Got a pair of fatigues to wash yet tonight so I guess I better be getting at it. Merry Christmas, darling, I'm thinking of you and wishing I could be with you. Night honey. I love you.
your hubby.
Letter # 156 December 20, 1943
Dec 20, 1943
Hello Sweetheart;
I had just a busy workday today. Quit about 1700 and now I have most of my chores caught up so I'll write to my honey. I've got four of yours here to answer so guess I better get at it.
Nothing of news interest to tell you, except my little trip to Leesville and I'll tell you that some other time.
Sorry you are having some trouble keeping the house warm. I imagine the biggest trouble is that you are gone so much. The heat gets down and it just can't be built up fast again. Carl probably helped it some but I doubt if much was wrong. My idea in speaking to Mrs. Barr was for him to fire it at noon and then by the time you came home it might be warm enough. It is almost impossible to hurry it up. The smokestack of pipe in the kitchen radiator was a left over from when I first put the furnace in and had to fill it with a pail. It won't do any harm because it is above the highest radiator. The explanation of the radiator slanting away from the returns is: I put the system in exactly the way the engineers specified and they said they should slant slightly away from the returns so any air collecting would be forced to the return and where the bleeding valve is. After I got a little experience of my own at installing them I formed my own ideas and we put the rest of them in level or slightly high at the far end. It did seem to work some better but that isn't the trouble with the system. I had just about figured out how to remedy the faults and was going to this past summer but something happened. The army got in the way. The engineers figured the place wrong and the radiator isn't big enough to take care of the area in that big room fast enough. I was going to add additional heating coils in each radiator and split the lines downstairs. The hot water leaves the furnace and goes to the kitchen, bath, bedrooms, and living room last. It just takes it too long to get around to get the most benefit of it. The circulator doesn't help either.
However, there is one thing that you or someone might check. A couple times I found that a couple of the hangers that hold the pipe to the basement joists had pulled loose and left the pipe sag. That is the only thing I can think of that can easily be remedied and might do some good. That is if any of them are loose. Hope you can get along without freezing. If it gets too much for you, you know what to do. Close her up and go home to Mom & Pop.
Glad to hear Gus {Maitland} has a reprieve of some time, at least. Maybe they will begin to wake up soon and leave those fellows at home. I sure hope so.
I'm thinking about the same of Louise's invitation as you did. If I'm only going to see you for a couple days I sure don't want to be bothered with other people. I'd sure have enough loving to make up to keep us busy that long at least. Beside that it would take two of my three days to get there and back. Kinda useless. We won't have that much time off anyhow. Probably only Saturday.
I'm eligible for a three day pass, two days and Sunday, and probably could get it on a couple days notice most any time but now. I didn't think I wanted to go anyplace so I didn't ask for one. I don't know why I'm saying all this because it's out anyhow. I was foolish enough to advise you to stay at home. I thought it best. No question about me being foolish. Any man would be foolish to refuse such a Christmas present. You're so sweet and generous I just couldn't help but love you sweetheart.
Don't get me wrong honey, I'm not refusing such a wonderful gift. I'm just postponing getting it for a while. I'll be around to collect some of these days. I love you honey.
Don't you worry your pretty head about getting me anything more for Christmas. You've done very well, judging by the size of the package. I don't remember if I told you I had gotten the second one or not. I did and it's safely stowed away in a barracks bag. I haven't looked and I won't until Sat. morning. I really don't want an identification bracelet. Don't know what the hell I'd do with it. Some of the boys have them and wear them when they go out, but they are the kind that like jewelry. You know me I never wanted a ring or anything.
Your weather begins to sound like Christmas. Alright, don't you freeze yourself up. We had a spell of right chilly weather also, but this afternoon it warmed up. Like spring again.
I got a package from Ed & Betty today. Another with, "Wait until Christmas" so it is reposing with the rest in the barracks bag. Who said Christmas doesn't come to La.? Looks like I've got Santa right here.
So you finally got that long lost letter. Now we don't have to wonder what was in it anymore.
Well sweetheart, this may be the last letter you get before Christmas so I'm going to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I know it won't be like past years but we still have a lot to be happy about. I'll be missing you like hell but I'll still be happy. I know you are waiting for me and loving me and that, by itself, is plenty to be happy about. I love you darling. Here's to you and may it be the last we are ever apart. Night Sweetheart.
Your soldier
Hello Sweetheart;
I had just a busy workday today. Quit about 1700 and now I have most of my chores caught up so I'll write to my honey. I've got four of yours here to answer so guess I better get at it.
Nothing of news interest to tell you, except my little trip to Leesville and I'll tell you that some other time.
Sorry you are having some trouble keeping the house warm. I imagine the biggest trouble is that you are gone so much. The heat gets down and it just can't be built up fast again. Carl probably helped it some but I doubt if much was wrong. My idea in speaking to Mrs. Barr was for him to fire it at noon and then by the time you came home it might be warm enough. It is almost impossible to hurry it up. The smokestack of pipe in the kitchen radiator was a left over from when I first put the furnace in and had to fill it with a pail. It won't do any harm because it is above the highest radiator. The explanation of the radiator slanting away from the returns is: I put the system in exactly the way the engineers specified and they said they should slant slightly away from the returns so any air collecting would be forced to the return and where the bleeding valve is. After I got a little experience of my own at installing them I formed my own ideas and we put the rest of them in level or slightly high at the far end. It did seem to work some better but that isn't the trouble with the system. I had just about figured out how to remedy the faults and was going to this past summer but something happened. The army got in the way. The engineers figured the place wrong and the radiator isn't big enough to take care of the area in that big room fast enough. I was going to add additional heating coils in each radiator and split the lines downstairs. The hot water leaves the furnace and goes to the kitchen, bath, bedrooms, and living room last. It just takes it too long to get around to get the most benefit of it. The circulator doesn't help either.
However, there is one thing that you or someone might check. A couple times I found that a couple of the hangers that hold the pipe to the basement joists had pulled loose and left the pipe sag. That is the only thing I can think of that can easily be remedied and might do some good. That is if any of them are loose. Hope you can get along without freezing. If it gets too much for you, you know what to do. Close her up and go home to Mom & Pop.
Glad to hear Gus {Maitland} has a reprieve of some time, at least. Maybe they will begin to wake up soon and leave those fellows at home. I sure hope so.
I'm thinking about the same of Louise's invitation as you did. If I'm only going to see you for a couple days I sure don't want to be bothered with other people. I'd sure have enough loving to make up to keep us busy that long at least. Beside that it would take two of my three days to get there and back. Kinda useless. We won't have that much time off anyhow. Probably only Saturday.
I'm eligible for a three day pass, two days and Sunday, and probably could get it on a couple days notice most any time but now. I didn't think I wanted to go anyplace so I didn't ask for one. I don't know why I'm saying all this because it's out anyhow. I was foolish enough to advise you to stay at home. I thought it best. No question about me being foolish. Any man would be foolish to refuse such a Christmas present. You're so sweet and generous I just couldn't help but love you sweetheart.
Don't get me wrong honey, I'm not refusing such a wonderful gift. I'm just postponing getting it for a while. I'll be around to collect some of these days. I love you honey.
Don't you worry your pretty head about getting me anything more for Christmas. You've done very well, judging by the size of the package. I don't remember if I told you I had gotten the second one or not. I did and it's safely stowed away in a barracks bag. I haven't looked and I won't until Sat. morning. I really don't want an identification bracelet. Don't know what the hell I'd do with it. Some of the boys have them and wear them when they go out, but they are the kind that like jewelry. You know me I never wanted a ring or anything.
Your weather begins to sound like Christmas. Alright, don't you freeze yourself up. We had a spell of right chilly weather also, but this afternoon it warmed up. Like spring again.
I got a package from Ed & Betty today. Another with, "Wait until Christmas" so it is reposing with the rest in the barracks bag. Who said Christmas doesn't come to La.? Looks like I've got Santa right here.
So you finally got that long lost letter. Now we don't have to wonder what was in it anymore.
Well sweetheart, this may be the last letter you get before Christmas so I'm going to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I know it won't be like past years but we still have a lot to be happy about. I'll be missing you like hell but I'll still be happy. I know you are waiting for me and loving me and that, by itself, is plenty to be happy about. I love you darling. Here's to you and may it be the last we are ever apart. Night Sweetheart.
Your soldier
Letter # 155 December 18, 1943
Dec 18, 1943
My impetuous Darling;
I don't know how much of a letter this will be, probably not much. I got your telegram this evening and I'm just about to take off for Leesville to send an answer. The telegraph office here is only open during the hours I'm working. We work tomorrow so I'm going to town to answer your telegram. I had considered trying to call you, but was afraid you wouldn't be home. You're sweet as hell honey to even think of doing so much to see me for so little time. I just can't bring myself to ask you to go through all that. As far as I'm concerned it would sure be swell. I'd like to see you ever so much. Regardless of how much I'd like to see you, I still say don't do it. I could probably get a three day pass and that might be all I could see you.
It isn't the same as Knox. I'm a working man down here. Very little time off. We work until late or are out in the field so much it wouldn't be good.
Here is something I hadn't mentioned before because I'm not at all sure and I didn't want to get you all excited. However, now, it may be some consolation to you. I may be able to get a furlough by the last of Feb. or first of March. Some of the boys that got their first furloughs in Aug. & Sept. are home on their second one now. They say we should get one every 4 mo. or so.
Of course, I don't mean for you to plan on it too much, but it's something to look forward to. On my way to town now. I'll finish this later.
Hello Sweetheart. I'm back from the big, bad town and almost as good as I started. Had a few beers but not too many.
You're a devil you are. Don't you ever do that to me again. I don't know when I've done anything any harder than sending that wire. I came so damn close to saying, come ahead, it wasn't funny. I got to thinking, if she's crazy enough or maybe sweet enough to do all that just to see me for a little while, "why, what the hell? " Let her do it. Honestly honey, I had to write that quick and get out or I'm afraid I'd have told you to come. Lord knows I want to see you bad enough.
I don't know if it was my letter, that naughty, nice one, or the letter from Louise that got you all stirred up. If it was mine, I'm sorry. That wasn't meant to have that effect. I was just really loving you by long distance. I didn't mean you to think I was suffering so much, I'd ask you to come way down here at this time of year. I bet traveling would be really hell too, for such a nice gal to go through.
About one more such offer and I won't have the guts to say no. I sure would love to see you for a while but I really don't think it would be wise for you to come down here when you only have such a short time. I promise that next summer I won't say a thing against it. I'll probably ask you to come. Then you can be here long enough and maybe even go to work to fill in the time when I can't come home to you. It wouldn't be very satisfactory to maybe only see me for only a very few times, after traveling 1500 miles and wearing yourself out. We'd both be unsatisfied and it sure would be hell to see you go back, when I had hardly seen you. We'll save it a while longer and maybe I can come to you. Make it about evenly divided until next summer. It's hard to take, sweetheart, but we can take it. We have before and we can again.
I'm afraid I haven't expressed myself very well, but I guess you know me well enough to get how and what I mean. Anyhow, here is something you can understand. I love you, sweetheart, more than anything in the world and I'm just marking time and trying to do the best I can, until the time I can come back to you for good and always.
I can very well imagine how you are pissing your pants, waiting for my answer to your wire. I'm sorry I can't see it your way. I hope I did the right thing. I don't know if they will deliver that wire by phone on Sunday or not, but I hope so. It seemed to take a long time to get here. I got it at 1800 tonight and you must have sent it probably after school Friday.
Well Darling, tomorrow is a work day so I better go to bed. I'll write you a good letter tomorrow night. Answer some of your last few and tell you the news. I didn't get a chance to write last night. We worked until midnight and I was tired. After that telegram I sure could never doubt that you love me plenty. All I can say is I love you just as much, so there too. Night wifey dear, I'm loving you.
Your foolish husband.
My impetuous Darling;
I don't know how much of a letter this will be, probably not much. I got your telegram this evening and I'm just about to take off for Leesville to send an answer. The telegraph office here is only open during the hours I'm working. We work tomorrow so I'm going to town to answer your telegram. I had considered trying to call you, but was afraid you wouldn't be home. You're sweet as hell honey to even think of doing so much to see me for so little time. I just can't bring myself to ask you to go through all that. As far as I'm concerned it would sure be swell. I'd like to see you ever so much. Regardless of how much I'd like to see you, I still say don't do it. I could probably get a three day pass and that might be all I could see you.
It isn't the same as Knox. I'm a working man down here. Very little time off. We work until late or are out in the field so much it wouldn't be good.
Here is something I hadn't mentioned before because I'm not at all sure and I didn't want to get you all excited. However, now, it may be some consolation to you. I may be able to get a furlough by the last of Feb. or first of March. Some of the boys that got their first furloughs in Aug. & Sept. are home on their second one now. They say we should get one every 4 mo. or so.
Of course, I don't mean for you to plan on it too much, but it's something to look forward to. On my way to town now. I'll finish this later.
Hello Sweetheart. I'm back from the big, bad town and almost as good as I started. Had a few beers but not too many.
You're a devil you are. Don't you ever do that to me again. I don't know when I've done anything any harder than sending that wire. I came so damn close to saying, come ahead, it wasn't funny. I got to thinking, if she's crazy enough or maybe sweet enough to do all that just to see me for a little while, "why, what the hell? " Let her do it. Honestly honey, I had to write that quick and get out or I'm afraid I'd have told you to come. Lord knows I want to see you bad enough.
I don't know if it was my letter, that naughty, nice one, or the letter from Louise that got you all stirred up. If it was mine, I'm sorry. That wasn't meant to have that effect. I was just really loving you by long distance. I didn't mean you to think I was suffering so much, I'd ask you to come way down here at this time of year. I bet traveling would be really hell too, for such a nice gal to go through.
About one more such offer and I won't have the guts to say no. I sure would love to see you for a while but I really don't think it would be wise for you to come down here when you only have such a short time. I promise that next summer I won't say a thing against it. I'll probably ask you to come. Then you can be here long enough and maybe even go to work to fill in the time when I can't come home to you. It wouldn't be very satisfactory to maybe only see me for only a very few times, after traveling 1500 miles and wearing yourself out. We'd both be unsatisfied and it sure would be hell to see you go back, when I had hardly seen you. We'll save it a while longer and maybe I can come to you. Make it about evenly divided until next summer. It's hard to take, sweetheart, but we can take it. We have before and we can again.
I'm afraid I haven't expressed myself very well, but I guess you know me well enough to get how and what I mean. Anyhow, here is something you can understand. I love you, sweetheart, more than anything in the world and I'm just marking time and trying to do the best I can, until the time I can come back to you for good and always.
I can very well imagine how you are pissing your pants, waiting for my answer to your wire. I'm sorry I can't see it your way. I hope I did the right thing. I don't know if they will deliver that wire by phone on Sunday or not, but I hope so. It seemed to take a long time to get here. I got it at 1800 tonight and you must have sent it probably after school Friday.
Well Darling, tomorrow is a work day so I better go to bed. I'll write you a good letter tomorrow night. Answer some of your last few and tell you the news. I didn't get a chance to write last night. We worked until midnight and I was tired. After that telegram I sure could never doubt that you love me plenty. All I can say is I love you just as much, so there too. Night wifey dear, I'm loving you.
Your foolish husband.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Letter # 154 December 16, 1943
Dec 16, 1943
My Darling Wife;
Here I am, honey, back from the wide open spaces, and early enough so I have a chance to write to you. Sure had a hell of a time. No lack of things happening.
To begin with we are having a cold spell. As cold as it usually gets down here they say. Wind out of the north and feels like it was below zero. I had on about all the clothes I could get on and still be able to move, and was as cold as I have ever been, I believe. It got down to 18 degrees above and froze ice about 1/2" thick last night. You can probably imagine how it would be to "tinker" engines and ride in an open vehicle in that kind of miserable weather. To begin with we aren't equipped with clothing for winter weather. No combat suits or overshoes or even gloves. However, we lived through it very nicely. None the worse for wear.
We had our first breakdown before we had gone a mile. Not a serious one and we soon caught up with the convoy. About 15 miles out we got our second yellow flag. Damn thing just wouldn't run good, no power, missing on several cylinders. I fussed around with it a while and then attempted to start it. The starter then decided to go on the blink and stuck, locking the engine. Got that fixed, started it, but it was still missing. Looked into it a little farther and decided that the valves on two cylinders had burned up. Nothing to do but send it back to camp. Boy was that a happy tank crew. They wouldn't have to spend the night in the field. While I was working they wanted to bribe me not to fix it and send them on. Believe they would have gladly paid me a ten spot to send them in. Maybe I can work a racket there if I ever get hard up. Got them turned around and headed back and then when we tried to go our half track wouldn't start. The half track driver, fellow named Hanson from Kansas, and my helper, nice young kid, also from Kansas, gave up. They were so cold they didn't care if we got going or not. They built a fire and went on a strike. I worked and swore at the damn thing for better than an hour, but got her going. Had a burned out condenser and a plugged gas line all at the same time. By this time it was getting dark and we took off, "like a big ass bird" ,some more slang, on the trail of the convoy. We got to the bivouac area about 1900, long after dark.
The motor Lt. was sure glad to see us. Had a lot of troubles to be fixed up and he was wondering what in the hell had happened to his mechanics. Told me they were keeping chow for us and we'd better go get it. We did.
After chow and a cigarette, by a great big fire, we were ready to go to work again. I told Hanson to park the half track, build a nice fire, and get our beds ready and Baker and I would check the tanks. Didn't take long to find out we would have to have some parts or at least six tanks would not leave in the morning. Reported to Lt. Newberger and he sent a peep back to camp for the parts. I also told him there were three tanks that I advised sending in. I didn't think they would make the long march the next day. The Co. Commander said, "To hell with it." "Send them on and if they drop out we'll tow them in later."
Well to shorten the story Baker and I worked until 0200 and then got mad and quit. We were about frozen and tired. Hanson had done a good job. Nice big fire and beds all ready. Warmed up a bit and rolled in.
Next thing I knew it was 0600 and the convoy was already moving out. Lt. Newberger had left us sleep as long as possible but that made us miss breakfast. Had two tanks that still needed some work so we went at them. They were ready to roll by 0800 and we took out, in high, after the main convoy. Never did catch it. We had to have two of the three bad ones towed in. One threw the crankshaft counter balance out through the side of the engine and the other got too hot and caught fire. The third one fooled me. It got in with the rest. So you see I had a busy day.
My good luck average is sure suffering. Don't misunderstand. It's no discredit to me. Just have to keep them going until they blow up before the army will give us parts or time to properly repair them. So ends "my day".
I got your Sat letter on Wed and your Sun one today. Darling I've been kinda wondering what reaction I would get from that letter. Didn't really expect quite as strong a reaction as I got. Must have been rather "hot' to stir you up so much. Maybe it is kind of mean to tease you but I have been itching to write such a letter for sometime. It was, as you say, "sweet misery" and I rather liked it. Afraid I may try it again sometime. Maybe about the times in different positions or something. Gorgeous, all you have to do to get the bathtub one is crawl in and say, "Come and get it." I'll try anything to get some of your special kind of loving, not only now, but anytime. You can bet I wasn't exactly calm while I was writing that letter but don't get the idea that I'm really in misery or anything like that. Just normally ornery. If I was around some nice gals all the time I imagine it would be rather hard to take, but I see so few I'm not bothered very much.
I'm honest about this sweetheart. It's not a bit harder for me than it is for you, if as hard. You are always with other couples that are living and talking normal lives. I'm not, and consequently probably don't miss it as much as you do. I have always said the army is harder on a good woman than on a man.
I'll have quite a lot of loving, all saved up for you, when that 4th honeymoon comes but I'm really not suffering. Just "hurtin" and loving you the best I can from a distance.
Honey, I don't believe you know me yet. Thinking I could get eloquent about loving you. If I could ever get eloquent about anything, that should be it. I like that more than anything I've ever done. Will even love you rather than eat. Remember ? Shall we eat or shall we love? I can't remember ever eating first. Yes. You still have something to learn about me. I know I can't tell you very well how much I love you, but just wait until I get a chance to show you. I'll still be just as hard and responsive to you as ever. I love you honey.
Did you forget about the one you took sitting on my lap? Good old Louisville. If you couldn't shed your clothes when your Sgt. walked in, I bet your Sgt. could shed them for you. You're the nicest thing ever. I have a very beautiful picture of you in my mind. It's an exciting one too. Yes, I'll say it is. Lay down "old thing", it's only a picture in my mind. She's still as far away as ever. I'll have to describe that picture to you sometime. If I can put that picture in words, you will be able to see why I compare Varga girls to you and find them wanting.
Well sweetheart, that covers your Sat. letter fairly well I guess and it's time for lights out, so I'll say, night sweetheart. I'm loving you.
Your passionate lover
My Darling Wife;
Here I am, honey, back from the wide open spaces, and early enough so I have a chance to write to you. Sure had a hell of a time. No lack of things happening.
To begin with we are having a cold spell. As cold as it usually gets down here they say. Wind out of the north and feels like it was below zero. I had on about all the clothes I could get on and still be able to move, and was as cold as I have ever been, I believe. It got down to 18 degrees above and froze ice about 1/2" thick last night. You can probably imagine how it would be to "tinker" engines and ride in an open vehicle in that kind of miserable weather. To begin with we aren't equipped with clothing for winter weather. No combat suits or overshoes or even gloves. However, we lived through it very nicely. None the worse for wear.
We had our first breakdown before we had gone a mile. Not a serious one and we soon caught up with the convoy. About 15 miles out we got our second yellow flag. Damn thing just wouldn't run good, no power, missing on several cylinders. I fussed around with it a while and then attempted to start it. The starter then decided to go on the blink and stuck, locking the engine. Got that fixed, started it, but it was still missing. Looked into it a little farther and decided that the valves on two cylinders had burned up. Nothing to do but send it back to camp. Boy was that a happy tank crew. They wouldn't have to spend the night in the field. While I was working they wanted to bribe me not to fix it and send them on. Believe they would have gladly paid me a ten spot to send them in. Maybe I can work a racket there if I ever get hard up. Got them turned around and headed back and then when we tried to go our half track wouldn't start. The half track driver, fellow named Hanson from Kansas, and my helper, nice young kid, also from Kansas, gave up. They were so cold they didn't care if we got going or not. They built a fire and went on a strike. I worked and swore at the damn thing for better than an hour, but got her going. Had a burned out condenser and a plugged gas line all at the same time. By this time it was getting dark and we took off, "like a big ass bird" ,some more slang, on the trail of the convoy. We got to the bivouac area about 1900, long after dark.
The motor Lt. was sure glad to see us. Had a lot of troubles to be fixed up and he was wondering what in the hell had happened to his mechanics. Told me they were keeping chow for us and we'd better go get it. We did.
After chow and a cigarette, by a great big fire, we were ready to go to work again. I told Hanson to park the half track, build a nice fire, and get our beds ready and Baker and I would check the tanks. Didn't take long to find out we would have to have some parts or at least six tanks would not leave in the morning. Reported to Lt. Newberger and he sent a peep back to camp for the parts. I also told him there were three tanks that I advised sending in. I didn't think they would make the long march the next day. The Co. Commander said, "To hell with it." "Send them on and if they drop out we'll tow them in later."
Well to shorten the story Baker and I worked until 0200 and then got mad and quit. We were about frozen and tired. Hanson had done a good job. Nice big fire and beds all ready. Warmed up a bit and rolled in.
Next thing I knew it was 0600 and the convoy was already moving out. Lt. Newberger had left us sleep as long as possible but that made us miss breakfast. Had two tanks that still needed some work so we went at them. They were ready to roll by 0800 and we took out, in high, after the main convoy. Never did catch it. We had to have two of the three bad ones towed in. One threw the crankshaft counter balance out through the side of the engine and the other got too hot and caught fire. The third one fooled me. It got in with the rest. So you see I had a busy day.
My good luck average is sure suffering. Don't misunderstand. It's no discredit to me. Just have to keep them going until they blow up before the army will give us parts or time to properly repair them. So ends "my day".
I got your Sat letter on Wed and your Sun one today. Darling I've been kinda wondering what reaction I would get from that letter. Didn't really expect quite as strong a reaction as I got. Must have been rather "hot' to stir you up so much. Maybe it is kind of mean to tease you but I have been itching to write such a letter for sometime. It was, as you say, "sweet misery" and I rather liked it. Afraid I may try it again sometime. Maybe about the times in different positions or something. Gorgeous, all you have to do to get the bathtub one is crawl in and say, "Come and get it." I'll try anything to get some of your special kind of loving, not only now, but anytime. You can bet I wasn't exactly calm while I was writing that letter but don't get the idea that I'm really in misery or anything like that. Just normally ornery. If I was around some nice gals all the time I imagine it would be rather hard to take, but I see so few I'm not bothered very much.
I'm honest about this sweetheart. It's not a bit harder for me than it is for you, if as hard. You are always with other couples that are living and talking normal lives. I'm not, and consequently probably don't miss it as much as you do. I have always said the army is harder on a good woman than on a man.
I'll have quite a lot of loving, all saved up for you, when that 4th honeymoon comes but I'm really not suffering. Just "hurtin" and loving you the best I can from a distance.
Honey, I don't believe you know me yet. Thinking I could get eloquent about loving you. If I could ever get eloquent about anything, that should be it. I like that more than anything I've ever done. Will even love you rather than eat. Remember ? Shall we eat or shall we love? I can't remember ever eating first. Yes. You still have something to learn about me. I know I can't tell you very well how much I love you, but just wait until I get a chance to show you. I'll still be just as hard and responsive to you as ever. I love you honey.
Did you forget about the one you took sitting on my lap? Good old Louisville. If you couldn't shed your clothes when your Sgt. walked in, I bet your Sgt. could shed them for you. You're the nicest thing ever. I have a very beautiful picture of you in my mind. It's an exciting one too. Yes, I'll say it is. Lay down "old thing", it's only a picture in my mind. She's still as far away as ever. I'll have to describe that picture to you sometime. If I can put that picture in words, you will be able to see why I compare Varga girls to you and find them wanting.
Well sweetheart, that covers your Sat. letter fairly well I guess and it's time for lights out, so I'll say, night sweetheart. I'm loving you.
Your passionate lover
Letter # 153 December 14, 1943
Dec 14, 1943
Tues. eve.
Hello Darling;
No letter today. I made a mistake answering all your letters last night. I almost never get one on Tues and then on Wed. I get two. That's what I meant when I suggested you take a vacation and not write one on Sat. I guess I took advantage of the postal system and didn't write one last Sat. night. That wasn't the real reason though. I really intended to write but after all the bar I wasn't in the writing mood. Bet it would have been a crazy one if I had written. I was more in the mood to love than to write. You gals aren't the only ones that can have beer parties. Don't worry honey, that was probably the last one for a long time again. Just once in a while that it tastes good enough to drink more than a bottle or so.
The schedule changed today. We didn't go out. Instead we go tomorrow and come back Thurs. night, stay in Friday, and go out Sat. and Sunday. It's my turn to go tomorrow and I guess we are all going out Sat. & Sun. Looks like you will be hurtin for letters. I'll try to write one Fri. at least. I may get a chance to write in the field but I doubt it. It gets dark so early there isn't time to write even if I'm not working.
Most of our bivouacs are tactical and that means no lights. I've gotten so I can do a lot of things in the dark but I still can't write in the dark. I'm getting handy as hell at feeling with my hands in places I can't see. Good training working on these tanks. I may be able to show you a new trick or two next time. You know I never was very handy with my hands. Had to practice a long time before I could open a brassier strap with one hand. That was fun.
We worked inside all day today and have most of the tanks ready to roll again. See what kind of luck I have this time. Maybe will loose them all in the mud tomorrow. It's been raining steadily all day and still at it. Cold north wind along with it. Cuts through like the east winds we have at home just before a big snow storm. Seems cold as hell. Had my wool undershirt on all day and wasn't a bit too warm. The radio forecast said it would probably freeze a little tonight. If it doesn't warm up tomorrow it's going to be cool around the edges. sleeping under the stars tomorrow night.
It's a lot like I expected it might be here this winter. When it does get cool it's mean as hell. Wouldn't feel the cold a bit more if it was really cold. On the whole it's been really swell ever since I've been here this fall. I know I'd much rather spend my winters here than my summers. Being south in the summer is "shit for the birds". Some more army slang.
I still say I'd spend both winter and summer in the north if I had my choice. I surely can't realize it's only ten more days until Christmas and another week after that we'll have an anniversary. Seven years since we had our first date. At the time I never thought it would be a date I'd never forget. How did I know you were going to be so fascinating, I could never forget you? Wasn't because you were so nice to me either. Even slept with another man. Guess I must have liked you even then, although I didn't know it then. I know I love you now. No doubt about it.
I got a Christmas card from Marg today. Sent a small picture with it. Says she is sending you one also. Very good picture I thought. She says Bob wrote her and doesn't seem to think the army wants him very bad.
Damn it all sweetheart, I wanted to make this a very nice letter, to sort of make up for the ones you won't get, but I guess I'm just not in the groove tonight. Can't seem to think of much to write about. I haven't time enough left to tell you how much I love you. I need lots of time for that.
Night sweetheart. I'm loving you and thinking of you constantly. Wish I could show you constantly. We will someday again. Won't we darling?
your hubby.
Tues. eve.
Hello Darling;
No letter today. I made a mistake answering all your letters last night. I almost never get one on Tues and then on Wed. I get two. That's what I meant when I suggested you take a vacation and not write one on Sat. I guess I took advantage of the postal system and didn't write one last Sat. night. That wasn't the real reason though. I really intended to write but after all the bar I wasn't in the writing mood. Bet it would have been a crazy one if I had written. I was more in the mood to love than to write. You gals aren't the only ones that can have beer parties. Don't worry honey, that was probably the last one for a long time again. Just once in a while that it tastes good enough to drink more than a bottle or so.
The schedule changed today. We didn't go out. Instead we go tomorrow and come back Thurs. night, stay in Friday, and go out Sat. and Sunday. It's my turn to go tomorrow and I guess we are all going out Sat. & Sun. Looks like you will be hurtin for letters. I'll try to write one Fri. at least. I may get a chance to write in the field but I doubt it. It gets dark so early there isn't time to write even if I'm not working.
Most of our bivouacs are tactical and that means no lights. I've gotten so I can do a lot of things in the dark but I still can't write in the dark. I'm getting handy as hell at feeling with my hands in places I can't see. Good training working on these tanks. I may be able to show you a new trick or two next time. You know I never was very handy with my hands. Had to practice a long time before I could open a brassier strap with one hand. That was fun.
We worked inside all day today and have most of the tanks ready to roll again. See what kind of luck I have this time. Maybe will loose them all in the mud tomorrow. It's been raining steadily all day and still at it. Cold north wind along with it. Cuts through like the east winds we have at home just before a big snow storm. Seems cold as hell. Had my wool undershirt on all day and wasn't a bit too warm. The radio forecast said it would probably freeze a little tonight. If it doesn't warm up tomorrow it's going to be cool around the edges. sleeping under the stars tomorrow night.
It's a lot like I expected it might be here this winter. When it does get cool it's mean as hell. Wouldn't feel the cold a bit more if it was really cold. On the whole it's been really swell ever since I've been here this fall. I know I'd much rather spend my winters here than my summers. Being south in the summer is "shit for the birds". Some more army slang.
I still say I'd spend both winter and summer in the north if I had my choice. I surely can't realize it's only ten more days until Christmas and another week after that we'll have an anniversary. Seven years since we had our first date. At the time I never thought it would be a date I'd never forget. How did I know you were going to be so fascinating, I could never forget you? Wasn't because you were so nice to me either. Even slept with another man. Guess I must have liked you even then, although I didn't know it then. I know I love you now. No doubt about it.
I got a Christmas card from Marg today. Sent a small picture with it. Says she is sending you one also. Very good picture I thought. She says Bob wrote her and doesn't seem to think the army wants him very bad.
Damn it all sweetheart, I wanted to make this a very nice letter, to sort of make up for the ones you won't get, but I guess I'm just not in the groove tonight. Can't seem to think of much to write about. I haven't time enough left to tell you how much I love you. I need lots of time for that.
Night sweetheart. I'm loving you and thinking of you constantly. Wish I could show you constantly. We will someday again. Won't we darling?
your hubby.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Letter # 152 December 13, 1943
Dec 13, 1943
My Darling "Varga" girl Wife;
Honey, I sure rated at mail call today. Two letters from you, one of them an 8 page one. They were your Thurs. & Fri. ones. If my getting another stripe is going to have that effect on you I'll have to see if I can't do it more often. Glad you seem to get such a kick out of it. It really isn't so much. Just like getting a raise on any other job.
I also got a couple Christmas cards, one from Mr. & Mrs. Russell Kirk & daughter, and one from Max & Ethel Kopps. The one from Russ was rather a surprise. Boy the mail is sure rolling into camp these days. Two big mail bags of letters for this Co. alone every day and beside that, the packages. Guess they were smart to advise early mailing.
I'm chewing on some of your cookies and candy as I write. Real good honey, thank you a lot. I'll do something nice for you some day. Went through all the cookies in the pretzel box yesterday afternoon. I didn't eat them all but I sure got my share.
Had a very restful Sunday afternoon & evening. Didn't have many letters to answer. I had been waiting for such a day, to go look up the old Knox gang and then, when it comes, they are all moved out. Have to wait now until they come back, if they do.
It gave me a swell opportunity to digest the funnies, Parades and Life you sent in the box. Very thoughtful of you, Darling.
I've been getting Sunday papers regularly but they don't have all the same funnies. Kinda like old friends. I enjoyed them a lot. They went all around the barracks too. I'm not the only one that likes my funnies.
After I finished them Brownie gave me a book he had to read. Bet you'd like it. Titled the "Impatient Virgin". Sounds good doesn't it! Well it was. Some rather warm spots in it here and there. She'd be a handy kind of gal to have around. Wouldn't play with but one man and didn't want to marry him. All she wanted was her loving. She got it too. No wonder. She'd unfastened her brassier and let him kiss her nipples, warning him not to bite. Sounds a little familiar doesn't it? Seems I've heard almost the same words from a gal I used to live with. Gives me a tingle to think about it. Probably would bite too if I had a chance. She evidently was built like a brick shit house too. I loves you darling.
Max went to the field with the boys today so I had a routine day of work. I guess it will be my turn to go tomorrow. Max had worse luck than I . He had to have two of them towed back. Both will need new engines. They didn't even get to the field, broke down on the road.
I'm like you honey, I've got three of your letters to answer. You say they aren't worth answering but I disagree. They merit better answers than I am capable of writing. Guess I'll get at them now.
Don't worry honey, if Hades does freeze over while you're waiting for me to come home, we'll sure as hell thaw it out when I do get home. Chubbins, I'm sure going to enjoy making you feel like you ran into a door again. Think I can do it too.
You can use your song titles and I'll use my little clippings from magazines. Here's another I thought applied very well. Think I remember saying, in my poor way, nearly the same thing several times.
These pinup gals are O.K. but they sure as hell can't do anything to relieve whatever passion they may create. I like to look at them but I want my wife. They just remind me of her.
As I said before, you seem to get more kick out of my extra stripe than I do. You being so proud kinda begins to make me think maybe I did something. You may call me Sgt. if you want to. It's just like the other one. Called Corporal, but listed as T/5 on the records. This one is listed as T/4 and is called Sargent. The only difference is I have the rating because of what I know about my work and a buck sgt. has his because he has the service time and has charge of men.
I'll answer to sgt. or most anything else you want to call me. You wouldn't even have to call me anything if I could see you. I'd be so close to you I wouldn't need calling. All I'd need would be loving and lots of it. Your special kind of loving. No other kind will answer the bill anymore. I love you darling.
I very carefully put the Christmas note away in the bottom of my stationery box. I won't peek. I promise.
Brownie had his xrays but still has no definite information. They told him to come back again.
I too am very glad I'm not sick, but honey, you're talking rather bravely when you say you wouldn't have to be jealous of the nurses. Remember I have never been thrown in contact with any women when you weren't around. Maybe I'd slip. Then what? Bet she'd have to be some grand gal to make me forget you even then. I love you sweetness. If that lifetime date I asked you for is a life saver to you, Grab hold, Sweetheart and hang on 'cause some of these days I'll come back and make it more than a date or a lifesaver. It'll be one long, happy, contented life for both of us.
You're a devil. I thought after I had written about our meeting in Louisville that you might not get the idea of comparing the two meetings and think I hadn't said anything about the last, because I was disappointed with the way you looked. That wasn't at all the case and you know it damn well. I just didn't write about that one because I was saving it for material for a letter sometime when I didn't have much to write about.
Honestly honey, did I act very disappointed?! Did I have to be urged to take you in my arms and kiss you and hold you close? Did you have to do any begging to get me to love you? I can't recall that I was the least bit disappointed. I thought you looked very swell. Beside I was getting a big kick out of surprising you. I'll tell you all about it someday and in the meantime, don't be getting any more such foolish ideas. I'd love you just as much in a bathrobe as in silks or furs any day. If you really want me to love you and see you the way I like best, just wear your birthday suit. That's the way I like you best.
I might not have looked so good when you saw me in Louisville. Your fault too. I was missing you. I think you soon found out I was feeling rather well though. Right? I can't say I was aching all over that time but I sure was anxious to really get hold of you. You looked so good to me. I just wanted to be close to you and talk to you more than really love you. Of course, I knew that was coming. I think I told you once that I loved you in more than sexual ways and maybe that is some proof.
I still don't think it would be very wise to send me the Esquire again. We move around so much and if we go on maneuvers it would be very hard to keep it long enough to read. I do enjoy it, but I can buy it on the newsstands if I want it. I'm a rich Sgt. now.
I'm glad you think I tell you some sweet things, Darling. They are more than half true. I mean every word of it. Maybe, as you say, love is blind. If so, I'm very well satisfied to be blind. I still don't think I am. You are pretty fascinating but I wouldn't say "bitch" very often. I would say pretty fascinating wife.
You can tell Jean I'm very flattered that she is proud of me. I'll have to think a while before I can return the compliment. Our usual relations are reversed. Try to slam each other as much as we can.
The calendars were swell honey. I can sure keep track of you now, even if you aren't very regular anymore. Probably, if I didn't disturb you, you would be your regular self again. But, darn it honey, I like to disturb you and I'm going to keep on doing it as often as I can.
Well honey, I'm going to say good night for today. I'm returning the long distance loving and hope it won't be too long before I can love you at close range again. You know, belly to belly.
The damn lights went out so I'm on the throne again. Night sweetheart, I'm loving you.
your soldier.
My Darling "Varga" girl Wife;
Honey, I sure rated at mail call today. Two letters from you, one of them an 8 page one. They were your Thurs. & Fri. ones. If my getting another stripe is going to have that effect on you I'll have to see if I can't do it more often. Glad you seem to get such a kick out of it. It really isn't so much. Just like getting a raise on any other job.
I also got a couple Christmas cards, one from Mr. & Mrs. Russell Kirk & daughter, and one from Max & Ethel Kopps. The one from Russ was rather a surprise. Boy the mail is sure rolling into camp these days. Two big mail bags of letters for this Co. alone every day and beside that, the packages. Guess they were smart to advise early mailing.
I'm chewing on some of your cookies and candy as I write. Real good honey, thank you a lot. I'll do something nice for you some day. Went through all the cookies in the pretzel box yesterday afternoon. I didn't eat them all but I sure got my share.
Had a very restful Sunday afternoon & evening. Didn't have many letters to answer. I had been waiting for such a day, to go look up the old Knox gang and then, when it comes, they are all moved out. Have to wait now until they come back, if they do.
It gave me a swell opportunity to digest the funnies, Parades and Life you sent in the box. Very thoughtful of you, Darling.
I've been getting Sunday papers regularly but they don't have all the same funnies. Kinda like old friends. I enjoyed them a lot. They went all around the barracks too. I'm not the only one that likes my funnies.
After I finished them Brownie gave me a book he had to read. Bet you'd like it. Titled the "Impatient Virgin". Sounds good doesn't it! Well it was. Some rather warm spots in it here and there. She'd be a handy kind of gal to have around. Wouldn't play with but one man and didn't want to marry him. All she wanted was her loving. She got it too. No wonder. She'd unfastened her brassier and let him kiss her nipples, warning him not to bite. Sounds a little familiar doesn't it? Seems I've heard almost the same words from a gal I used to live with. Gives me a tingle to think about it. Probably would bite too if I had a chance. She evidently was built like a brick shit house too. I loves you darling.
Max went to the field with the boys today so I had a routine day of work. I guess it will be my turn to go tomorrow. Max had worse luck than I . He had to have two of them towed back. Both will need new engines. They didn't even get to the field, broke down on the road.
I'm like you honey, I've got three of your letters to answer. You say they aren't worth answering but I disagree. They merit better answers than I am capable of writing. Guess I'll get at them now.
Don't worry honey, if Hades does freeze over while you're waiting for me to come home, we'll sure as hell thaw it out when I do get home. Chubbins, I'm sure going to enjoy making you feel like you ran into a door again. Think I can do it too.
You can use your song titles and I'll use my little clippings from magazines. Here's another I thought applied very well. Think I remember saying, in my poor way, nearly the same thing several times.
These pinup gals are O.K. but they sure as hell can't do anything to relieve whatever passion they may create. I like to look at them but I want my wife. They just remind me of her.
As I said before, you seem to get more kick out of my extra stripe than I do. You being so proud kinda begins to make me think maybe I did something. You may call me Sgt. if you want to. It's just like the other one. Called Corporal, but listed as T/5 on the records. This one is listed as T/4 and is called Sargent. The only difference is I have the rating because of what I know about my work and a buck sgt. has his because he has the service time and has charge of men.
I'll answer to sgt. or most anything else you want to call me. You wouldn't even have to call me anything if I could see you. I'd be so close to you I wouldn't need calling. All I'd need would be loving and lots of it. Your special kind of loving. No other kind will answer the bill anymore. I love you darling.
I very carefully put the Christmas note away in the bottom of my stationery box. I won't peek. I promise.
Brownie had his xrays but still has no definite information. They told him to come back again.
I too am very glad I'm not sick, but honey, you're talking rather bravely when you say you wouldn't have to be jealous of the nurses. Remember I have never been thrown in contact with any women when you weren't around. Maybe I'd slip. Then what? Bet she'd have to be some grand gal to make me forget you even then. I love you sweetness. If that lifetime date I asked you for is a life saver to you, Grab hold, Sweetheart and hang on 'cause some of these days I'll come back and make it more than a date or a lifesaver. It'll be one long, happy, contented life for both of us.
You're a devil. I thought after I had written about our meeting in Louisville that you might not get the idea of comparing the two meetings and think I hadn't said anything about the last, because I was disappointed with the way you looked. That wasn't at all the case and you know it damn well. I just didn't write about that one because I was saving it for material for a letter sometime when I didn't have much to write about.
Honestly honey, did I act very disappointed?! Did I have to be urged to take you in my arms and kiss you and hold you close? Did you have to do any begging to get me to love you? I can't recall that I was the least bit disappointed. I thought you looked very swell. Beside I was getting a big kick out of surprising you. I'll tell you all about it someday and in the meantime, don't be getting any more such foolish ideas. I'd love you just as much in a bathrobe as in silks or furs any day. If you really want me to love you and see you the way I like best, just wear your birthday suit. That's the way I like you best.
I might not have looked so good when you saw me in Louisville. Your fault too. I was missing you. I think you soon found out I was feeling rather well though. Right? I can't say I was aching all over that time but I sure was anxious to really get hold of you. You looked so good to me. I just wanted to be close to you and talk to you more than really love you. Of course, I knew that was coming. I think I told you once that I loved you in more than sexual ways and maybe that is some proof.
I still don't think it would be very wise to send me the Esquire again. We move around so much and if we go on maneuvers it would be very hard to keep it long enough to read. I do enjoy it, but I can buy it on the newsstands if I want it. I'm a rich Sgt. now.
I'm glad you think I tell you some sweet things, Darling. They are more than half true. I mean every word of it. Maybe, as you say, love is blind. If so, I'm very well satisfied to be blind. I still don't think I am. You are pretty fascinating but I wouldn't say "bitch" very often. I would say pretty fascinating wife.
You can tell Jean I'm very flattered that she is proud of me. I'll have to think a while before I can return the compliment. Our usual relations are reversed. Try to slam each other as much as we can.
The calendars were swell honey. I can sure keep track of you now, even if you aren't very regular anymore. Probably, if I didn't disturb you, you would be your regular self again. But, darn it honey, I like to disturb you and I'm going to keep on doing it as often as I can.
Well honey, I'm going to say good night for today. I'm returning the long distance loving and hope it won't be too long before I can love you at close range again. You know, belly to belly.
The damn lights went out so I'm on the throne again. Night sweetheart, I'm loving you.
your soldier.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Letter # 151 December 12, 1943
Dec 12, 1943
My Darling Wife;
I was a very wayward husband last night and didn't even write you a note. I'll write a good long one today to kinda make up.
I had to make a trip to the P.X. for cigarettes and etc, Intended to come straight back to the barracks and do some reading and writing but didn't. I'm like my wife, I can't resist a bottle or two or more of beer and when I get a few I don't care what happens.
I got to the P.X. and the place was nearly deserted. The 8th has moved out. Sgt Rintleman and a couple other Sgts. from our old outfit were sitting there drinking beer and I was invited to join them. I did and one beer led to another and one story to another until I didn't care if I wrote to my honey or not. Probably would have been a screwy letter if I had managed to write one. I felt more like that than writing.
Well anyhow, the party started early, about 1800 and it was 2300 when I got back to the barracks. Even then I darn near didn't get back that quick. The others got the crazy idea of going to Leesville yet, at that time of night. I was feeling plenty good, but not quite that good so I broke away and came back to the barracks to do my laundry before going to bed. Curfew is at 0100 in Leesville and I couldn't see going in for an hour or so. Guess I'm just getting to be an old man. Can't just let myself go anymore. At least not unless you and I are alone together. Then I'm not quite so old. Can't be too old when you're around. You seem to give me young ideas. I loves you darling. Bet I could have shown you last night too.
I mentioned the 8th being gone. They moved out all day yesterday, all night, and are still going out in a steady stream this morning. They are headed for someplace in Texas for about 3 weeks. Supposed to come back about the 5th of Jan, so the rumors say. Boy honey, the camp sure looked like a ghost town last night. All the barracks standing dark and deserted, the P.X.'s empty, no line at all by the theater, only a dozen or so men in the Service Club and no one on the streets. Sure seemed funny.
The 710 Tk.Bn. that's Grafton's outfit, had their move cancelled for a while, so the 710th and ours are the only outfits left in North Camp Polk as far as I know.
Rumor has it that the 710th will now leave for P.O.E. port of embarkation, along the first of the year. These rumors sure do fly and very few of them are true. An outfit of engineers went out in place of the 710th this last time. Hard to tell who will be next.
These two outfits are really orphans now. All but two P.X.'s will be closed, only one theater will be open, no church at all. They are taking those that want to go, to South Camp today. No post office. Our mail will probably come from South Camp or Leesville now. No Service Club or anything. Leaves us kind of stranded in the woods until the 8th comes back, if they do. Won't make much difference I guess. From what they told us yesterday, said that if we wanted to go out, we had better get it done this weekend because next week we would be working_______. Just left it that way. Didn't say anything about following weeks. the schedule calls for several days in the field next week. Don't know if I will be out or not. If I am you may miss some letters. I'm always telling you this, just so you may have an idea of what is coming. Of course, I never know for sure, so when you don't don't get letters for several days, you can be sure I'm out and haven't a chance to write.
Gosh sweetheart, this sure is a hell of a lazy looking bunch of soldiers this morning. Nearly every one of them is in this morning and all but a few are still sleeping like babies and it's 1000. Only a few even got up for breakfast. You can bet I was one of them. Gotta have my breakfast you know. Had 4 fried eggs, sausage, toast & coffee and Wheaties. Sounds good doesn't it? I think on the average they are feeding us better than they did when we first came here. Either the scales are crazy or I am gaining a little again. Back to 190 just like when I was home on furlough. Getting so I'm not hungry for any meal but breakfast again. Feeling swell honey, and only waiting for another honeymoon. A good long one lasting for life, to be perfectly happy.
I do miss you a lot and love you more than ever. You're very nice to have around. Even when I get half drunk on beer, I still miss you. Wouldn't be any use of me drinking to forget you. Only makes me think more of you. Maybe that isn't so strange because a lot of our courting was done at drinking parties. Some day I'll write a letter about what I remember of those good old parties. Some very nice memories from some of them.
I see from one of the Sunday papers, I bought two of them, funnies you know, that they are putting off the taking of pre-Pearl Harbor fathers. I hope that means Gus [Maitland] won't have to go after all. If they do as they say and leave those from 25-30 until the very last, he may yet miss the whole business. I sure hope so.
Didn't get a letter from you yesterday but I imagine I'll get a couple today. I still have your Tues. letter to answer. I'll do that now and then wait until after mail call to finish this letter.
The "expert" means that I qualified as an expert marksman on the particular gun we fired that day. It means I would be eligible to wear a marksman medal if I wanted to. You've seen soldiers wearing them. Square medal with little bars hung on short chain under them. Each bar has the name of the kind of arm you are "expert" in. I don't like them and unless they issue them I won't have any. That one was the Thompson sub-machine gun, or "Tommy Gun" as it is commonly known.
Whenever you have some questions honey, don't be bashful about asking them. There are probably lots of things I don't explain or tell you much about. If you ask me I'll try to tell you all I can. You know I always did need a little priming before I talked very much. You always asked plenty of questions but in your letters you don't seem to.
Don't you be saying your letters aren't worth answering. I won't stand for it. They're very nice letters and I love every word of them. If you think I'm kidding you just quit writing and you'll be able to hear me screaming way up there. Your letters are swell, very much like you. Sweet, natural, loving, generous, most of the time, and then sometimes, a bit "catty" and "bitchy", but they are all swell. I wouldn't miss them for anything but the privilege of being with you.
We just had mail call. Got your Wed. letter and another package from Hazel. Started to open it and all the stickers said "Halt"! Wait until Christmas. So I stowed them away in a barracks bag. That bag is getting rather full. Think I could answer for Santa Claus. I'm working on it though, the eats I mean.
Having a chicken dinner so I didn't "fess" much this morning but I won't eat any supper so I'll sure work on it this afternoon. Boy honey, that stuff tastes good. You're a sweet old devil and I love you. There are a lot of boxes coming in but so far I think I've gotten the biggest one. I thought for a bit you must have sent yourself. Wish you could get here that easily.
I guess I better stop or I'll have to put two stamps on this one. I love you honey. Bye now until tomorrow.
Your soldier.
My Darling Wife;
I was a very wayward husband last night and didn't even write you a note. I'll write a good long one today to kinda make up.
I had to make a trip to the P.X. for cigarettes and etc, Intended to come straight back to the barracks and do some reading and writing but didn't. I'm like my wife, I can't resist a bottle or two or more of beer and when I get a few I don't care what happens.
I got to the P.X. and the place was nearly deserted. The 8th has moved out. Sgt Rintleman and a couple other Sgts. from our old outfit were sitting there drinking beer and I was invited to join them. I did and one beer led to another and one story to another until I didn't care if I wrote to my honey or not. Probably would have been a screwy letter if I had managed to write one. I felt more like that than writing.
Well anyhow, the party started early, about 1800 and it was 2300 when I got back to the barracks. Even then I darn near didn't get back that quick. The others got the crazy idea of going to Leesville yet, at that time of night. I was feeling plenty good, but not quite that good so I broke away and came back to the barracks to do my laundry before going to bed. Curfew is at 0100 in Leesville and I couldn't see going in for an hour or so. Guess I'm just getting to be an old man. Can't just let myself go anymore. At least not unless you and I are alone together. Then I'm not quite so old. Can't be too old when you're around. You seem to give me young ideas. I loves you darling. Bet I could have shown you last night too.
I mentioned the 8th being gone. They moved out all day yesterday, all night, and are still going out in a steady stream this morning. They are headed for someplace in Texas for about 3 weeks. Supposed to come back about the 5th of Jan, so the rumors say. Boy honey, the camp sure looked like a ghost town last night. All the barracks standing dark and deserted, the P.X.'s empty, no line at all by the theater, only a dozen or so men in the Service Club and no one on the streets. Sure seemed funny.
The 710 Tk.Bn. that's Grafton's outfit, had their move cancelled for a while, so the 710th and ours are the only outfits left in North Camp Polk as far as I know.
Rumor has it that the 710th will now leave for P.O.E. port of embarkation, along the first of the year. These rumors sure do fly and very few of them are true. An outfit of engineers went out in place of the 710th this last time. Hard to tell who will be next.
These two outfits are really orphans now. All but two P.X.'s will be closed, only one theater will be open, no church at all. They are taking those that want to go, to South Camp today. No post office. Our mail will probably come from South Camp or Leesville now. No Service Club or anything. Leaves us kind of stranded in the woods until the 8th comes back, if they do. Won't make much difference I guess. From what they told us yesterday, said that if we wanted to go out, we had better get it done this weekend because next week we would be working_______. Just left it that way. Didn't say anything about following weeks. the schedule calls for several days in the field next week. Don't know if I will be out or not. If I am you may miss some letters. I'm always telling you this, just so you may have an idea of what is coming. Of course, I never know for sure, so when you don't don't get letters for several days, you can be sure I'm out and haven't a chance to write.
Gosh sweetheart, this sure is a hell of a lazy looking bunch of soldiers this morning. Nearly every one of them is in this morning and all but a few are still sleeping like babies and it's 1000. Only a few even got up for breakfast. You can bet I was one of them. Gotta have my breakfast you know. Had 4 fried eggs, sausage, toast & coffee and Wheaties. Sounds good doesn't it? I think on the average they are feeding us better than they did when we first came here. Either the scales are crazy or I am gaining a little again. Back to 190 just like when I was home on furlough. Getting so I'm not hungry for any meal but breakfast again. Feeling swell honey, and only waiting for another honeymoon. A good long one lasting for life, to be perfectly happy.
I do miss you a lot and love you more than ever. You're very nice to have around. Even when I get half drunk on beer, I still miss you. Wouldn't be any use of me drinking to forget you. Only makes me think more of you. Maybe that isn't so strange because a lot of our courting was done at drinking parties. Some day I'll write a letter about what I remember of those good old parties. Some very nice memories from some of them.
I see from one of the Sunday papers, I bought two of them, funnies you know, that they are putting off the taking of pre-Pearl Harbor fathers. I hope that means Gus [Maitland] won't have to go after all. If they do as they say and leave those from 25-30 until the very last, he may yet miss the whole business. I sure hope so.
Didn't get a letter from you yesterday but I imagine I'll get a couple today. I still have your Tues. letter to answer. I'll do that now and then wait until after mail call to finish this letter.
The "expert" means that I qualified as an expert marksman on the particular gun we fired that day. It means I would be eligible to wear a marksman medal if I wanted to. You've seen soldiers wearing them. Square medal with little bars hung on short chain under them. Each bar has the name of the kind of arm you are "expert" in. I don't like them and unless they issue them I won't have any. That one was the Thompson sub-machine gun, or "Tommy Gun" as it is commonly known.
Whenever you have some questions honey, don't be bashful about asking them. There are probably lots of things I don't explain or tell you much about. If you ask me I'll try to tell you all I can. You know I always did need a little priming before I talked very much. You always asked plenty of questions but in your letters you don't seem to.
Don't you be saying your letters aren't worth answering. I won't stand for it. They're very nice letters and I love every word of them. If you think I'm kidding you just quit writing and you'll be able to hear me screaming way up there. Your letters are swell, very much like you. Sweet, natural, loving, generous, most of the time, and then sometimes, a bit "catty" and "bitchy", but they are all swell. I wouldn't miss them for anything but the privilege of being with you.
We just had mail call. Got your Wed. letter and another package from Hazel. Started to open it and all the stickers said "Halt"! Wait until Christmas. So I stowed them away in a barracks bag. That bag is getting rather full. Think I could answer for Santa Claus. I'm working on it though, the eats I mean.
Having a chicken dinner so I didn't "fess" much this morning but I won't eat any supper so I'll sure work on it this afternoon. Boy honey, that stuff tastes good. You're a sweet old devil and I love you. There are a lot of boxes coming in but so far I think I've gotten the biggest one. I thought for a bit you must have sent yourself. Wish you could get here that easily.
I guess I better stop or I'll have to put two stamps on this one. I love you honey. Bye now until tomorrow.
Your soldier.
Letter # 150 December 10, 1943
Dec. 10, 1943
Fri. night
My Darling Wife;
Had quite a day in the field today. Rather uneventful until we arrived at the problem area. Very stormy looking gray day, misting part of the time and the ground was wet enough that there was no dust. We got to the firing area and one of the tanks was flipping an orange flag which means they are out of action and need mechanical help. They were on the far side of a small creek so we started out to find a place to cross. Well the driver thought he could make it at a place where a tank had gone across but he didn't. Got halfway through and the half track was in to the top of the front wheels in quicksand.
I left the driver and one other fellow to get it out with the winch and I went to answer the S.O.S. on foot. They had sheared all the bolts out of one drive sprocket. Didn't have any tools to extract the broken bolts so I sent them in as a cripple. They made it back to camp by taking it slow. I sent a peep along to bring them help in case they didn't.
I had all the responsibility myself today. The Lt. wasn't with us. I guess they think that now I'm a sgt. I can take care of my own troubles. When I went back to the half track it was still in the mud and they had broken the winch so I signaled for a tank to come back and give us a lift. By this time they were in the middle of their problem so we had to wait until that was over. Then one of them came back and hauled us out. Had to haul us out of another creek before we caught up to the rest of the tanks. They were serving chow then so we fell to.
We've been having enough rain lately that the country is getting treacherous. In all six tanks got stuck today. Land that looks as solid as a road will just seem to open up when a tank goes over it. Cut tracks a foot deep almost everywhere. Going to be fun if it keeps on raining. The temperature is funny, when it's clear it is cool but on these rainy days it is almost hot and sultry as hell. Expect it was almost 80 degrees today.
Well to go on with the story, there was another tank flying an orange flag so when we finished eating we went over to investigate. Couldn't crank the engine at all. Looked around a bit and decided the engine had gotten too hot and froze up. Worked on it a while and finally got it loosened up but it had burned out a couple rods so it was casualty no. 2. Had to be towed in. The rest of the tanks went on in and we rigged up a cable hitch from one good tank to the cripple and started crawling in. Took us about 4 hours to make the 30 miles back to camp, but we brought her in. Brownie looked at it and said, "Well, that's one way of getting another new engine."
So that's the story of another day in the field. Not having as good luck as I did the first time or two. If we keep on we'll have them in shape yet. This will make 5 new engines we've gotten up to now. Send most of them to ordinance shop because we just don't have time to do it ourselves. Sooner do it ourselves because, if I do say it, we do a better job. We have to keep them running and if put in properly they give less trouble. The one we did put in is the best tank in the outfit now. Runs like a new one.
I guess that's enough of this kind of stuff. You probably can't enjoy it very much but I have to write something and you said you wanted to know all about what I'm doing. You probably get more kick out of a letter like that naughty one of a couple days ago. Want some more like it?
I got your Tues. letter today and one from Vi.
I got time to open your package and the others also although I haven't as yet sampled them very thoroughly. Everything is in good shape and sure is swell. I've got a whole barracks bag full of eats. Boy am I going to have fun. Also have some Life magazines and Parades and funnies to read. Thanks a lot sweetheart. You're a very swell wife to send me so much. I love you.
I think the cards are good but, as you say, next time we'll have to make some special Christmas photos. These will do very nicely for this time. I think my honey is a very good looking gal in that picture.
Remember the picture you sent to give me an idea of what you looked like tending the furnace? Well, I found one I think is probably closer to it. The legs and "titties" look more like you and also the idea is closer. You always did have such damn cold feet. Wish I could have you warming them on me, like the old times, rather than on the furnace.
Well darling, I'm running out of paper and I didn't comment on your letters. Guess I'll leave that for tomorrow because I want to tell you a very important little something on the rest of this sheet.
I know a very sweet young lady that sent me packages and love letters and even money and even says she loves me, that I love very, very much and miss her like hell. Night Tootsie Wuggles. I love you.
your hubby
Fri. night
My Darling Wife;
Had quite a day in the field today. Rather uneventful until we arrived at the problem area. Very stormy looking gray day, misting part of the time and the ground was wet enough that there was no dust. We got to the firing area and one of the tanks was flipping an orange flag which means they are out of action and need mechanical help. They were on the far side of a small creek so we started out to find a place to cross. Well the driver thought he could make it at a place where a tank had gone across but he didn't. Got halfway through and the half track was in to the top of the front wheels in quicksand.
I left the driver and one other fellow to get it out with the winch and I went to answer the S.O.S. on foot. They had sheared all the bolts out of one drive sprocket. Didn't have any tools to extract the broken bolts so I sent them in as a cripple. They made it back to camp by taking it slow. I sent a peep along to bring them help in case they didn't.
I had all the responsibility myself today. The Lt. wasn't with us. I guess they think that now I'm a sgt. I can take care of my own troubles. When I went back to the half track it was still in the mud and they had broken the winch so I signaled for a tank to come back and give us a lift. By this time they were in the middle of their problem so we had to wait until that was over. Then one of them came back and hauled us out. Had to haul us out of another creek before we caught up to the rest of the tanks. They were serving chow then so we fell to.
We've been having enough rain lately that the country is getting treacherous. In all six tanks got stuck today. Land that looks as solid as a road will just seem to open up when a tank goes over it. Cut tracks a foot deep almost everywhere. Going to be fun if it keeps on raining. The temperature is funny, when it's clear it is cool but on these rainy days it is almost hot and sultry as hell. Expect it was almost 80 degrees today.
Well to go on with the story, there was another tank flying an orange flag so when we finished eating we went over to investigate. Couldn't crank the engine at all. Looked around a bit and decided the engine had gotten too hot and froze up. Worked on it a while and finally got it loosened up but it had burned out a couple rods so it was casualty no. 2. Had to be towed in. The rest of the tanks went on in and we rigged up a cable hitch from one good tank to the cripple and started crawling in. Took us about 4 hours to make the 30 miles back to camp, but we brought her in. Brownie looked at it and said, "Well, that's one way of getting another new engine."
So that's the story of another day in the field. Not having as good luck as I did the first time or two. If we keep on we'll have them in shape yet. This will make 5 new engines we've gotten up to now. Send most of them to ordinance shop because we just don't have time to do it ourselves. Sooner do it ourselves because, if I do say it, we do a better job. We have to keep them running and if put in properly they give less trouble. The one we did put in is the best tank in the outfit now. Runs like a new one.
I guess that's enough of this kind of stuff. You probably can't enjoy it very much but I have to write something and you said you wanted to know all about what I'm doing. You probably get more kick out of a letter like that naughty one of a couple days ago. Want some more like it?
I got your Tues. letter today and one from Vi.
I got time to open your package and the others also although I haven't as yet sampled them very thoroughly. Everything is in good shape and sure is swell. I've got a whole barracks bag full of eats. Boy am I going to have fun. Also have some Life magazines and Parades and funnies to read. Thanks a lot sweetheart. You're a very swell wife to send me so much. I love you.
I think the cards are good but, as you say, next time we'll have to make some special Christmas photos. These will do very nicely for this time. I think my honey is a very good looking gal in that picture.
Remember the picture you sent to give me an idea of what you looked like tending the furnace? Well, I found one I think is probably closer to it. The legs and "titties" look more like you and also the idea is closer. You always did have such damn cold feet. Wish I could have you warming them on me, like the old times, rather than on the furnace.
Well darling, I'm running out of paper and I didn't comment on your letters. Guess I'll leave that for tomorrow because I want to tell you a very important little something on the rest of this sheet.
I know a very sweet young lady that sent me packages and love letters and even money and even says she loves me, that I love very, very much and miss her like hell. Night Tootsie Wuggles. I love you.
your hubby
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Letter # 149 December 9, 1943
Dec 9, 1943
Thurs Eve.
My Darling Wife;
I'm afraid this is going to be cut a little short. We just got done at about 2030 so it's only a few minutes until lights go out. Of course I could go down to the crapper and write but I still have my personnel hygiene to take care of and then I guess I better go to bed. Will maybe have a tough day tomorrow. I go out with the tanks on some sort of problem or other. Just for tomorrow. Be back in at night.
I got a letter and a great big box from you today. You must have sent the whole place to me. You see I haven't had time to open it yet so I don't know what you did send. I'll get to that tomorrow. Meanwhile I can wonder. I'll have a big time opening all these packages. I haven't as yet opened the ones from Hazel & Mom or the South Pike Club. Got a whole barracks bag full of packages. I may be in the army and far away from home, but it sure looks like I should have plenty of Christmas. Won't lack anything but a wife. I don't like that but I'll get along I guess. We have lots more of them coming after I'm home again.
So you got an explanation of the gift from Mrs. Wilkerson and you had already opened it. I bet you'd have been wild if you had to wait until Christmas Day. Wouldn't you? Yes honey, I would like to go back there some day. We had such a swell time and they were so nice. Don't find too many like them. There will always be a warm spot in my heart for the place and them. I sure had a swell time there. Wouldn't mind repeating a bit. Have to make that another date for some time in the future. I'll have you all dated up yet. Only hope I can afford to keep all the dates I'm making.
Don't fret about me not getting enough sleep. I get plenty. More than I did at home, but of course, I don't have any loving to help keep me going. It helps a lot too.
Honey, if you had spent that much money for a dog tag chain, I believe I'd have spanked you. The silver one cost you plenty. Don't worry, I'll wear it. I'll save it for special occasions. Like coming to see you and use the other one for work.
I'll say night for now sweetheart. Will write about the presents and properly thank you for being so sweet when I have more time and can do it better. I loves you darling.
your hubby.
Thurs Eve.
My Darling Wife;
I'm afraid this is going to be cut a little short. We just got done at about 2030 so it's only a few minutes until lights go out. Of course I could go down to the crapper and write but I still have my personnel hygiene to take care of and then I guess I better go to bed. Will maybe have a tough day tomorrow. I go out with the tanks on some sort of problem or other. Just for tomorrow. Be back in at night.
I got a letter and a great big box from you today. You must have sent the whole place to me. You see I haven't had time to open it yet so I don't know what you did send. I'll get to that tomorrow. Meanwhile I can wonder. I'll have a big time opening all these packages. I haven't as yet opened the ones from Hazel & Mom or the South Pike Club. Got a whole barracks bag full of packages. I may be in the army and far away from home, but it sure looks like I should have plenty of Christmas. Won't lack anything but a wife. I don't like that but I'll get along I guess. We have lots more of them coming after I'm home again.
So you got an explanation of the gift from Mrs. Wilkerson and you had already opened it. I bet you'd have been wild if you had to wait until Christmas Day. Wouldn't you? Yes honey, I would like to go back there some day. We had such a swell time and they were so nice. Don't find too many like them. There will always be a warm spot in my heart for the place and them. I sure had a swell time there. Wouldn't mind repeating a bit. Have to make that another date for some time in the future. I'll have you all dated up yet. Only hope I can afford to keep all the dates I'm making.
Don't fret about me not getting enough sleep. I get plenty. More than I did at home, but of course, I don't have any loving to help keep me going. It helps a lot too.
Honey, if you had spent that much money for a dog tag chain, I believe I'd have spanked you. The silver one cost you plenty. Don't worry, I'll wear it. I'll save it for special occasions. Like coming to see you and use the other one for work.
I'll say night for now sweetheart. Will write about the presents and properly thank you for being so sweet when I have more time and can do it better. I loves you darling.
your hubby.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Letter # 148 December 8, 1943
Dec 8, 1943
Hello my darling wife;
Had a very quiet but busy day in the garage today. Brownie and I had three tanks that stayed in to work on. Maybe three doesn't sound like many for two men, but it's plenty when it comes to repairing tanks.
The company has just come in, late 2030. I haven't yet seen Mac or anyone, so I don't know how many cripples we have this time. I bet it's plenty. Probably be plenty busy tomorrow. I've been sewing stripes on all evening, so far. Got part of them on but still have several to go. The army gave me four pair this time, so I won't have quite so many to buy. The ratings have been changing so fast it has taken most of the raise in pay to buy new chevrons. I'll have my clothes worn out from sewing stripes if I have to do it much more. Haven't yet issued but two of our insignia patches, so someday I'll have another job. I'll be an accomplished seamstress by the time I get out of this army.
By the way honey, if you think of it sometime you might send me a spool of black thread. Can't seem to buy any here in camp. Almost need it for the chevrons on my O.D.'s
Got two letters from you today. Your Sat & Sun ones, at least that's what you call them even if you did write both on Sunday. Listen honey, why don't you let the Sat. one go and just write one for the weekend? They always both get here the same day anyhow. When you're so busy you don't have to feel you should write every day. I like to get them but don't kill yourself honey. I don't write when I get too crowded, so why should you? At least you could cut out the Sat. one and it won't make a bit of difference. I haven't gotten but one letter on Tues. since I've been here. Your Sat & Sun. ones always get together on Wed. You'll have to slow down a bit anyhow sweetheart or you won't be able to furnish the padding for my sharp bones when we meet again, and then someone would be "hurtin" like she'd run into a door or something.
Maybe you can guess just about how wild I'll be from that letter I wrote last night. That sure was a naughty damn letter darling, but I just felt that way. For some reason or other I was ornery as hell. I could have screwed anything that would hold still. Good thing I wasn't in town or I might have spoiled a clean record. Honestly honey, the old thing stood up and drooled all evening and was in the same condition when I woke up this morning. I don't know why. He's very well behaved tonight. Guess he must have thought six weeks was long enough without any exercise. It was exactly six weeks to the day since he'd seen you. Maybe now he'll behave until we see you again. I'll try to keep most of my letters a little more quotable than that one. I thought it was rather fun to write at least one real "dirty" nice one. Guess you can sure blackmail me with that one. However, all you can get is me and you already have me so I'm not worried a bit. I may even write a better of the same kind someday when I'm feeling especially ornery again.
I love you sweetheart and you can bet I'm going to show you good and hope the opportunity comes soon.
Glad you are having fun with your Christmas shopping. See, if you hadn't married me, you would always have money to spend. Aren't you sorry?
Glad to get the dope on Gleason. He must be in something I hadn't heard about. Only going to school for three or four months and then going on duty. Wish him luck. I bet the army would be tough on him.
So the Wilkersons haven't forgotten you yet. You must have made an impression there. Everyone seems to like my wife. Must be because she is so sweet. No wonder I love her. Other people don't know her like I do either. I'm sure lucky and glad I got you. I love you sweetheart.
I beat you a long time in seeing "Lady Takes A Chance". I saw that while I was at Knox. It was rather good entertainment. She's a teasing, good looking wench. Would do in a pinch but to me she still runs a poor race in comparison to you. I think you're just about perfect.
So Johnny finally got a release. Bet it's a relief to him. Shame he ever had to go when it ends up that way. We wouldn't like that even if it would bring me home. As long as we're both healthy, we can make up for this lost time later on, and I mean make up for it. There's going to be some swell times coming up. Better than we've ever known yet. Won't that be something?
It's time to say night for this time. I love you darling. Wish we could rehearse the little act I wrote last night. I'm loving and missing you gorgeous.
your hubby.
Hello my darling wife;
Had a very quiet but busy day in the garage today. Brownie and I had three tanks that stayed in to work on. Maybe three doesn't sound like many for two men, but it's plenty when it comes to repairing tanks.
The company has just come in, late 2030. I haven't yet seen Mac or anyone, so I don't know how many cripples we have this time. I bet it's plenty. Probably be plenty busy tomorrow. I've been sewing stripes on all evening, so far. Got part of them on but still have several to go. The army gave me four pair this time, so I won't have quite so many to buy. The ratings have been changing so fast it has taken most of the raise in pay to buy new chevrons. I'll have my clothes worn out from sewing stripes if I have to do it much more. Haven't yet issued but two of our insignia patches, so someday I'll have another job. I'll be an accomplished seamstress by the time I get out of this army.
By the way honey, if you think of it sometime you might send me a spool of black thread. Can't seem to buy any here in camp. Almost need it for the chevrons on my O.D.'s
Got two letters from you today. Your Sat & Sun ones, at least that's what you call them even if you did write both on Sunday. Listen honey, why don't you let the Sat. one go and just write one for the weekend? They always both get here the same day anyhow. When you're so busy you don't have to feel you should write every day. I like to get them but don't kill yourself honey. I don't write when I get too crowded, so why should you? At least you could cut out the Sat. one and it won't make a bit of difference. I haven't gotten but one letter on Tues. since I've been here. Your Sat & Sun. ones always get together on Wed. You'll have to slow down a bit anyhow sweetheart or you won't be able to furnish the padding for my sharp bones when we meet again, and then someone would be "hurtin" like she'd run into a door or something.
Maybe you can guess just about how wild I'll be from that letter I wrote last night. That sure was a naughty damn letter darling, but I just felt that way. For some reason or other I was ornery as hell. I could have screwed anything that would hold still. Good thing I wasn't in town or I might have spoiled a clean record. Honestly honey, the old thing stood up and drooled all evening and was in the same condition when I woke up this morning. I don't know why. He's very well behaved tonight. Guess he must have thought six weeks was long enough without any exercise. It was exactly six weeks to the day since he'd seen you. Maybe now he'll behave until we see you again. I'll try to keep most of my letters a little more quotable than that one. I thought it was rather fun to write at least one real "dirty" nice one. Guess you can sure blackmail me with that one. However, all you can get is me and you already have me so I'm not worried a bit. I may even write a better of the same kind someday when I'm feeling especially ornery again.
I love you sweetheart and you can bet I'm going to show you good and hope the opportunity comes soon.
Glad you are having fun with your Christmas shopping. See, if you hadn't married me, you would always have money to spend. Aren't you sorry?
Glad to get the dope on Gleason. He must be in something I hadn't heard about. Only going to school for three or four months and then going on duty. Wish him luck. I bet the army would be tough on him.
So the Wilkersons haven't forgotten you yet. You must have made an impression there. Everyone seems to like my wife. Must be because she is so sweet. No wonder I love her. Other people don't know her like I do either. I'm sure lucky and glad I got you. I love you sweetheart.
I beat you a long time in seeing "Lady Takes A Chance". I saw that while I was at Knox. It was rather good entertainment. She's a teasing, good looking wench. Would do in a pinch but to me she still runs a poor race in comparison to you. I think you're just about perfect.
So Johnny finally got a release. Bet it's a relief to him. Shame he ever had to go when it ends up that way. We wouldn't like that even if it would bring me home. As long as we're both healthy, we can make up for this lost time later on, and I mean make up for it. There's going to be some swell times coming up. Better than we've ever known yet. Won't that be something?
It's time to say night for this time. I love you darling. Wish we could rehearse the little act I wrote last night. I'm loving and missing you gorgeous.
your hubby.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Letter # 147 December 7, 1943
Dec 7, 1943
My Darling Wife;
Well maybe I can get caught up on your letters tonight. Got through early for a change, it's only 1800 now, and I didn't get a letter from you, so I just have your Wed, Thurs, & Friday ones to answer. They changed the schedule and went out today and will be back tomorrow night. Somehow, I missed the field detail and stayed in with Brownie. All the rest of the mechanics are out. Only about a dozen men around the barracks tonight. Seems rather strange and quiet. I like it this way. It's usually a bit noisy and overpopulated to suit me.
I like to spend the evenings with just one other person. That person is a very swell young woman, who answers to various pet names, Tootsie Wuggles, Gorgeous, Chubbins, Mummy, sweetheart, darling, honey, tits, chubby, and even old devil and bitch. They all fit most of the time, but the one I like best of all isn't in that list and isn't exactly a pet name. My choice is Wife, honey. That one word sure means a lot to me when it's applied to you. I still get a thrill from addressing a letter to Mrs. Velma Effinger. I don't know how I happened to get such a swell wife, but I'm not worrying about it. Perfectly satisfied to leave it the way it is. What I've been trying to tell you in a roundabout fashion is, I love you sweetheart, and that I'll be more than glad when I can come back and live with you again. You're sweet.
I haven't seen any of the Knox fellows for quite some time and I have never seen Gus or Ernie or Angie since I've been back. Sometimes on Sunday I plan to look them up but by the time I do my chores & writing, I just get too lazy and probably I get hold of a magazine or bunch of funnies or something and before I know it, the day is gone. Maybe someday I'll get up ambition enough. That's one thing about life in the army that still seems funny to me. Or maybe it isn't just the army, maybe it's since I've been married. Before that I would go to almost any trouble to see good friends, but now I seem to have changed. Maybe it's because I see so many different fellows all the time and none of them become really fast friends or maybe it's because there is only one person I want to see very badly. You know who that person is without me telling you. I love you darling. Just some more of my thoughts, doesn't mean much. I'll see them some of these days.
Don't worry about me coming home for you to support. I don't think I would like that very much. You'd probably be too tired to love me properly. Believe me honey, I'd do most anything to make it possible for you to love me and take care of me properly. Almost go over the hill even if it would do any good. One of the biggest reasons I try to stay on the G.I. ball is so I will have a clean record and then maybe when the time comes, I can come home to you a little sooner.
I really can't imagine how I have changed so much, that other people can see it, but if I have, I'm glad it's for the better. Anyhow, you can take all the credit for any change in me. This love and marriage business with the right gal is great stuff. Changes everything and makes life lots more interesting and worthwhile. I laugh at myself, years ago, saying that I wasn't interested in getting married. I wanted to be free and not have any kind of binding tie with any one. I just didn't know what I was talking about. Sure am glad you came along and changed my mind for me. Just think honey, there was a time when I didn't even like you. Thought you were a stuck up little bitch and now I think you're the best little wife in the world. I'm right too. I loves you.
I think you're a little twisted about your sleeping business. You say there isn't any use sleeping because I'm not there to sleep with you. Believe me, you nice, soft, chubby, exciting thing, if I were there you wouldn't sleep all the time either. I'd bother you and keep you from going to sleep for a while every night and wake you up and bother you again in the morning, if you didn't growl too much.
You know, roll up tight against you, from the back, reach a hand over and rub and pet your titties, nice big ones, and then let my hand wander down over a nice pudgy belly, to a patch of hair with a nice, soft, warm "thing" in the middle, between a nice pair of legs that can open up and squeeze me when mummy gets warmed up enough. After a few minutes of that and something poking you in the butt, you roll over and face me, begin kissing me, nice juicy, passionate kisses with, once in a while, a warm, sweet tongue, darting in tickling and withdrawing. My hand still feeling and tickling that nice, now hot, soft and moist thing between now spreading legs. Then mummy presses a nice, soft, big tit up toward my face and I, more than willing, take a nipple in my mouth, suck and chew it passionately. A little more of that and mummy really spreads her legs, throwing one up over me and then her hand slips down to squeeze, pet and see if the "old thing" is ready for business. He usually is, so she says, "Let's do it" and maybe she puts the old thing where he wants to go, or maybe she just rolls over on her back, legs spread and arms stretched out, waiting to hug me, titties laying in flattened, exciting curves with nipples hard and big with passion, or maybe she wants me on my back and she kneels above me, with titties hanging down in my face, just inviting me to chew them, which I do. If I don't she sometimes presses them against my mouth and I never refuse them. Then she begins to take the old thing, slowly, at first, and then faster and more, until she has it all. Begins to work back and forth, sometimes fast, sometimes slow and sometimes pausing to sigh and rest and then I get in a few pushes and wiggles. Soon mummy gets really passionate and works the old thing back and forth swiftly and then she heaves a satisfied sigh and lays still and tense, all quivering and gripping the old thing inside. A last wild plunge and the old thing begins to throb and the products of love are sown. We separate and lay side by side in perfect contentment for a while and then maybe do it all over again or maybe go to sleep very happy.
Boy oh Boy, sweetheart, it's a grand life. I loves to love you. Isn't this a nasty letter? But it's the way I feel tonight. Like that night in Michigan, only worse. I don't even have you here to kiss and hug and pet, to say nothing of the rest.
So you are getting your Christmas presents already. If you aren't careful you won't have anything at Christmas unless you can tune in and receive my loving and thoughts of you, and call them presents.
What do you mean you can see me reading your letter and being bored? You're nuts. I like to know what you are doing. Just another way I've changed. You're letters could never bore me darling.
You can be assured that I will enjoy your presents as much as you enjoy getting them for me. It'll be a tie between us, and make us seem a little closer together.
Well honey, I guess that covers your letters with a little extra added. This may be a naughty letter but I think you may be able to guess from it, that I love you and miss you a lot. You'll have to burn this one. Anyone get hold of this would get a kick out of it. Night honey. I love you and love you and miss you.
your passionate lover.
My Darling Wife;
Well maybe I can get caught up on your letters tonight. Got through early for a change, it's only 1800 now, and I didn't get a letter from you, so I just have your Wed, Thurs, & Friday ones to answer. They changed the schedule and went out today and will be back tomorrow night. Somehow, I missed the field detail and stayed in with Brownie. All the rest of the mechanics are out. Only about a dozen men around the barracks tonight. Seems rather strange and quiet. I like it this way. It's usually a bit noisy and overpopulated to suit me.
I like to spend the evenings with just one other person. That person is a very swell young woman, who answers to various pet names, Tootsie Wuggles, Gorgeous, Chubbins, Mummy, sweetheart, darling, honey, tits, chubby, and even old devil and bitch. They all fit most of the time, but the one I like best of all isn't in that list and isn't exactly a pet name. My choice is Wife, honey. That one word sure means a lot to me when it's applied to you. I still get a thrill from addressing a letter to Mrs. Velma Effinger. I don't know how I happened to get such a swell wife, but I'm not worrying about it. Perfectly satisfied to leave it the way it is. What I've been trying to tell you in a roundabout fashion is, I love you sweetheart, and that I'll be more than glad when I can come back and live with you again. You're sweet.
I haven't seen any of the Knox fellows for quite some time and I have never seen Gus or Ernie or Angie since I've been back. Sometimes on Sunday I plan to look them up but by the time I do my chores & writing, I just get too lazy and probably I get hold of a magazine or bunch of funnies or something and before I know it, the day is gone. Maybe someday I'll get up ambition enough. That's one thing about life in the army that still seems funny to me. Or maybe it isn't just the army, maybe it's since I've been married. Before that I would go to almost any trouble to see good friends, but now I seem to have changed. Maybe it's because I see so many different fellows all the time and none of them become really fast friends or maybe it's because there is only one person I want to see very badly. You know who that person is without me telling you. I love you darling. Just some more of my thoughts, doesn't mean much. I'll see them some of these days.
Don't worry about me coming home for you to support. I don't think I would like that very much. You'd probably be too tired to love me properly. Believe me honey, I'd do most anything to make it possible for you to love me and take care of me properly. Almost go over the hill even if it would do any good. One of the biggest reasons I try to stay on the G.I. ball is so I will have a clean record and then maybe when the time comes, I can come home to you a little sooner.
I really can't imagine how I have changed so much, that other people can see it, but if I have, I'm glad it's for the better. Anyhow, you can take all the credit for any change in me. This love and marriage business with the right gal is great stuff. Changes everything and makes life lots more interesting and worthwhile. I laugh at myself, years ago, saying that I wasn't interested in getting married. I wanted to be free and not have any kind of binding tie with any one. I just didn't know what I was talking about. Sure am glad you came along and changed my mind for me. Just think honey, there was a time when I didn't even like you. Thought you were a stuck up little bitch and now I think you're the best little wife in the world. I'm right too. I loves you.
I think you're a little twisted about your sleeping business. You say there isn't any use sleeping because I'm not there to sleep with you. Believe me, you nice, soft, chubby, exciting thing, if I were there you wouldn't sleep all the time either. I'd bother you and keep you from going to sleep for a while every night and wake you up and bother you again in the morning, if you didn't growl too much.
You know, roll up tight against you, from the back, reach a hand over and rub and pet your titties, nice big ones, and then let my hand wander down over a nice pudgy belly, to a patch of hair with a nice, soft, warm "thing" in the middle, between a nice pair of legs that can open up and squeeze me when mummy gets warmed up enough. After a few minutes of that and something poking you in the butt, you roll over and face me, begin kissing me, nice juicy, passionate kisses with, once in a while, a warm, sweet tongue, darting in tickling and withdrawing. My hand still feeling and tickling that nice, now hot, soft and moist thing between now spreading legs. Then mummy presses a nice, soft, big tit up toward my face and I, more than willing, take a nipple in my mouth, suck and chew it passionately. A little more of that and mummy really spreads her legs, throwing one up over me and then her hand slips down to squeeze, pet and see if the "old thing" is ready for business. He usually is, so she says, "Let's do it" and maybe she puts the old thing where he wants to go, or maybe she just rolls over on her back, legs spread and arms stretched out, waiting to hug me, titties laying in flattened, exciting curves with nipples hard and big with passion, or maybe she wants me on my back and she kneels above me, with titties hanging down in my face, just inviting me to chew them, which I do. If I don't she sometimes presses them against my mouth and I never refuse them. Then she begins to take the old thing, slowly, at first, and then faster and more, until she has it all. Begins to work back and forth, sometimes fast, sometimes slow and sometimes pausing to sigh and rest and then I get in a few pushes and wiggles. Soon mummy gets really passionate and works the old thing back and forth swiftly and then she heaves a satisfied sigh and lays still and tense, all quivering and gripping the old thing inside. A last wild plunge and the old thing begins to throb and the products of love are sown. We separate and lay side by side in perfect contentment for a while and then maybe do it all over again or maybe go to sleep very happy.
Boy oh Boy, sweetheart, it's a grand life. I loves to love you. Isn't this a nasty letter? But it's the way I feel tonight. Like that night in Michigan, only worse. I don't even have you here to kiss and hug and pet, to say nothing of the rest.
So you are getting your Christmas presents already. If you aren't careful you won't have anything at Christmas unless you can tune in and receive my loving and thoughts of you, and call them presents.
What do you mean you can see me reading your letter and being bored? You're nuts. I like to know what you are doing. Just another way I've changed. You're letters could never bore me darling.
You can be assured that I will enjoy your presents as much as you enjoy getting them for me. It'll be a tie between us, and make us seem a little closer together.
Well honey, I guess that covers your letters with a little extra added. This may be a naughty letter but I think you may be able to guess from it, that I love you and miss you a lot. You'll have to burn this one. Anyone get hold of this would get a kick out of it. Night honey. I love you and love you and miss you.
your passionate lover.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Letter # 146 December 6, 1943
Dec 6, 1943
Hello darling;
This is going to be another short note I'm afraid. We got through rather late and I had to sew on a couple sets of new stripes, attend another class on aircraft identification and now I'm trying to write and listen to a "breeze shooting session" at the same time.
Brownie and several of the boys are holding a session here again tonight. Of course, I had nothing to do with it. I'm afraid I started it and I can't seem to get rid of them now that I want to write. The way it started. I got my holiday edition of Esquire and it has pictures of the 12 gals on the Esquire calendar. Boy are they honeys. Some of them built almost as nice as you in places. Of course, they don't have a chubby belly, but that's about the only difference. Kinda gives a man ideas. Well to get on with the story, the pictures kinda caused a disturbance and that got the gang gathered. Then the shit began to fly again. The funny part is these sessions aren't like most in the army. Gals hardly ever get a mention. Just good clean tales of timber, cow punching, trucking and etc. They're fun but I don't like to short you on your letters. Maybe they won't happen too often.
I still have a couple of your letters to answer more fully and I got another today, your Friday one, so now I have three again. I'll get them answered someday honey.
I also got a package from Mom & Hazel and one from the South Pike Club today. Haven't opened them yet so I can't tell you about them. You probably know all about them anyhow. I'm sure being well taken care of. All this stuff now and you say you've sent some more. Boy! Here goes the old bay window again.
I showed Brownie some of our pictures tonight. He got a big laugh when he saw that one of you and I that the folks took the day before I left. He says I looked fatter than a hog at butchering time. He liked my wife too. I'm not the only one that thinks you're some gal. He also likes our home very much.
I guess you gathered that the T/4 is now authorized. Announced it today. There were only a few promotions given so I guess I was very lucky. Probably mostly due to Brownie. None of the others in the shop got anything. Boys all congratulated me. I imagine that is as high as I can go in this outfit.
We worked at the shop most all day. Just took about 2 hrs. off to run out to the range, do our firing, and come back. I'm still keeping about my same old record at shooting. Not too good, but not bad either. Made a score of 90 out of a possible hundred.
I'm not sure but I think we are going to be in the field for two or three days this week so if you miss some letters, that's the reason. Of course, it might possibly be a bull session but I don't think so. When they stop me before bedtime I usually take time to at least write you a note like tonight.
I guess I better go shit, shave & shower and get myself to bed. I'll try to write a good one tomorrow night.
I love you honey and I mean what I said about you and the Varga gals. They couldn't, even if real, be any more exciting to me than you are. If you were just a little more streamlined in a couple places, you'd put any of them to shame. When it comes to being a very swell wife you've got any of them beat a hell of a way. When it comes to loving______. They couldn't possibly be better than you are. Beside all that I like your chubby belly and big butt, so there too. That seems to make it certain that I'm very well satisfied with my darling wife and wouldn't trade her for any other gal, even a redhead, alive.
Wish I had that wife of mine in bed every night with me again. She's so nice and soft and warm to lay up against. Just fits. Bet she'd get petted and felt & loved and everything if she were. This still all means just one thing honey. I love you more and more all the time. You're so sweet and loving.
Night sweetheart. I loves you. Here's some long distance squeezing, kissing, and loving. Even a little chewing. Guess where? I love you darling.
your hubby.
I signed this one.
Hello darling;
This is going to be another short note I'm afraid. We got through rather late and I had to sew on a couple sets of new stripes, attend another class on aircraft identification and now I'm trying to write and listen to a "breeze shooting session" at the same time.
Brownie and several of the boys are holding a session here again tonight. Of course, I had nothing to do with it. I'm afraid I started it and I can't seem to get rid of them now that I want to write. The way it started. I got my holiday edition of Esquire and it has pictures of the 12 gals on the Esquire calendar. Boy are they honeys. Some of them built almost as nice as you in places. Of course, they don't have a chubby belly, but that's about the only difference. Kinda gives a man ideas. Well to get on with the story, the pictures kinda caused a disturbance and that got the gang gathered. Then the shit began to fly again. The funny part is these sessions aren't like most in the army. Gals hardly ever get a mention. Just good clean tales of timber, cow punching, trucking and etc. They're fun but I don't like to short you on your letters. Maybe they won't happen too often.
I still have a couple of your letters to answer more fully and I got another today, your Friday one, so now I have three again. I'll get them answered someday honey.
I also got a package from Mom & Hazel and one from the South Pike Club today. Haven't opened them yet so I can't tell you about them. You probably know all about them anyhow. I'm sure being well taken care of. All this stuff now and you say you've sent some more. Boy! Here goes the old bay window again.
I showed Brownie some of our pictures tonight. He got a big laugh when he saw that one of you and I that the folks took the day before I left. He says I looked fatter than a hog at butchering time. He liked my wife too. I'm not the only one that thinks you're some gal. He also likes our home very much.
I guess you gathered that the T/4 is now authorized. Announced it today. There were only a few promotions given so I guess I was very lucky. Probably mostly due to Brownie. None of the others in the shop got anything. Boys all congratulated me. I imagine that is as high as I can go in this outfit.
We worked at the shop most all day. Just took about 2 hrs. off to run out to the range, do our firing, and come back. I'm still keeping about my same old record at shooting. Not too good, but not bad either. Made a score of 90 out of a possible hundred.
I'm not sure but I think we are going to be in the field for two or three days this week so if you miss some letters, that's the reason. Of course, it might possibly be a bull session but I don't think so. When they stop me before bedtime I usually take time to at least write you a note like tonight.
I guess I better go shit, shave & shower and get myself to bed. I'll try to write a good one tomorrow night.
I love you honey and I mean what I said about you and the Varga gals. They couldn't, even if real, be any more exciting to me than you are. If you were just a little more streamlined in a couple places, you'd put any of them to shame. When it comes to being a very swell wife you've got any of them beat a hell of a way. When it comes to loving______. They couldn't possibly be better than you are. Beside all that I like your chubby belly and big butt, so there too. That seems to make it certain that I'm very well satisfied with my darling wife and wouldn't trade her for any other gal, even a redhead, alive.
Wish I had that wife of mine in bed every night with me again. She's so nice and soft and warm to lay up against. Just fits. Bet she'd get petted and felt & loved and everything if she were. This still all means just one thing honey. I love you more and more all the time. You're so sweet and loving.
Night sweetheart. I loves you. Here's some long distance squeezing, kissing, and loving. Even a little chewing. Guess where? I love you darling.
your hubby.
I signed this one.
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