Monday, August 30, 2010

Letter # 73 August 30, 1943

Aug. 30, 1943
Mon. eve.
Hello Dearest Wife;
Seems to be rather strange to be writing letters to you again. I'll have to learn all over again. It isn't nearly as satisfactory as our communications the last three weeks have been either. Boy that second honeymoon was swell and now I'm looking foreword to a third one. How about it, do you think it will be as much better than the second, as the second was better than the first? I told you I was out of practice at writing. Can't even get all the necessary words in a sentence anymore. This time I'll have the advantage. Nothing to do but lay around. Maybe I can do a little better. I'll try anyhow. You're a devil 24, or maybe more times. I kind of lost track. Guess I have to call you "hot potatoes mummy" from now on. Hope you had a nice trip home and weren't too tired. I went directly to the depot and caught a bus in about 5 minutes. Was back in camp at 3 P.M. I wandered around over by the bus station and bought one more roll of film, so I've got enough to start on.
Came back to camp and just laid around until bedtime. The boys were on the rampage and had several beds tied up to the ceiling and shoe strings and fatigues all tied in knots. You ought to have heard the cussing about midnight when the owners came in and saw what had happened. I wasn't in on it but still enjoyed it all.
School looks like it would be quite a bit more interesting this week and next. Both weeks in the electrical system. We have some instructors this time that seem to know something. I think we'll learn something. It was real interesting today.
Of course, not having been out late I was wide awake and could take it all in. You're hard on me. But I still wish you were here so you could continue being hard on me. I like it. I don't imagine you could guess from the way I acted, but I did like it. In fact I think I still love you a hell of a lot. I'll be ready to prove it again in about 5 weeks and 5 more days. If it wasn't for that I would be sorry to these days go by so fast but as it is they can't go too fast to suit me.
I love you honey and I'll sure be counting the days until Oct 9th when I'll be coming home to you for a few days. Boy will that be fun. Let's see, 15 days ought to net at least 30 or more don't you think? I'll rest up real good in the meantime.
Well honey I don't seem to have much to write so this is rather short.
Night honey, I loves you ever and ever so much.
your back to the army soldier.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Letter # 72 August 1, 1943

Aug 1, 1943
Hello darling wife;
I'm writing this on the train so excuse the slips. Hope you can read it. This track must be as rough as some of those army trails.
We got all packed up at 0900 and slung our barracks bags over our shoulders and walked over to the regimental hdq. It took until 1030 to get through all the army red tape. Boy they sure keep a check on all men. It would be easier to get out of the state pen than to get away from the army. We loaded bag & baggage and ourselves in trucks and took off for Leesville. I finally got a look at the infamous town. Even on Sunday it didn't look too good. We got our train at 1145 for Shreveport. I finally began to be sure I was on my way.
Dinner was served very soon after starting. We are on a regular train, two Pullman cars of soldiers, so we eat in the dining car and get their regular $1.00 meals. I walked in, took a look and was almost afraid to sit down. Snow white table clothes, nice china and glasses. Just didn't seem it could be for us. It was a very good meal and a real treat after all these weeks of army food in a mess hall or out in the field. Chicken on bread, vegetable salad, green string beans, pudding and iced tea, with ice floating around in it, imagine that. Supper was just as good. Ham, mashed potatoes, lettuce salad, fruit and more iced tea.
We got to Shreveport about 1630 and had a layover until 1800 so we took out to see the town. Found a dairy store first thing and boy did I make a pig of myself on ice cream and milk. Had a very nice, pretty, friendly waitress also. Not as nice as you but a hell of a lot closer. Good thing my time was limited.
Walked around town a while and then went back to the U.S.O. at the depot. Sat down at a table and a dandy red headed volunteer Red Cross worker came on the jump to take out order. I almost couldn't order for looking. Built like a brick shit house, nice looking, with a big friendly smile and red hair to boot. Boy honey if I wasn't in love with my wife, I believe I would be A.W.O.L. in Shreveport right now. That is of course if she would have agreed, which she probably wouldn't have. I don't know though. I'm a pretty good looking soldier if I keep my hat on.
I did overcome the desire and ordered a glass of iced tea and some cake. All free and with a smile. Later on in Texarcana we visited another U.S.O. Free drinks this time, no nice red head though. No kidding here honey, this is the first contact I've had with the U.S.O. but if they are all like these two, it is a swell organization. Nice lounge and writing tables, cards, stationery, ink and everything. Even take care of mailing. Magazines to read. Gives a soldier a nice place to kill time between trains.
We left Texarcana about 2030, just dusk and are now someplace in Arkansas on the route to St Louis.
I'm having another new experience tonight, sleeping in an upper berth. It's O.K. only plenty hot. There are no windows by the uppers. Three of us are sharing a double chair so two sleep in the lower and one in the upper. I didn't argue because I wanted to write you a letter and we are almost too crowded to do it while sitting. Beside that I guess I was unknowingly smart. The cinders blew in on them so bad they had to shut their windows and they are roasting with two to a berth. I'd just love to sleep with you in this berth, you couldn't get away, but not with another man. Wish you were here honey, but our time is coming. Every click of the wheels is that much closer to you. I get all excited just thinking about it. Good thing I'm sleeping alone.
I just had another good long look at some of your pictures. Honey you make me young again. Feel like I'll be hard to control. I love you a hell of a lot and even if I do look at others you're still tops and always will be. Nice looking, well built, a little pudgy but with nice soft, exciting curves, easy to live with, a little grouchy in the morning, but make up for it at night, very thoughtful, and sweet, intelligent, and above all you love me. What more could I want? I guess I love you, you old devil. Just wait and I'll prove it.
I hope you got the air mail letter in time so you don't sit by the phone for nothing. We'll probably get to Ft. Knox Mon aft. and I'll call you as soon as I get a chance, so you may hear from me before you get this letter. I hope so.
Glad to hear about Art & Marg & Mick & Louise. It would be grand to see them. They're swell to even think of going to all the trouble to come and see me.
Well honey I'll say nighty night for now. I'll mail this the first chance I get tomorrow. I love you honey and the way I feel now I would very easily dream you are here tonight.
I forgot to say you also have very nice legs.
Love. Norm